MrsAzriel Member


  • I'm 5'4" and wanting to get to 128. This is only because it will put me solidly into one of the weight classes for Brazilian jujitsu competitions and I won't have to cut weight. I'm 134 right now.
  • Married for almost a year
  • I've managed a bank reconciliation and some posting. Not much, but some.
  • I wish I had boobs. I'm a member of the itty bitty tittie committe. I love looking at boobs. I'm even (mostly) straight. Everyone loves boobs.
  • 8/9. Not too bad. And most days its 9/9, but there are some I fail on the fruits and veg.
  • My rings are small with very little stones. I leave it on for everything except martial arts. I'd leave it on then but they are not allowed. All jewelry must be off before stepping on the training floor.
  • I broke my foot in October. I was on crutches for a week, limped for two after that, and then dealt with the discomfort. If you can balance and you have any knowledge of martial arts at all you can do what I did. I stood with just the tip of my boot touching the ground and did my punching combos. I kicked with my bad foot…
  • My best friend is a guy and we claim each other as siblings. We are very close and affectionate, but we always make sure that my husband and his girlfriend are okay with us having movie nights, going motorcycle riding and the like. You all are very young, so I think its less an issue with the cousin and more an issue of…
  • The only thing I really cut out was full sugared sodas. I think I've had one in the last 3 years and that was because I couldn't keep food down at the time. I haven't cut anything else out of my diet. I love food. Most of what is love is healthy, but I do love ice cream, chocolate and cake.
  • In 2012: I got married Recommitted myself to fitness Started lifting made a new best friend Got a new job
  • I wake around 5:30 and go about my morning, have my coffee but don't have breakfast until about 9:30. I tried eating at 7 before work but I didn't like doing it that way.
  • Hi! I'm a second degree black belt in Shotokan karate, a brown belt in Japanese Jujitsu and a green belt in Tae Kwon Do. I also studied MMA and Brazilian Jujitsu for several years.
  • I met my husband when we were both 6 years old. We were taking karate classes together. We went to school all the way through high school together and dated other people. It wasn't until I was 23 and he was 22 that we started dating. He'd just left for Basic and we wrote letters, talked and grew very close during that…
  • I'm keeping all of my larger clothes only because my husband and I plan to start a family in the next couple years and I don't really want to have to buy a lot of clothes in inbetween sizes before I get back to where I am happy with myself again. That is the only reason I plan to keep them around.
  • I just started allowing my little brother to drag my butt to the gym recently. I've done martial arts and ran all my life but was never happy with the results. My darling little brother told me I needed to lift weights so I could quit sucking at life (gotta love 16 year olds). Between being pretty decent at it and looking…
  • You look amazing! Congrats on all the hard work.
  • My black strip exam in Tae Kwon Do. I have two other black belts but this exam is much harder, I'm older and TKD is very different from Karate.
  • I'm 5'4" and weigh 128ish right now. When I was 140 I had about a 28 inch waist and wore a size 5 or 7. I now have about a 25 inch waist and wear a size 0.
  • Don't wait. Martial arts is one of the workouts I truly love. I started karate at 5 and have black belts in multiple styles. It is addictive and is something that you can do for a whole lifetime. I am currently taking two styles, Tae Kwon Do and Maruki Do Jujitsu. One instructor is 56 and the other is 72. The 56 year old…
  • I broke the 3rd Metatarsal last week. I admit I am not following dr's orders, but as soon as it felt okay to limp on I have. Just moving helps a lot while you're healing. Try swimming as well. That should work.
  • Get a higher waisted yoga pant. There are some with a compression pannel at the tummy. I got mine at Sam's Club.
  • It really is more muscle structure when you get to the shorter side of things. I am 5'4" and I weigh 130. However, an American size 1 to 2 is loose on me. Even at 140 I only wore a size 3 to 5 in things because of how I'm built. Taller does help though.
  • Sweetheart, I know its easy to get frustrated and give up, but don't. I gained around 10 pounds out of nowhere when I turned 24. I though I was stuck with that weight for ever. It stayed for months no matter what I did. I hated it, because I admit I'm vain and like looking a certain way. I wanted to give up. Instead, I…
  • I don't know anything about losing the weight after having a child or how you'll look after, but I do know the feeling you're having. I'm terrified of not being able to lose the weight, even though both of us know that if you're active, work hard and eat well, it shouldn't be bad. There are a lot of mom's here that have…
  • My most recent 5k was 27:21. But I used to run in high school and ran in the low 25's so I'm working to get back to there. Great job everyone!
  • I have gained 5 pounds since starting but... 1. My clothes still fit 2. I can run 5 miles without stopping. 3. I am faster than half the high school cross country team I coach. 4. I have muscles 5. I can hold my own against my 15 year old Tae Kwon Do classmate 6. I can almost do a double legged jumping kick.
  • I coach cross country and do tae kwon do. Monday night I was sparring with one of my classmates, and we're two weeks out from a tournament so we went pretty hard. My forearms are covered in bruises. I go to practice Tuesday and one of my boys asks me if they are from Tae Kwon Do since he knows the kid I was sparring with.…
  • I'm 5'4" I weigh 133 right now and wear between a 1 and 3 depending on the cut. I carry most of my weight in my legs. But years ago I weighed the same and wore between a 5 and a 7.
  • 1. as a spouse/significant other Be married to my best friend 2. as a parent (if applicable) N/A at this point 3. as a friend Have so many friends that are either older or younger but few my age. 4. as an employee Dread going to work 5. as a sibling I don't have blood siblings but I have two "brothers" that I never thought…
  • As a former mixed martial artists, we did whatever it took to make weight for fights. That is just the nature of the beast. I walked away because it wasn't the life I wanted to live, but if ballet is important enough to the OP to make weight for, then good for her. The suggestions above are really good. My weigh ins were…