Starting to think eating my exercise ain't helping

I've cut out all soda...drinking tons of water...watching macros/calories etc much more than I ever have before. Switched up routine...up in weight. Thinking maybe the eating of the exercise calories isn't working. I wasn't losing before, but I wasn't gaining. The ONLY time I've gone below 150 lately was when I ate 1200 and didn't eat my calories back. Feeling like I should go back to that, even though I know everyone seems to think I should eat more. This isn't working. At all.


  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    How much weight are you losing per week these days?

    Per month?

    Are you tracking your weight well?
  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    It's worth a shot, if nothing else is working. As I'm sure you know, just avoid going below 1200, but if you don't want to eat back those calories, try it out? Listen to your body and know when you need to eat. It sounds like you've been doing everything right, but if it's not working for you, switch it up!

    Good luck!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Have you tried calorie cycling? Search that on the forum and give it a try if you haven't already and see if it works.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    How much weight are you losing per week these days?

    Per month?

    Are you tracking your weight well?
    I'm not losing weight. At all. I've put on weight if anything. I went down a few at one point and then shot up again. Per month...again...nothing. I'm tracking it on the same scale. Took measurements. Is that what you mean?
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Stop trying so hard. LOL.

    Seriously, when I was losing (which has only been 2months now) I thought great, lets keep track and I can do better...I started keeping track reading all kinds of things...I stopped losing weight. Last week I just said screw it, I'll stay under 1800 calories...ate a healthy diet, and dropped a couple pounds.

    I try not to eat my exercise calories though...I don't like eating back what I worked so hard to get off.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    That you in the pic with the hot guns??(insert drool smiley) I'd kill for those babies. I have neck issues and have a hard time.......strike that, I use it as an excuse not to workout. OK that feels better. Honesty.

    Anywho, Who cares what the scale says> How tall are you? What size pants do you wear? Are you fit?

    I wish I still had the picture of me and another gir standing side by side. We were both 150 pounds. I was round and mushy, she was the same height but strong and muscular. TOTALLY different body structures, all due to her workouts.

    There is more to health than the scale. I would say if your BMI is good, and your measurements are good then the number on the scale is arbitrary.

    As for the 1200 rule, if you stay down that low for too long, it will no longer work. The body gets used to it and becomes more efficient at using that amount of calories. Just like when you run. You start out and cant go 1 block and in a month your running a mile. The body gets used to it.

    Just some thoughts. You look GREAT!!:flowerforyou:
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Stop trying so hard. LOL.

    Seriously, when I was losing (which has only been 2months now) I thought great, lets keep track and I can do better...I started keeping track reading all kinds of things...I stopped losing weight. Last week I just said screw it, I'll stay under 1800 calories...ate a healthy diet, and dropped a couple pounds.

    I try not to eat my exercise calories though...I don't like eating back what I worked so hard to get off.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    This isn't working. At all.

    What is your goal? Is it to simply lose weight or body recomposition (improving the ratio of lean body mass - lbm - to fat you have so you look ridiculously sexy in swimwear.)

    If it is body recomp ( which I suspect for most people it will be) then unless you have been tracking your BF% you won't know if you are being successful or not by simply using the scale to measure your success.

    You look fairly lean in your photo. You need to ensure that your calorie deficit is suitable for your current level. That means making it smaller not greater to ensure you preserve as much LBM as possible whilst getting rid of that pesky fat. It also means being patient. Generally you need to grind out results when you get to this stage unless sacrificing muscle is an acceptable consequence for you.

    If you haven't already read this thread:

    then do it...
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Why gaining though? I'm the heaviest I've been in over 2 years. I usually burn between 800-1000 calories a day (teach spin/Body Pump), so I have to eat SOME back. :-/
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.
  • Crystalchaos72
    For one thing ......look at you! What is your bodyfat cuz I see ZERO! Second you go girl! Thirdgive "cycling, zig zagging" a try.....go a little over one day then a little under the next , then meet the next.......give it a shot!
  • Crystalchaos72
    By the way by zero I mean I don't see any.......obviously no one can be zero :)
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Why gaining though? I'm the heaviest I've been in over 2 years.

    What are you gaining though? That is the question...

    Ok, if it's bodyfat then yeah that might be a problem if your goal is reducing your bf%. However, in reality it could be anything: water (the most obvious culprit) undigested food in the GI tract, muscle (gasp!) waste material etc. Who cares how much you weigh? If you look fantatsic, feel great, are healthy and are strong then does it make any difference what the needle points to?

    Read the thread I linked if you have time. It will save you a migraine worrying about a minor detail like scale weight...
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Why gaining though? I'm the heaviest I've been in over 2 years.

    What are you gaining though? That is the question...

    Ok, if it's bodyfat then yeah that might be a problem if your goal is reducing your bf%. However, in reality it could be anything: water (the most obvious culprit) undigested food in the GI tract, muscle (gasp!) waste material etc. Who cares how much you weigh? If you look fantatsic, feel great, are healthy and are strong then does it make any difference what the needle points to?

    Read the thread I linked if you have time. It will save you a migraine worrying about a minor detail like scale weight...
    Didn't see the link! I guess I thought I figured out why I had plateaued and got so excited. I wasn't eating nearly enough! Who knew! So I found a new goal and have been doing it for a number of weeks now thinking that was the missing link...and it's blowing up in my face which is frustrating. Even if it looks like I don't NEED to lose any, why CAN'T I? It's the frustration that no matter what I change it doesn't move. At all. Week after week, day after day. I feel a total lack of control because no matter what I change there are no results. Even if I decided this was a good weight for me, the fact that I have no ability to make it go down makes me insane. Hence all the *****ing. ;-)
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    personally I wouldnt' expect to lose weight if I ate my exercise calories, the whole point is to create a deficit. Actually your photo looks great though, not sure you need to lose weight????! Great arms, have always wanted arms like that!
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Your eating a lot of calories! I'm 5'7 and now weigh about 125, but was 142 when I started MFP in march and my daily calories were set to 1290, i execise between 400-500 calories and eat somewhere around 1350. I dont eat most of my calories back and I have lost 25 lbs almost (some before joining mfp). I know people swear you have to, but it was never an issue for me. Also, in looking at your diary (just from yesterday) you are way over on your sugar by 39 grams, which is a lot especially since your daily amount was 50. I would try to cut back on the sugar atleast, it might make all the difference.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Do you wear an HRM? Curious bc maybe since you teach class, you don't burn as much as you used to when just starting? Just a thought... You know I've said many times I think you look great. But, I also know it is your body and you know what you want/need out of it.
  • welloiledmachine
    welloiledmachine Posts: 1,147 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!

    I was looking at your diary and the past week your calories were set at 2400-2600, that's why I thought you were eating too much. The numbers you just gave me sound more reasonable.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Personally, I think your calories are set too high and your sugars are pretty high too. Not sure your height, but I'm 5'3" and eat around 1500 calories regardless if I exercise and lose weight pretty easily. Plus, I'm at 15% bf.
    If you could send me your height and weight, I'd like to do the numbers for curiosity sake. Not trying to be nosy, but would like to help.
    Yeah, the reason they were so high was from the high calorie burn. I wear a HRM so I know they are accurate.

    I'm 5 ft 6 and keep bouncing around between 153-155. A trainer on here did some serious math and came up with 1542 a day, and at .5 pounds a week with MFP it says 1550. I try and eat back at least 80% of my exercise calories as I burn a ton during the day. Not nosy. Thanks for your helpl!

    I was looking at your diary and the past week your calories were set at 2400-2600, that's why I thought you were eating too much. The numbers you just gave me sound more reasonable.

    yeah, the high calories were from my workouts. I would burn 1000 calories and had been told to eat back at least 80% so that's why it's so high. I teach two spin classes today, so I'm not sure how I should proceed today. I'll burn over 1000 I'm sure.