glfprncs2 Member


  • Ab Ripper X is included at the end of each of the strength training DVDs. There's no reason to take out the strength DVD and insert the ARX DVD. I didn't realize this gem until I was well into my 2nd round! Also...if you have the full set of DVDs, you have everything you need for the "lean," "Classic," or "Doubles"…
  • I preordered P90X2, so I'd venture a guess that it's on the agenda for a January start.
  • I'm in my 3rd round...I use anything from 12 pounds up to 40. : )
  • I've done P90X, P90X+, Insanity, ChaLean Extreme and am just finishing up Asylum. Next up will be a CLX/Asylum hybrid.
  • As an English teacher, it drives me absolutely NUTSO when he says to keep your core muscles 'taunt.' It's TAUT, TAUT, TAUT, TAUT, TAUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, I feel better now.
  • I've done both P90X and ChaLean Extreme (as well as Insanity). If you're looking for a strength based program that is time efficient, CLX, IMO, is the way to go. After 3 rounds of P90X, I thought CLX would be 'too easy.' Not the case if you lift heavy enough to truly FAIL within the required reps in each month. In…
  • Women should never lift anything heavier than a 5 pound dumbbell because it will make them 'bulky.' Sigh...
  • Without knowing exactly the area you are describing, it's tough to say, and since I'm not a doctor, I certainly can't diagnose. That said, when I run or do serious plyometric work, I find that I get REALLY painful upper thighs (on the outside near my hip) and that if I use a foam roller, The Stick, or even a rolling pin on…
  • Please, please, please...don't be afraid of muscle!! I did 3 rounds of P90X...I found that each 90 days, I got stronger and stronger (and I was lifting in the 12 rep range as well, but lifting 15 pound dumbbells for a lot of the bicep work), and I found that with each round, I also got LEANER. It's going to take time. A…
  • I'm not sure how I'm sounding like a blowhard and putting you down. I simply put information out there at your request. You are the one that implied my tone was one of negativity when, in fact, I think I pretty much said the same things of everyone else that has replied: Be considerate of the heat, as dogs have extremely…
  • Two articles with good information:,7120,s6-369-370--11951-3-1X2-3,00.html My 2 cents.... You don't say where you live (I'm assuming U.S., but I could be completely wrong), but unless you're in the NW where its generally…
  • So just tried this...I currently purchase a 36C. Calculator says I'm a 34DD. Don't know how that is humanly possible...I am NOT that well endowed and in some 36C's, my girls have PLENTY of room.
  • Cussing at Shaun T...I probably wouldn't do that if I didn't workout at home. : )
  • I have fairly regular IT band issues...the two things that work best for me: Foam Roller and THIS stretch (
  • Use push up stands or use dumbbells in lieu of push up more wrist pain for me (plus you can go deeper in the push up).
  • I teach 8th grade Language Arts...I have morning planning this year, and I've tried the early morning workout thing in years past (up at 4:15...working out by 4:30). Sadly, while I love the energy I have the rest of the day, my body does NOT like early morning workouts. I kept injuring myself just because I'm still pretty…
  • This! I did 3 rounds of P90X before doing Insanity. P90X is a strength based program with some cardio. Insanity is a cardio based program with some strength. I actually LOST quite a bit of strength during my 60 days of Insanity (though it was quite easy to fix with 90 days of ChaLean Extreme right after). That said, I…
  • Asylum Speed & Agility...and if the lightning goes away, the dogs will get a 2-3 mile walk.
  • ChaLean Extreme is pretty much NOT dancey at all. It's 3 days/week of strength training, one day of intervals and one day of light weight/high rep and cardio intervals. There is a bonus workout (Fat Blaster) that is more Turbo Jam/Turbo Kick oriented which has some choreography, but otherwise, NOT a dancey workout. I've…
  • FRIEND! Seriously...I'm of a genetic disposition to be larger than your average woman (I'm also 5'9", but I'll never ever resemble a Willow Tree). That said, I find that the more I lift, the leaner and smaller I get. It WILL take time, and you may go through a phase where you think you look bulky. DON'T STOP LIFTING and…
  • On average...I typically burned 350-425 calories for the month 1 Insanity workouts, and 450-500 on month 2 workouts. I was surprised I didn't burn more, but alas, it is what it is. That said, I leaned out in a CRAZY way, particularly in my core. I burn more calories doing Turbo Fire, but I'm not a lean now than I was at…
  • When you strength train, you create small microtears in the muscle. As the muscle heals, it gains strength. However, part of the healing process requires the muscles to send out S.O.S. signals that for the repair to occur. One of the things that occurs is that the muscle hold onto water during this repair process. In time,…
  • Go back and revisit your "Why?" WHY do you want to lose weight, get fit and be healthy? What's your reason? For some it's because they want to be healthy for their children, or because they had a health scare, or some powerful reason. For me, my why is that I never want to look at that girl in the mirror again who despises…
  • Just as a 'props' to women and pull ups...check out Crystal West. She's AMAZING!!!
  • Just to clarify...Turbo Kick and Piyo are Chalene Johnson trainings/classes from Powder Blue productions, not through Beachbody. Chalene created Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire, which are produced by Beachbody. I'm a Turbo Kick instructor and I can honestly say it's the most fun workout I've ever done, and I LOVE teaching it. I…
  • I bought it last week...can't start a full 30 day round until late July as I'm going to be traveling in an RV for the next 3 weeks (hubs is a tour caddy) and I don't think they'll be enough room in there! I'll do my Turbo Kick workout camperside until I'm home for a month. That said, I made a little Speed & Agility video…
  • I've done 3 rounds of P90X and P90X+. I tried to do a 4th round last fall and decided that I couldn't stomach any more of Tony's jokes. I may give P90X2 a go when it's released, but until then, I'll stick with ChaLean for strength training. Did Insanity as well...was the leanest I've been in over 15 years at the end of my…
  • Two words....Jump Snap. Sounds like the most stupid thing in the world, but it's a ropeless jumprope. Feels like a jumprope, you can put weights in the handles, and you get the same workout without the blasted rope getting tangled around your feet. Plus, you can use it indoors in a room with normal height ceilings.
  • Hands down, my favorite is ChaLean Extreme.