

  • Kroger or Fred Meyer sell a really good thin crust pizza called premium quality Private Selection. They make Pepperoni, Cheese, chicken Alfredo, and a couple others. They are really large pizzas and you can eat quite a bit more than most because they are lower in calories. They are so good I would choose them even if I…
  • When your calories reach a level below 1200 calories (for women) you body burns more muscle than fat. the lower the calories the more muscle it burns, including your heart muscle which is never replaced or repaired. This is known as the starvation response. I know one guy in his 20s who died of heart disease from dieting…
  • I am basicly on the same type of diet but for diabetes and weight loss. On a 1600 cal diet I eat 45% carbs, 30 % lean protein and 25% fat. I try to eat whole grain foods which have a nutty taste and chewy texture that I love. Refined foods now taste bland and have a gooey texture that I now dislike. So I eat a lot of bran…
  • Stevia and Acesulfame-K are only products that the scientists have questioned the safety. I have used nutrasweet since it came out in Canada in the 60s and I have used a LOT of it with no side effects or problems. There has been a lot of misinformation on the internet about them, but if you ask registered dietitions, who…
  • I set mine at 45% carb, ,25 protein and 30 fat, too on the advice of my registered dietition.
  • Most of the frozen dinners have very little protein and my registered dietition wants me to eat 93 grams of protein a day on a 1600 cal diet. That means about 30 per meal. Most frozen dinners have between 9 and 20!. The govt. recently lowered the salt recommendation to around 1500 or 1600 mg which is much lower than the…
  • I read ingrediants till my eyes burned looking for healthy crackers and ended up with WASA Fiber Crispbread for 35 cal, a half gram fat, 8 carb, 2 fiber and 1 pro. & salt 60. I found that refined wheat was the first ingrediant in most crackers, including my favoerite wheat thins. Most crackers are really high in salt. The…
  • My doctor prescribed progesteron tablets for extreme PMS. I lost 8 pound of FLUID in 6 hours.. But this must be prescribed and monitered by a gynacologist or endrocrinologist who knows what they are doing. You definitely don't want to mess with hormones on your own at any time. It can really be dangerous. Most people who…
  • First, I will allow myself a no diet day--in moderation. I will eat turkey breast. But dressing, sweet potatoes with brown sugar and pumpkin pie are real favorites. So it will be green beans, 1/2 cups dressing and sweet potatoes and 1/2 piece pie. Now lets see if I can stick to that. I can pass up buttery rolls, corn on…
  • I avoid fiber supplements. They don't help me. Raisin Bran 7 , Crunchy Corn Bran 5 for 3/4 cup , Blackberries 7, pears 6, dry beans like pinto 15, and kidney 8 gm, lentils 8 ., green peas, 8 I look for insoluble fiber--we used to call it roughage. Don't forget prunes12gm but watch the 418 calories. I substitute pearl…
  • I check myself every morning before breakfast while I am still bare foot and in my night gown. That way it is at the same time and wearing the same thing. I post the losses and forget the gains if I have been near my calorie goals each day. It will fluctuate according to my salt intake, hormones, etc. So I expect to go up…
  • I was using another program's food diary but it kept crashing so I was having trouple sticking to it. It was off line for months. Someone suggested MFP so I put in the goals that the other program's registered dietition used as well as my personal registered dietition, and adapted it to my own use. The one thing that…
  • Your goal should not be less than 1200 calories at any time to prevent your body from consuming your muscles instead of fat. You probably should increase your protein instead of carbs when you are working out. Avoid processed foods like ham, hot dogs , luncheon meats and chicken unless it is fresh with no salt added (check…
  • I agree with all of the above. 900 calories puts you into the mode when your body burns more muscle than it does fat, That muscle can even be your heart! It is much safer to increase your calories. However, sometimes your body will try to make up the lost weight when you return to more healthy calories. Hopefully you…
  • Remember that eggs are a good source of protein and fairly cheap, Chicken breast is really great with salsa. Don't forget chili. Use dried beans. Just remember to get the leanest hamburger or ground turkey you can afford because fat packs twice the calories than carbs or protein. I have even bought chuck arm roasts,…
  • I like fruit--apples, bananas, dried apricots (especially Mariani Ultimate) which are 20 cal for each whole one and they are sweet and chewy, Premier Nutrition chocolate Protein shake--160 cal, 1 gm sugar, 30 gm protein is good for a chocolate craving. Both of the latter are cheap at Costco. A toasted Orowheat English…
  • There is a lot of support in someone just loving you the way you are. But ask your doctor to make out a prescription slip to lose weight that you can show him. I also have asthma and arthritis, as well as diabetes. And my doctors are the first ones who have told me to lose weight. Taking prednizone for my asthma caused me…
  • After my dad died I went through some major depression and was put on Rx meds. After a year I had started gaining 5 pounds a month for no medical reason and I wasn't eating differently. THAT what was REALLY depressing. My metabosism had suddenly slowed. So I climbed into bed and pulled the covers over my head for 6 months.…
  • Always weigh on the same scale at the same time of day and wearing the same thing. Yes, different clothes, shoes and a meal can make that much difference. I hate to get weighed at the doctor's office for that reason. One time I was weighed when I went into my registered dietition's office and had to use the bathroom before…
  • The diet my Registered Dietition recommended for a 1500-1600 cal diet was for 25% protein, 30% fat and 45% carb. for women over 50. She is prescribed by my MD and paid for by my medical insurance. She needs at least 4 years of college to become a Registered dietition and she uses more reliable data than most other sources.…
  • Processed sugars are digested much faster than those naturally occuring in fruits and veggies. If the sugar takes longer to be absorbed then the body uses it more efficiently so less is turned into fat. That is also why it is better to eat many small meals during the day than load up on calories in one or 2 large ones. If…
  • High fiber and high protein are the answer for me. I eat whole grains and bran cereals such as raisin bran or Crunchy Corn Bran,, barley, beans, nuts, blackberries raspberries, or pears, for instance. Watch the ingrediants of foods. Many are being advertised as whole grain actually contain very little so look for the first…
  • I agree that their goals are too low. My registered dietition does not want be EVER going below 1500-1600 cal. range. Since I have 100 pounds to loose but I am very inactive due to health problems I have been aiming for 1600 and not worring if I go above a little because other programs set me for 1700-1800 cal. I maintain…
  • I eat a small breakfast and a large lunch or brunch about 3 hours later. Favorites are oatmeal, Crunchy Corn Bran, raisin bran or french toast with as much egg soaked up as possible. I add sugar free Mrs Butterworths or sugar free jam. A thick milkshake that is very filling for a snack or any meal is : 1 cup plain non fat…
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