Please help with Chalean Extreme weights question!


I am planning to do Chalean Extreme sometime soon and I am unsure what kind of weights I will need. I have tried it in the past with the resistance bands and I did not like it. I generally like the bands but not for the Chalean workouts.

I got 3 sets of dumbbells. They are about 2.5lbs, 5lbs and 10lbs. Will that be ok or will I need heavier weights? I would love some adjustable ones but I am a student and investing in a set is not possible for me. I could probably afford one heavier set.

I am currently doing Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michales using the 2.5lbs dumbbells and they feel almost too light now but the next ones up are a bit too heavy for me. Could anyone advise what weights to get or if I will be ok with what I got?

I would appreciate any comments!
Thank you!



  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,550 Member
    My last time through ChaLean Extreme, I was using 15 & 20 pound weights for most of the exercises.

    But remember, she also shows you how you can use lighter weights and add extra resistance yourself if you only have the lighter weights.

    I hate the bands, I think they are a really easy way to hurt yourself!

    Best of luck:flowerforyou:

  • kat_renee
    kat_renee Posts: 131 Member
    I am on week 2 of the Push phase. :) I am using the same weights that you have and so far they are the perfect weight for me. Sometimes during the squats or when we are using the lower body muscles, I feel I could go heavier but she shows you how to make it feel like you do have heavier weights. I have noticed a change in my arms and legs for sure! For this round I think your ok with what you have, in the future when you go for another round you may want to go a bit higher, but for now your golden. Go luck on your journey.
  • KimAggie04
    KimAggie04 Posts: 165 Member
    I started the program this week, and I started with 3 & 5 lb weights. That afternoon I got 8 & 10 lb weights. I didn't feel challenged enough with the 3 & 5 for a few of the exercises. The amount of weight I used varied for each exercise. I suggest you do the first day's program and see how you feel. One day of lighter weights won't hurt you. It gave me a chance to work on my form.
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    When you get to PUSH you are going to need heavier weights. For example - I'm using minimum 8 lbs for warm-up, 10-12 lbs for flys, 15-20 lbs for shoulder presses, 20-25s for rows, 25 lbs (and could go higher but don't have heavier) for lower body squats/lunges. In the first phase you can get away with using lighter weights as the routine is done in sets...but in Push you are doing concentrated movements (meaning you are doing JUST a lunge, not lunge with an arm movement). In Lean you go back to sets again and using a bit lighter than in Push but if you really want to get the max out of this program you need to be lifting as heavy as you can during Push (and really, any other phase).
    Look on Craigslist - you might find someone selling a set of dumbbells on a rack for $50 or something. Who knows...just keep a lookout on there and I'm sure you'll find something. People sell the Selecttechs for $200 if you wanna ask for those for Christmas. :o)
  • adhillman01
    In my opinion you will need heavier weights. I got the Selectechs that are adjustable, but rather expensive. You should at least get some 15s. During the Push phase I was using 30-35 lbs for the lower body exercises. The whole point of the program is to lift heavy to the point that you can't even do one more rep. I also did JM workouts with 5-8 lb weights, but this is different. You're doing less reps (6-12), so you can lift heavier than with things like Ripped in 30. Good luck and I hope you enjoy the program, I'm about to go to Lean circuit 2 right now!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Thank you so much for all your input!! I really appreciate it. I won't be starting CE till January so I guess I have some time to save some money. I might try and get one more set. I might check and see if I can manage to hold two dumbbells in one hand which would already increase my weight range. I really want to try and go as heavy as I can and I don't want to feel as if I am missing out.

    I will just have my eyes open and see if I come across any cheap sets!

    Again thanks ladies!
