I don't know what happened!!!! :(



  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    Think about how you feel right now about this? Pretty crappy, right? How will you feel tomorrow? Worse. The next day? Worse yet. Each day you will feel worse.

    You need to surround yourself with MOTIVATION. Follow some fitness blogs. Bookmark them. Read them everyday. Leave yourself post-it notes: "I AM STRONG", "TODAY I WILL WORK TO BE FIT TOMORROW", "DON'T GIVE UP ON ME". Listen to music and dance away your complacency and fat. I use pinterest to make an inspiration board full of health and fitness images. You're not an observer in your life, you're the lead role, so act like it! Every morning you're starting the film of your day, so don't be the sad, ironic thinker film, be the film that makes everyone else want to get up and be better.

  • foflean
    foflean Posts: 7
    Sounds like you may benefit from evaluating your diet & exercise startegy. I find that if the diet is too strict or the kind of exercise chosen is not 100% enjoyable, people start out in the honeymoon phase but that usually fades.
    Sounds like more flavors or textures in your diet could help. The 5 "S's": Sour, spicy, savory, salty and sweet. Play with this in your daily diet.
    As for exercise, what is your passion? Make movement fun! "Calories are burnt, based on heartbeats spent!"
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I was really on the ball. I was eating well and working out everyday. And I was feeling so much better because I was doing so.

    So what happened? Now, I feel unmotivated completely. My drive just somehow...vanished. I feel bloated and lazy.
    I have worked out a few times here and there, but not with the same heart I was before. And although I am not pigging out on junk food, I am not eating with the same heart either. I was making sure I got lots of protein and fiber, etc. But not lately.

    I guess I am just looking for some motivation. :) Some clever words to give me a kick in the *kitten*. I need it because the scale is starting to go up slowly but surely. I had lost 13 pounds, putting me at 192. I am now up to 196. And creeping. :(

    Thanks everyone!!!!!!!

    Check out my blog ... www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/emmaleigh47

    Its full of motivating words... or at least people tell me so! :)

    And my other advice ... Snap out of it! Tell yourself that you dont have to lose, but you have to maintain at least ... Get the exercise in and it all takes care of itself. Find an event to work towards it always keeps me getting up and out the door.
  • y2jmann
    y2jmann Posts: 15 Member
    Change things up. If you normally do cardio training, try lifting weights, or taking a kick boxing class, or water aerobics. If you normally do circuit training, try yoga. Keep it fresh. Try a new gym, or work out in a new place. Try some new music. Change things up!
  • wvualum
    wvualum Posts: 428

    If quitting is an option, you never intended to succeed.

    I so needed to hear this today!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    Go back and revisit your "Why?" WHY do you want to lose weight, get fit and be healthy? What's your reason? For some it's because they want to be healthy for their children, or because they had a health scare, or some powerful reason. For me, my why is that I never want to look at that girl in the mirror again who despises herself. When I don't want to workout or I want to junk out, I remember that girl and I get to it.

    So do some soul searching and find something powerful within that is your motivator...write down your why and revisit every now and then.

    Another thing...find an accountability partner...someone who's in this as well. If you can't find one, let me know. I'll check in with your daily if you want! : )
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Zombies motivate me. When they show up will I be able to run, jump, climb, and shoot to escape?

    No? Then I'd better get to work. :smile:

    Also... If you're a fan of action movies... What Would Jason Statham Do? :bigsmile:

    Very cute post! :) Thanks!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Thanks to everyone for all your motivation!!!! I appreciate every one of you. :)