

  • I got prescription Lomotil that I take before all my long runs. It's similar to loperamide but a stronger. Good luck!
  • I would be careful with the medicated nasal spray. You don't want to use it for more than three days in a row as it can cause rebound congestion.
  • I wasn't able to access the article. I am very interested in reading this as I have been considering trying to change my running form. Could you copy and paste it in here or send it to me in a message?
  • In my opinion you will need heavier weights. I got the Selectechs that are adjustable, but rather expensive. You should at least get some 15s. During the Push phase I was using 30-35 lbs for the lower body exercises. The whole point of the program is to lift heavy to the point that you can't even do one more rep. I also…
  • Hi, I'm Ashley. I'm a pharmacy school student and also have a B.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics. I love the sciences and enjoy applying them to my weight loss. Going to have to check out the blog, seems like everyone really enjoys it!
  • Metformin is often times used off label for weight loss. To avoid the side effect of nausea your doctor should start you on a low dose (500 mg once daily) and increase the dosage slowly. Taking it with food should also help with the nausea.
  • So, I haven't posted in a while. Two weeks ago was a wash. Just didn't get done what I wanted. That seems to be my story lately. I think it's because I'm not signed up for any races (other than a beach 5k on the 19th). Think I need to commit to one of these upcoming races. I feel like I'm still in pretty good shape from my…
  • Hi, I'm Ashley. I just started running half marathons with dreams of a full.
  • Search for half marathon support group. We have a thread. Good luck! PS, just a quick training tip, if you're training on the treadmill set the incline to 1-2% to simulate actual outdoor running. I suggest training outside as much as possible, it's a little different than running on the treadmill. I know it's probably cold…
  • I used to go to this little coffee shop near my house to study, until...I asked for a nonfat frozen latte and I caught them using half and half in it! That's about as far from fat free as you can get. Started going to Starbucks after that.
  • You need to eat real food. 900 calories of weight loss shakes and vodka cruisers would leave me feeling weak too.
  • I don't necessarily disagree with you, but both of those studies were extremely small. The first one was 16 subjects, the second one 8 subjects. Puts their results into question.
  • The latest research shows that these supplements (Glucosamine/Chrondroitin) are not effective for relieving osteoarthritis of the knee. I'm in pharmacy school and my best friend did two research presentations on it and the more recent papers showed no difference from placebo.
  • Still having a hard time getting back into a groove with my training. Right now my plans for races have been changing, so I don't really have a definite plan in mind. Last week turned out pretty well. Got in three runs, three days of strength and a rest day. This week was a washout. I didn't wake up early on Tuesday or…
  • The two first ingredients are water and whey protein powder. It's a frozen protein shake. I kinda like it though. Ate like half a pint the other day.
  • Mlb - Congrats on the half. Sounds like it went well! Today was my long run, 7 miles. It went really well other than having jello legs from strength training yesterday. Felt great after and went out for a HUGE breakfast and drinks. I'm feeling better about my running, getting back into the groove after my last half. Also…
  • This is a little over 150 pounds (about 300 US dollars) but I love my Bowflex Selectech weights. I use them with ChaLEAN Extreme workout videos. It's mainly strength training but also comes with some cardio videos. LOVE it.
  • Search Runner's World. I read an article recently that said 90-95% of your calories should come from carbs for 3 days prior to the race. They even gave a sample menu. It was carbalicious!
  • Almond milk has way less protein than regular milk (almond milk has only 1g per cup while milk has 8g). But milk has sugars in it while unsweetened almond milk does not. So it depends on what you're looking for. Edit: I love almond milk in my protein shakes because it's so thick and creamy.
  • Is your scale a body fat percentage scale or a BMI scale. There is only one equation for BMI and it looks at height and weight. If your scale is telling you to get on with bare feet it may be using small electrical signals to calculate your body fat. These are two different things.
  • Today's run got rained away. After a disappointing run on Saturday and skipping Sunday due to a mini vacation I'm not sure I'm going to be ready. The half is on Thanksgiving. Who knows. Going to try a long run this weekend to see how it goes.
  • This week didn't go very well. My work schedule changed and now I really don't have time after work to run, so I have to do mornings. I hate mornings. I didn't wake up early enough to run the distance I had planned out, but I did run 3 days this week. My long run was pretty short, but it was what was on my schedule. I'm…
  • I love my Selectechs! I use them for ChaLEAN Extreme. I like that they are adjustable in 2.5 lb increments. I do not like when I'm trying to follow along with a video having to adjust them. I'm a little slow and sometimes miss the first repetition. Having a whole set of weight would be quicker, but would take up too much…
  • Today was a quick run. I was supposed to wake up early and go for about 5 miles with some speed work. Didn't wake up in time and the hubby decided he wanted to go too (he doesn't run long distances with me). So it turned into 2 miles with some sprinting intervals. It actually was a great run. I'm planning on including more…
  • Proteins are not complex carbs. Complex carbs are whole grain breads/pastas, legumes and starchy vegetables. These will release sugar into your blood stream more slowly and prevent a "crash" of your blood sugar. Proteins have much less of an effect on your blood sugar than carbs. You could also try a small simple…
  • And the Navy PRT is only a 1.5 mile run.
  • If you have low blood sugar, you're not diabetic. Diabetics get low blood sugar from taking anti-diabetic medications or insulin and not eating enough carbs with them. If you truly are hypoglycemic you should be eating 5-6 small meals a day, all containing some carbs. Adding protein, fat and fiber to your meals will slow…
  • Ran my first half-marathon today! Finished in 2:13:21, which is about what I was hoping for. I had a great time and I want more now! Thinking about doing one on Thanksgiving Day. Should I just start back over on a training plan or skip ahead a little because I already have a 23ish mile/week base? Or should I skip that one…
  • Tuesday I ran a short 2 miles with my husband, which was fun. I always enjoy when he's with me. Too bad he won't go a half marathon distance. Tomorrow I'm doing another 20ish minute workout then rest on Friday and race on Saturday. I'm really starting to get nervous now, but I'm really excited. As far as water goes I carry…
  • I'm on week for of the Burn circuit. I joined the other thread without really reading everything, so I'm sure you'd be welcome there. I know there are some other people in the burn circuit as well. I'm kinda following the meal plan. I have my weight loss set at 1/2 lb so I get 1500 calories per day, which is doable. I eat…