

  • NO soda for me as most have crazy amounts of sugar and it would better for me to just eat a spoon full of sugar as day. :) Also once you stop drinking soda and you try a sip it taste like nothing but super sweet syrup kinda nasty. One gallon of water a day, all natural juices, and on the very rare trip out i have a dirty…
  • As a avid cyclist your seat matters alot but i can tell you that a gel anything when riding is no what you want because it will put pressure in places that is really going to hurt and possible give you blisters in the wrong spots. My suggestion is find a good local bike shop and be fitted for a seat. I ride both rode and…
  • Could be the wrong style for your feet or have you striking the ground in the incorrect area. You knees also could be used to your old shoes sounds like thet where pretty worn.
  • Slowly increase your carb intake cause that is the reason it is happening to you. If you dont mind me asking how do your infact know that your body is in a state of ketosis? have you not be eating anything just meats? because your body gets carbs from just about everything you consume some meats have dont have many sugars…
  • Nicely done! I have to have big snacks through the day though. :)
  • Do you know what you AVG. RPM? if so then you can calculate how fast and really how many callories you are burning then adjust from there. :)
  • How to Calculate Your Protein Needs: 1. Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 = weight in kg 2. Weight in kg x 0.8-1.8 gm/kg = protein gm. Use a lower number if you are in good health and are sedentary (i.e., 0.8). Use a higher number (between 1 and 1.8) if you are under stress, are pregnant, are recovering from an illness, or…
  • I have a protien supplement twice a day but i also do lots of cardio. A good clean source of protien is good in any diet rather the diet is to gain muscle or lose weight you always have to look at the maintence calories and the goals also. If your friends are trying to put on muscle so there not doing alot of cardio…
  • This is also known as intereval training. I normally run hills 3 to 4 times a week twice in the monrings right after waking then ince or twice at night after the gym. But nothing less then 4-6miles for me it normally takes me a few miles to warm up or about 10mins then i sprint for 100 yards walk 100 yard sprint and so on.…
  • You really should drink more then just eight glasses of water a day that is the bare min. you should consume!!! I drink a gallon and some days over a gallon
  • Weight training is somethign you have to kind of test out and cant just work one part of the body one or 2 days a week and expect results. You should really find a routine that works for you and stick to it based on your goals. I personally lift 6 days a week for a min of a hour to one and half hours every day with cardio…
  • If you are trying to lose you shouldnt be eating back 80% of what you burn more around 50%. Also if you are teaching spin classes 2 twice a week and body pump personally I would lower your goal just a little but still make sure you hit the min 1200 cals a day because you are going to be burning over that.
  • Excatly losing weight is the easy part (all you have to do is eat and keep doing your zumba)keeping it off for some is more of a challenge for some.
  • Most of them are more like a placebo, so with that said the proper diet and lots of great exersice is the best bet. good luck
  • A sprint tri or olympic distance is very doable, the only thing that i had to get used to was swimming in my tri suit cause i did trained for one without and it does make a slight differance. But most of all if its your first one go have some fun the people you meet a triathalon are amesome people.
  • Get as close to those without going over. :)
  • This is completely wrong, that is just starvation!! There is such a thing as starvation mode but its nothing that you will ever see on this fourm. http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/pros-cons-of-high-protein-diets I have many links that i can post that referance is and are written by doctors, also the US Military warns us…
  • So basiclly muscle weighs more then fat, semantics aside? lol Just pouring some gas on the fire :)
  • So what does a scream on the internet actually look like??? lol I wanna see this, its pretty pointless to rant about something you will never be able to change. but carry on
  • LOL they are coming for you, Processed carbs just so that everyone is clear on this would also be known as some complex or anything white.
  • When i first did a low carb diet or resudual carbs only yes every time I had starchy carbs after that i would feel bloated but not now.
  • Greek yougart is the BEST!! lol Im Try some granola in it with berries.
  • Dont worry about tracking water drink till you pee clear then keep drinking. 8 cups is the bare min. you should consume
  • That means you are over the reccomend amount. Protien and fiber being over its really to bad of a thing
  • With were I am personally at in single digit BF% 1/2 to 1/4 is what works for me , Even if MFP puts you a deficit how do you know that all there calorie calculations are correct? You should always listen to your body.
  • You would feed them steak and eggs right? that is protien in the raw form. :) Its not going to hurt but IMO other supplments arent good for someone that is still growing. We can actually use almost 86% of the protien that comes from eggs that is the highest out of anything you will eat.
  • Yes it actually is important to eat back your calories but as said before you should only comsume about 1/2 to 1/4 of what you burnt just so you atleast stay close to your maintence calories. I personally think its important for everyone to lift weights goal depdant how you lift, lifting everyday is okay as long as you…
  • Great advice i have a Selle Italia and a specialized Toupe SL saddle on my road bike and the other on my moutain both specialized. Padded saddle will give you blisters and you will look funny walking for a while lol 20miles isnt that far you will be sore the first ride or 2 after that it will go away. Good luck