ThePolishExperiment Member


  • the bottom line is, if you don't want to gain the 6lbs back, keep the drinking to a minimal (with exception to water), and just try and eat healthy, fruits, vegetables, lean meats etc, nothing fried or nasty, and no takeaways or fast food. ultimately, if you want to keep the weight off, you will, if you don't you will LET…
  • you can add me if you want, i will DEFINITELY keep you accountable :D
  • what is your height, and age can I ask, then I can work out your daily calories.
  • yeh nothing wrong with using it, its a good weight loss aid, although if you simply enjoy it, then there is no reason why you can't hit the sauna for 20 minutes after your session, as long as your not in there for like an hour or anything you will be fine.
  • to be honest, you could do either, and maintain your weight, obviously your body shape would alter because you would have more muscle, or less body fat or both, but you could easily do either one with little fuss.
  • You have answered your own question there bro, like I have got to 185, but i'm now setting myself two goals, to stay at 185 and not waiver, and also, to reduce my body fat, that is my first two goals, and improve my conditioning and work capacity, but that comes with the workouts i'm doing. Just set yourself a new goal,…
  • Primal and Paleo are two different ball games, Paleo is quite restrictive, but if you eat the Primal Blueprint way, its far less restrictive, and in fact you can eat dairy, the recommendation is just not to eat breads, pastas, rices, noodles, etc. hardly that restrictive, thats one group of foods.
  • i have been Primal, since before christmas, and in my opinion it is the best way to eat out there, ever, and it is not restrictive whatsoever
  • Your workouts probably won't ACTUALLY be HIIT unless you are going 'balls to the wall' all out for the duration of the workout, its just not possible, as most 'regular joes' don't have the work capacity or the conditioning to be able to do HIIT in its truest form. HIIT as they see it, (working really hard, or as hard as…
  • you need way more than 6 hours of sleep, really 7 and a half and upwards, as close to 9 hours as you can get it. also, have you calculated your calories yourself or done it with MFP, because I tried the MFP way and didn't have success, then did it with calculations from this Nutritional plan i am on and have lost nearly 30…
  • don't worry about the scale, and may i suggest a full body workout, rather than one simply involving just your legs. If you want to lose weight, you have to have natural carbs, plenty of meat, plenty of fat, eat at a caloric deficit, and be active, if you want to, you can add me, i can take a look at your food diary and…
  • don't worry about fruit and natural products with sugar in, thats fructose. as long as your carbs don't go over 100g, then you will be fine. Glucose and refined sugars are the things to worry about and keep track of lol
  • thanks man. i should, i have lost 25lbs and have another 5lbs to go lol. Yeh i think i'm too impatient for my own good to be honest lol.
  • i'm not 'the norm' and BMR isn't the most important thing to worry about when losing weight, it is one of the key factors, so that you know how much you need to be eating but if your exercising hard and not ramming sugar laiden, carb heavy, deep fried foods down your neck, getting plenty of fruit and veg, and protein, and…
  • it won't give you an exact BMR down to the final digit, but it gives you a good estimate, and if it didn't work, then I wouldn't have lost 20lbs using that method.
  • Hi CookieGem, okay here's the long and the short of it. your BRM is calculated by your height, weight, age. If you want me to do it i can work it out for you, and work out the calorie goals, add me and i will explain more about why you might be getting confused. Because wearing a HRM won't give you an accurate BMR, thats…
  • I would have to have a look at your food diary to tell you whether what your eating is affecting it, and if you open it up, i will do that for you no problem, however, if you are pushing yourself more and more each time, then you will definitely need to maybe drop one of the cardio sessions, do two cardio and 3 weights…
  • I would get some accumeasure body fat calipers, thats what I use, and i'm 20% body fat, and I know I am because I still have a way to go, that will give you the most accurate affordable reading. You can get them off of amazon.
  • well first off, what is TDEE, and secondly, I wouldn't worry about burned calories, work out your macros first, and if they have all been acounted for, and you have taken exercise into account, don't worry about extra bits and pieces, its just extra fat your burning. But if your macros aren't worked out properly your…
  • as long as your not going a couple of hundred either way, then its fine, it will be the average of the week that really counts, if your averaging your weight loss calories, then you will be fine, if your way over on your average, then you need to look at it and address the problem or find out where the problem is. Hope…
  • to be honest, i always have and always will stand by the old bruce lee adage of the fact that belts are there to hold your pants up, nothing more. Just see it as one part of a large learning curve, and more to the point, dont think oh I have a black belt, theres nothing else I can learn. enjoy the experience, mix it up, or…
  • Hey Gangwolf, wassup brother, why you losing your motivation, whats going on in that dome of yours? lol
  • Depends what your talking about when you say 'eat clean' I eat clean, as i'm on Primal Nutrition, so no breads, pasta, rice, noodles, any of that, just fruits, veggies, protein, fat, and thats it. If you can get organic then fine, also check what is in season at the moment, and what is not, because buying in season is not…
  • You don't have to do 5 days in a row, you could do 3 days, have one rest, do 2 days, then another rest day, and go for long walks on your days off to stretch your muscles, or do some stretching, which is less strenuous. If you don't rest, your muscles can't and won't repair themselves, definitely need to have those 2 rest…
  • Ha Sunny not for you, for Game8, quite a few posts back, saying something stupid, lol.
  • So then what would you say to all of the MMA athletes out there Game8, that do cardio, and weight lifting, and do circuit training which is both cardiovascular, and weight based, clearly has no benefit because it has cardio mixed in, correct? nope, wrong!!
  • No you don't have to eat them, if you have already worked out your calories to include any working out that you will be doing, like I have, then you just eat that amount of calories. But if you feel like a treat then you can always have something. won't hurt as long as its not a constant thing.