What are your plans to deal with Thanksgiving overindulgence



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Luckily TG food is seriously the LAST food I enjoy. However, we are going out to dinner at an Indian place for a five course meal and belly dancing. I am really looking forward to it since its the frist TG day I don't have to eat the traditional meals.
    In my experience Indian food is pretty healthy. So I should be good.
    And my gym is open that day so I plan on working out in the morning.

    And then there is Friday early morning shopping, and that is a lot of walking.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    There is a gym across the street from the place we are staying that comes with the condo so I will be going there in the morning and I think at dinner I am going to use a smaller plate. With the smaller plate I should be able to eat what I want with out over eating since it will give me time to get full.
  • srs71
    srs71 Posts: 6
    I am dreading it too so it really helped to compare notes so to speak with all of you guys! We have two official "Turkey Day" Celebrations and they are both filled to the max with all of my favorite Fat-filled foods! I feel like I have been working hard and will continue to keep working hard and as long as I don't go crazy, I am still going to enjoy the food, family and friends for the Holiday. I will just concentrate on getting less of the really bad stuff and eat a lot of the veggies this year. I like to try a little of everything on the dessert table, so I guess I will be trying a little less of each thing and only pick the things I love. :flowerforyou: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am definitely thankful I found this web-site! It helps a ton!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Well, I don't have to be at my parents' house 'til noon, so I figure I'll wake up a little early, burn a few hundred calories & then I have a cushion - should at least earn me a slice of pie! :] I'll make sure I have a protein shake after I work out so that'll be my "breakfast" and that will take up almost 300 calories, leaving me with about 1600-1800 depending on which exercise I do (either intervals or NMTZ). I know turkey won't be many calories & I don't usually eat too much of it anyway... I have to eat my green bean casserole because I'm making it and I'll be able to see exactly how many calories are in it since I'm making it. Cranberries are a must and I know that'll be a little bit of sugar from the applesauce so I'll have a tiny bit. I'm also making the chocolate pudding pie which will be sugar free save for the whipped cream (hoping my mom makes it from Splenda but if not, no big deal - just will have a small dollop!), and again, I'll know exactly how many calories are in it since I'm making it. I have to have mashed potatoes since I hardly make them anymore and it's pretty standard, Mom uses real butter but it shouldn't be too bad.

    My goal is to eat until satisfied, NOT full or stuffed. Plus, I'm wearing tight jeans so that will help! lol All in all, I will probably only have 2-3 sides (the ones I mentioned), the pie I mentioned, and possibly a TINY sliver of apple pie & ice cream or I may stay away altogether, I haven't decided. It depends on how strong/weak I am! lol
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    I'm running a 5K on Thanksgiving, so hopefully that will help. :bigsmile:
  • Pamalaw
    I've been on this roller coaster with sticking to a healthy diet and dropping it completely for so long it's disgusting, that being said, I was the happiest sticking to the healthy diet when I allowed myself up to one day a week to be "normal".. still adding up the calories at the end of the day to make sure I'm aware, but letting myself do that guilt free.. and I've also found that since starting this HERE on this program that with the exercise I usually end up putting in that more often than not I'm still under my calorie goals for the day.. so days like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and dd's bday party coming up over the next 2 months, those days I'm just not going to stress about it.. I most likely won't eat any huge portions of any one thing, and if I go over, oh well, if not, well fantastic! :)
  • GrandmaCarolyn
    First, I will allow myself a no diet day--in moderation. I will eat turkey breast. But dressing, sweet potatoes with brown sugar and pumpkin pie are real favorites. So it will be green beans, 1/2 cups dressing and sweet potatoes and 1/2 piece pie. Now lets see if I can stick to that. I can pass up buttery rolls, corn on the cob and even mashed potatoes and gravy without much problem, My weekness it the stuff with all the calories.
  • HappyTemple
    I haven't read all the replies yet, so maybe someone else is going this route - if so, let me know so I don't feel guilty!

    I'm going for the "It's just one day and I'll be terribly bad before getting back on the pony Friday!" :) I like to be realistic.
  • shannonichole
    I'm going to work, which means tons of moving around and thus an extra slice of pie!
  • CaptainCranky
    CaptainCranky Posts: 47 Member
    Go very light on breakfast, then Turkey Day 5K, finish up with early dinner and not worry about what I eat. If I feel guilty the next day I will go light on the food and get more exercise.