Accountability Buddy Wanted!! 25yo, 229lb, Clean Eating

I'm 25 years old, single, living in the south, work a pretty hectic job in marketing, and currently weighing in at 229lb (just weighed...yuck!). Would LOVE an accountability buddy to touch base with every day and help keep me on track.

A little about me!! I grew up as a heavier kid until around 8th grade when my mother and I did Atkins and I lost 50 lbs. Kept it off for about five years and quickly gained most of it back during college. Got about half of it back off senior year/after college. Kept it off about two years and then gained it all back. The smallest I've ever been was a size 8/10, 162 lbs. Heaviest was 232 lbs, size 16/18. I've always been a fairly tall girl, which makes it easier for me to hide weight gain. But it also makes it easier for weight gain to creep up on me. And I usually don't realize how much I've put back on until it's too late. No fun.

I've always had a pretty unhealthy relationship with food. I have struggled with an eating disorder in since I was 13. I've never been able to have a healthy relationship with food. I'm either terrified of it or addicted to it. I've never been able to obtain that healthy in between...and that's what I'm striving for. And would love a buddy's help. For this reason, I try to stay away from counting calories and/or fad diets. I tend to get obsessed and go to unhealthy extremes. I'm trying to embrace clean eating and simple, fulfilling, non-obsessive exercise...would love for someone to join me in this journey!

I've tried paleo, training for 5ks, training for half marathons, strict calorie counting, and weight watchers in the past. I've never been great at making anything stick. I obsessively read a number of health and fitness blogs but can't seem to incorporate their messages into my life and become one of the great success stories they blog about. I'm hoping finding an accountability buddy will be the missing piece of my "healthy lifestyle puzzle." I've got a super busy lifestyle and always seem to get side tracked. But I'm sick.of being overweight and unhealthy at 25! I have so much of my life ahead of me and I'm ready to embrace it as my healthiest self. I'm also tired of feeling as if my dating pool is limited because of my weight. So I'm going to change all of that starting right NOW!!

I've started prepping and plan to begin my new lifestyle tomorrow. Now that I've written this absurd novel...I hope to hear from some potential buddies! Or maybe we can either form a group! Just so very excited to make this life change.


  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    Hey just added you - my story's VERY similar, but I'm getting lots of accountability and motivation on here! And its great to see some changes just from a much healthier lifestyle in the past 6 days - good luck and lets keep each other going! :D
  • ktay9
    ktay9 Posts: 7
    Awesome!! What boards do you rely on??
  • nrz242
    nrz242 Posts: 76
    I'm fairly new but I love checking into the recipes and motivation and support forums - just joined this group: 60 day challenge: eating clean !
    I think tomorrow is the end of the first week so we've just started, there's only nine or ten members and they are all incredibly supportive - I'm sure you'll be very welcome if you wanted to join. I've got about 80-90 lbs to lose and even tho I've lost a significant amount of weight a couple years ago it was always such a struggle to keep it off and I never even lost as much as I wanted to. Just this week eating clean tho I've lost 4.8 lbs and it really hasnt been that much of a stress. I've had some cravings but I'm letting myself have milk and peanut butter occasionally and that helps - I haven't been counting calories strictly and I totally relate to what you said about obsessive overly strict dieting and calorie counting but so far this seems to be working for me much better. Can't wait to hear what you're experiences are with eating clean as I'm always looking for more recipes and cooking ideas since its a new way of life for me :)
  • Signatureofthedivine
    I also really need help with accountability and eating clean. I am such an emotional eater and I am so unhealthy because of it. I need to lose 150+ pounds. :( it's almost so depressing, I don't know where to start. I'm 31 with two small kids which makes it a bit harder too. Let me know if you'd like to partner up! I know what to do, I just need to do it
  • ThePolishExperiment
    ThePolishExperiment Posts: 32 Member
    you can add me if you want, i will DEFINITELY keep you accountable :D