what exactly is a "snack" and where should they be at in my

Ok so I am 4 days into this 3 with MFP and as I am learning about my eating habits and what works best for me I am finding that I don't really snack but eat 6 very low calorie meals a day. Today was weird because I was off my routine and went out with my family but in some cases yesterday for example some of my snacks are the same amount of my meals about 150 calories. So this is my question/point I have learned that I feel better and seem to respond better when I eat 6 times a day. I have less issues with cravings and I don't get hunger pains which are all positives but here is what I am concerned about. Do I eat 6 traditional meal foods or do i eat 3 traditional meal foods and 3 snack foods and what exactly is a snack food and how many calories should a snack be??? I would really appreciate any insight and would love to hear from those who have similar eating habits to mine. In advance thanks a bunch MFP community!!


  • elainegsd
    elainegsd Posts: 459 Member
    Six meals per day is fine, I do the same thing much of the time. There is no magic to "snacks".
  • bedazzledmom
    I think that you should do what works best for you. I have heard that eating 6 small meals a day is helpful in losing weight. You can re-name your meals/snacks by visiting the settings area of MFP. I changed mine to suit my lifestyle. Hope this helps + welcome to the site!:flowerforyou:
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    However you want to track your meals and snacks is up to you. If you feel and do best eating 6 small meals, do that. What you consider a meal or a snack is again, up to you.

    Here's what I do and why...

    When I was pregnant with my son last year I had gestational diabetes and was able to control it by not eating snacks. I got into the habit of eating three meals and sometimes a snack before bed. I also got into the habit of eating very healthy. I have continued those habits but no longer eat a snack before bed. There are times when I need to eat a little something between meals and those are my snacks. My meals are generally 400-500 calories each and my snacks are usually 200 calorie or less. My snacks are generally fruits and vegetables or a Luna bar and my meals are fairly traditional for their time of day. (Breakfast burrito at breakfast, sandwich for lunch, pasta and salad for dinner, etc.)

    My only real suggestion is that you eat more calories. If you eat 6 times a day and each meal/snack is only 150 calories that only puts you eating 900 calories. It's best not to eat fewer than 1200 calories, plus whatever calories you burn from exercise.
  • GrandmaCarolyn
    I agree with all of the above. 900 calories puts you into the mode when your body burns more muscle than it does fat, That muscle can even be your heart! It is much safer to increase your calories. However, sometimes your body will try to make up the lost weight when you return to more healthy calories. Hopefully you haven't been doing that long enough and it won't be the case. I actually lose as well at 1500 calories as I do at 900 calories because I lose more belly fat and my clothes fit better. Do increase your calories to at least 200 or more per meal. The 6x a day small meal bit is very healthy.