Starting to think eating my exercise ain't helping



  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    personally I wouldnt' expect to lose weight if I ate my exercise calories, the whole point is to create a deficit. Actually your photo looks great though, not sure you need to lose weight????! Great arms, have always wanted arms like that!

    The deficit is already in there. MFP builds in a 500 calorie deficit.
  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Just my opnion. I think that we all will get to a certain point where your body will say enough with that! Looking at your pictures I don't think you have anything else to loose, so your body is probably holding on to whatever it can. As you said on your profile that you have had a hard time with weight for your whole life maybe you are not seeing what everyone else can see. You look great! Very lean and toned! :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I feel a total lack of control because no matter what I change there are no results. Even if I decided this was a good weight for me, the fact that I have no ability to make it go down makes me insane. Hence all the *****ing. ;-)

    I completely understand your frustration. It is normal.

    However, you need to look at this logically. If you really wanted to see the number on the scale change then you could. It's simple. Either starve yourself or take duiretics and flush water out of your sysyem. Would you put your health in danger? Yeah. Would you risk hospitalisation? Yeah. Would you end up with a crappy physique? Yeah. Would you suffer from reduced energy and moodiness? Yeah. However, the needle would move...

    Your goal is none of the above. You know it, I know it. Your goal is health, athletic performance and a slamming physique. They are the same goals that I have. None of these goals are dictated by the scale solely. Weight is only one small marker of success.

    Your need for control is not a physiological issue. It's a psychological one. Control = rigidity = failure (in most instances.) Your body will do what it is programmed today and doesn't care a dime for what your mind wants. You have to work with it. If you try and beat it into submission it will kick your *kitten*.

    Look, you may need to revisit your calorie calculations. You may need to take a full diet break to let your body reset. But what you need most at your level is patience.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.
    Yeah, the reason they were so high was from the high calorie burn. I wear a HRM so I know they are accurate.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!

    I was looking at your diary and the past week your calories were set at 2400-2600, that's why I thought you were eating too much. The numbers you just gave me sound more reasonable.

    yeah, the high calories were from my workouts. I would burn 1000 calories and had been told to eat back at least 80% so that's why it's so high. I teach two spin classes today, so I'm not sure how I should proceed today. I'll burn over 1000 I'm sure.

    Well, with that being are doing too much cardio. Your body can only handle so much. I know it's tough having to teach classes.
    Are you lifting weights?
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.
    Yeah, the reason they were so high was from the high calorie burn. I wear a HRM so I know they are accurate.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!

    I was looking at your diary and the past week your calories were set at 2400-2600, that's why I thought you were eating too much. The numbers you just gave me sound more reasonable.

    yeah, the high calories were from my workouts. I would burn 1000 calories and had been told to eat back at least 80% so that's why it's so high. I teach two spin classes today, so I'm not sure how I should proceed today. I'll burn over 1000 I'm sure.

    Well, with that being are doing too much cardio. Your body can only handle so much. I know it's tough having to teach classes.
    Are you lifting weights?
    Yes, I teach Body Pump too, which is a strength training/barbell class. :-) I teach that 4 times a week.
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    check out this thread with advice that I gave someone else about eating exercise calories...

    Honestly because you do a lot of strength training, which I'm assuming you do through your pics, I don't think you should eat those calories back too late. That's what body builders do to bulk up so they have extra for the next day's lifting. Eat the calories back earlier to fuel the workout. That way you would have already burned them off while you're working out.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    TBH it's not working for me either, but I have got to the point where I am not prepared to further cut my calories. I am set to lose half a lb a week, and although I am slightly under my cals every day, I clearly haven't lost a thing in a month, but I am losing the drive to get to my goal these days. I look ok, my weight is healthy. I have stopped caring that much.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I completely understand your frustration. It is normal.

    However, you need to look at this logically. If you really wanted to see the number on the scale change then you could. It's simple. Either starve yourself or take duiretics and flush water out of your sysyem. Would you put your health in danger? Yeah. Would you risk hospitalisation? Yeah. Would you end up with a crappy physique? Yeah. Would you suffer from reduced energy and moodiness? Yeah. However, the needle would move...

    Your goal is none of the above. You know it, I know it. Your goal is health, athletic performance and a slamming physique. They are the same goals that I have. None of these goals are dictated by the scale solely. Weight is only one small marker of success.

    Your need for control is not a physiological issue. It's a psychological one. Control = rigidity = failure (in most instances.) Your body will do what it is programmed today and doesn't care a dime for what your mind wants. You have to work with it. If you try and beat it into submission it will kick your *kitten*.

    Look, you may need to revisit your calorie calculations. You may need to take a full diet break to let your body reset. But what you need most at your level is patience.

    I think this answer is spot on. Sometimes we just need to let go (psychologically) for things to happen. I don't know if it has to do with hormones triggered by stress or energy (if you believe in such things), but if you're doing everything you can physiologically, then try to take a deep breath and let it be. You will still take care of your body, but you will also be doing your mind a favor.

    I know it's easier said than done, but if you give it a try, what do you have to lose? Best of luck to you :)
  • leighton1245
    leighton1245 Posts: 125
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.
    Yeah, the reason they were so high was from the high calorie burn. I wear a HRM so I know they are accurate.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!

    I was looking at your diary and the past week your calories were set at 2400-2600, that's why I thought you were eating too much. The numbers you just gave me sound more reasonable.

    yeah, the high calories were from my workouts. I would burn 1000 calories and had been told to eat back at least 80% so that's why it's so high. I teach two spin classes today, so I'm not sure how I should proceed today. I'll burn over 1000 I'm sure.

    Well, with that being are doing too much cardio. Your body can only handle so much. I know it's tough having to teach classes.
    Are you lifting weights?
    Yes, I teach Body Pump too, which is a strength training/barbell class. :-) I teach that 4 times a week.

    If you are trying to lose you shouldnt be eating back 80% of what you burn more around 50%. Also if you are teaching spin classes 2 twice a week and body pump personally I would lower your goal just a little but still make sure you hit the min 1200 cals a day because you are going to be burning over that.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I got stuck just over 150 too. I gave up for a while, then kicked it back into high gear and the weight has started coming off again. Sometimes I think you just need a bit of a break/switch up/time to catch up.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Considering how ripped you are, I would almost say, stop worrying about your weight. While you may be gaining weight, it may be from gaining muscle. Also, are you still working out 7 days a week? I would seriously, throw away the scale and just measure your body with a taper measure and body fat calipers. We can tell our bodies you want to be a certain weight, but the only way you might get there is by losing muscle. Which do your prefer, less muscle and more fat, or less fat and more muscle? Also, you might need to eat more food or change up the ratio of food. I would suggest a custom setup for 30 days, 40% carbs, 40% protein, & 20% fat. Below is also the approach I use for calculating my caloric needs.

    My approach looks at Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR); BMR is the amount of calories you would burn if you slept 24 hours, for me, my BMR is 2000 calories. I then mutliply it by my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE); how many calories I should eat to make up for daily activities (walking, working out, etc) to get a total number of calories. Because I do a program like p90x, I multiply my 2000 calories by 1.725 which equals 3400 calories. This amount of calories is the amount I need to eat to maintain weight. I back off 500 caloires as my deficit and eat 3000 calories in a day. This is the website I use.

    I then go into a custom setup under my goals and set my daily intake for 3000 calories (well I will starting sunday, right now it's 2800 because I haven't officially started p90x until sunday). Additionally, to follow the p90x food guide, I set up custom ratio's. I do 45% of carbs, 35% of protein and 20% for fats. As I progress, I will lower protein and increase carbs. This method has worked for me and others I have worked with on the site. MFP just makes it simple for anyone to come on and lose weight. I take more of a scientific approach to weight loss. When I started I was 210 & 18% body fat. Now I am 189 and 12% body fat and hoping to break single digits within 3 months.

    Cliff notes: if you go by the sites calculations, you absolutely should eat back your workout calories as they preload the deficit. If you go by the more scientific method, you don't have to worry about it, it's already figured in your number.

    Good luck everyone.
  • drrif
    drrif Posts: 28
    Sorry to say this, but you are eating way too many calories....
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!

    Another thought - do you wear a HRM during your workouts? Since I got one I realised I am burning about half the calories MFP had me down as. It thinks I burn about 750 cals an hour running. It's actually about 500, if that, and only 120 doing 25 mins of circuits. It could be that being as fit as you are, you aren't burning that much, so even eating back 80% could be putting you over.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.
    Yeah, the reason they were so high was from the high calorie burn. I wear a HRM so I know they are accurate.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!

    I was looking at your diary and the past week your calories were set at 2400-2600, that's why I thought you were eating too much. The numbers you just gave me sound more reasonable.

    yeah, the high calories were from my workouts. I would burn 1000 calories and had been told to eat back at least 80% so that's why it's so high. I teach two spin classes today, so I'm not sure how I should proceed today. I'll burn over 1000 I'm sure.

    Well, with that being are doing too much cardio. Your body can only handle so much. I know it's tough having to teach classes.
    Are you lifting weights?
    Yes, I teach Body Pump too, which is a strength training/barbell class. :-) I teach that 4 times a week.

    If you are trying to lose you shouldnt be eating back 80% of what you burn more around 50%. Also if you are teaching spin classes 2 twice a week and body pump personally I would lower your goal just a little but still make sure you hit the min 1200 cals a day because you are going to be burning over that.
    2 spin classes a DAY. ;-) I teach spin a minimum of 5 times a week, Body Pump 4 times, and then I add my own in.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!

    Another thought - do you wear a HRM during your workouts? Since I got one I realised I am burning about half the calories MFP had me down as. It thinks I burn about 750 cals an hour running. It's actually about 500, if that, and only 120 doing 25 mins of circuits. It could be that being as fit as you are, you aren't burning that much, so even eating back 80% could be putting you over.
    Yep. I have a Polar. :-)
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Sorry to say this, but you are eating way too many calories....
    I have to eat that much just to net the regular amount if you see how much I'm burning at the gym.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Bottom've plateaued and you get that. You have 3 choices. Change how much you eat (whether it be less or more, change your cardio (probably a little less), or change your weight lifting routine (add more weight). Doing the same thing week after week, your body is going to adjust and not work as hard.
    Best of luck and I agree that your numbers regarding calories burned could be way off. HRM's definitely recommended.

    It would definitely help to check your body fat percentage to see if you are gaining muscle or fat.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Sorry to say this, but you are eating way too many calories....
    I have to eat that much just to net the regular amount if you see how much I'm burning at the gym.

    If you are gaining fat, then you don't have to eat that much. If you are gaining muscle....well, you don't need to worry.

    You have a lot of calories to play with. I would cut down to 50% exercise cals and see how you are.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Do you have any rest days or do you literally exercise every day?

    I always weigh more the day after Body Pump as sore muscles retain so much water.

    I know it's difficult if you teach exercise but maybe try and weigh yourself the morning after a rest day to give your muscles a chance to recover.