plateau and a long vacation... help!

Hi everyone!

I've been using this site now for about 6 weeks and I've lost 6 pounds since I started, which is fantastic! I joined to get healthy, but also because my brother is getting married and so I had goals to lose weight for the wedding.

The weight I'm at now is exciting for me as I have rarely reached it in my adult life. I know 6 pounds doesn't seem like much, but it is very hard for me to lose weight and my body seems to like being around 140 lbs (I'm 5'2"). I tend to hover there and I rarely get lower than 135. But I have been this low before (131 lbs) and I've never really been able to go lower. The most I've been able to do was like 129 when I was 16 in high school (I'm 27 now) and back then I really starved myself to get that low. The problem is that I'm small boned, or at least I assume I am, and so 130 is actually still quite a lot on my frame. I am chubby and still overweight.

I was hoping MFP would help me get past the 130s and safely into the 120s for the first time in my adult life; however I'm stuck here. I keep fluctuating between 131-134 for the past 3 weeks and I seem unable to lose more weight. I've been upping my caloric intake and have also been trying to eat a bit more varied, so eating more calories one day and less the next so that my body doesn't feel stuck and happy in a routine, but that is not working. Upping my caloric intake past 1200 seems to only make me gain weight. I've also been exercising more, but it's still not helped. I'm trying to experiment and do different things to get me past this, but I can't seem to break free of the 130s!

I'm even more worried because this coming Friday I am leaving for a long long vacation. I live abroad normally, and I'll be travelling to Dubai for a girls holiday that will include drinking, the UK where I used to live to visit my friends, which will also include drinking, and then home to the USA which will include my brother's wedding and spending time with family and friends, which might be a bit easier diet-wise, but still difficult.

I'll be gone for 6 weeks and I'm terrified that without my normalcy I will gain back all the 6 pounds I spend 6 long and hard weeks taking off!

I need some advice and help on how I can break free of this plateau and also how I can stay on track while I am travelling! Although I am so excited to go, I feel like there is this looming double whammy hanging over me! Any help would be really appreciated to easy my anxiety and help me break through!

Many thanks!


  • swati37
    swati37 Posts: 145 Member
  • ThePolishExperiment
    ThePolishExperiment Posts: 32 Member
    the bottom line is, if you don't want to gain the 6lbs back, keep the drinking to a minimal (with exception to water), and just try and eat healthy, fruits, vegetables, lean meats etc, nothing fried or nasty, and no takeaways or fast food. ultimately, if you want to keep the weight off, you will, if you don't you will LET yourself slip into bad habits, irrespective of the occasion, length of time, or reason for it. you just have to have strong will power. ultimately, if there are no choices but bad choices, have the least offensive one out there, or the most minimal choice, you don't have to eat the same amount you would eat when not away, and because of the heat you will actually probably sweat alot of weight off.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Eat at maintenance for the vacation... it's a more realistic target given the circumstances, plus it might break the plateau.
  • underarms
    underarms Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone!