Insanity and vomiting due to workout?

Just saw a paid advertisement for Insanity. They advertise how incredibly difficult it is, but that it does offer great results because it works you hard, and I believe that.

One woman, who I assume is a real customer of Insanity, said on this advertisement that the very first day she did Insanity, she threw up.

No, really. Threw up.

Understandably, the point is that this is a really hard workout. However, I can't help but feel that if you're working out *so hard that you make yourself sick*, doesn't that mean you're working *too* hard? By no means am I suggesting Insanity is unhealthy either, but... is working yourself to the point of vomiting something to be proud of? What do you guys think?


  • KharismaticKayteh
    KharismaticKayteh Posts: 322 Member
    Shameless self-bump.
  • francesca0729
    It is what it is...I'm not sure what causes people to throw up after working out...the intensity, eating too close to the workout, maybe not enough hydration, or too much? I have no idea at all. I will say that I started insanity 2 days ago and I was nauseous all day but after eating breakfast today I figured out that it was the protein powder. I wanted to throw up about 10 minutes after breakfast. Just my I'm going to be careful about using that too close to the workout. On another note, that happens all the time on The Biggest Loser. I'd think it'd be different for someone who already works out, but maybe not.
  • kaymarie78
    kaymarie78 Posts: 104
    I didn't throw up my first day of Insanity...but that's just me. And it's definitely not something I'd strive to achieve because I'm not big on vomiting lol. But it could be dehydration, maybe eating close to workouts, etc. It's a very strenuous program, so there could be a number of reasons related to it.
  • myohana4
    myohana4 Posts: 205 Member
    I have totally felt nauseous after an intense workout and felt "off" all day long. It helped me to eat about 30-45 minutes something small and not exercise on an empty stomach.
  • stephl21uk
    stephl21uk Posts: 123 Member
    i use insanity and altho it makes me feel i wanna vomit i never have, but i have a strong stomach......some people must have very weak stomachs!
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I've only thrown up during a work out once, and it was because I ate too much for dinner. I just had too much in my body, and while I was running on the treadmill it all came up. I wasn't working too hard, but I'm sure that can happen.

    I've heard other people won't even drink while they are working out for this reason.
  • cjhart81
    cjhart81 Posts: 200 Member
    i use insanity and altho it makes me feel i wanna vomit i never have, but i have a strong stomach......some people must have very weak stomachs!

    yup this is the same for me..
  • razeak
    razeak Posts: 12
    It doesn't hurt you to throw up during a workout. A lot of factors can contribute.
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    Well, it depends on the workout. If I am drinking water during cardio, and then have to balance on the floor with my arms and legs up and all the weight is on my stomach, I suddenly regret those sips of water because they want to come back up :) When you first start working out, and don't have toned ab muscles, that's not very uncommon.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I've thrown up a little in my mouth a couple of times. For me, it's more about having just had some water and then doing something really REALLY intense. I don't actually feel sick. I'm lucky that I learn from my mistakes --- doing the rest of a workout with that bad taste in your mouth and the back of your throat is not recommended!
  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    I have vomited after a workout before but that was because I did not give myself enough time to digest my food before an intense workout. I am doing Insanity right now and let me tell you its definitely insane. I now wait a few hours after I eat to do it though or eat lighter.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Lactic threshold.
    Look it up.
  • Jerodhold
    When I first started working out, after a hard leg workout I'd feel like I wanted to vomit, I did a couple times, I normally felt like this if I worked out first thing in the morning with out eating anything, and I found out for myself anyways that if I eat about an hour before I worked out I wouldn't feel nauseous
  • MaryUdofia1
    MaryUdofia1 Posts: 3 Member
    if you exercise on an empty stomach you will throw up. I have thrown up after doing exercise on an empty stomach, that's how the body reacts when it hasn't got food to burn. I use to exercise in the morning very hard before eating but I would either throw up or feel dizzy, so i don't exercise before eating no more.
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    NO PAIN NO GAIN lol...but seriously if you eat anything substantial within an hour or sometimes even two, the first week of insanity you will be on the brink of spewing....That happens with any strenuous exercise. Biggest loser, Celeb fit club, and any other show with hard core workouts, you always see people throwing up their lunch....
  • jcpmoore
    jcpmoore Posts: 796 Member
    I wouldn't call it something to aspire to by any means. I've done it and that was hardly working, not working hard. A long time ago in my skinny days. Sometimes it can be as simple as not enough water or working out on an empty stomach. If you're concerned, contact your medical professional and ask about whether it's something to worry about for you. If you've never done it, then just know that when you start Insanity you might want to go easy the first day until you know what you're in for. Then put you're all into it when you know how to pace.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    hard work outs make me feel nauseous. I am not suprised. I hae gotten sick a few times like once in high school I ran track and after doing hills for like 30 minutes I just couldnt handle it. It really does help if you eat like an hour before your workout.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    I've only felt the urge to vomit after running a HILLY 5k without every training and only being able to run 1 mile prior to race day. (This was 5 years ago.) When I came out of the woods and could see the finish line in the distance and the time clock. . . i realized if I pushed I could finish in under 30:00 minutes. I ran so hard that last 200 or 300 yards. . .I almost puked at the end. I HAVE seen cross country kids puke at the end of that particular course (my son being one of them). So, extreme exertion may, in fact, have the effect. Especially on those under trained for the intensity.
  • gillz89
    gillz89 Posts: 81 Member
    if you exercise on an empty stomach you will throw up. I have thrown up after doing exercise on an empty stomach, that's how the body reacts when it hasn't got food to burn. I use to exercise in the morning very hard before eating but I would either throw up or feel dizzy, so i don't exercise before eating no more.

    I think that is why I threw up doing Insanity. I did it on an empty stomach because I thought that would make me feel less sick than I did when I tried it after eating. I know I wasn't dehydrated so, the empty stomach is the only possible reason. Now I don't work on on an empty stomach and I haven't had an issue since.
  • dirtydmvkid
    I've thrown up working out more times than I can remember. Lots of factors contribue to this. Being deyhdrated, hungover, still drunk :drinker: , and different supplements. If none of these are the case then (the way I see it) it just means you are pushing your body to its physical limit. I see no problem with it. Then again, being in the Marine Corps has skewed my views on a lot of things haha!