Worked out 4 times this week, didn't lose anything



  • shimewazaMan
    Hey there. Try not to be so hard on yourself. You've already lost 40 pounds! That's great! I can't vouch for anyone else, but for me, weight loss has not been a slow, steady, linear progression. I tend to stay at a given weight for a few weeks and then loose a bunch very quickly. I have no idea why. That just seems to be the way my body works. But I definitely understand your frustration. When I am on a plateau, I try to focus on physical accomplishments rather than the scale. I focus on getting in more reps, increasing my weights, increasing my intervals, etc. I figure if I am improving in these areas, my fitness is improving and the weight will eventually come around.

    A while back, in another thread, someone worded it really well and I am sure that I will screw it up ... but ... keep in mind the end goal. Is the end goal really a number on the scale? If so, what happens hen you reach that number? Are you done? No ... you will still need to work on maintenance and on improving overall fitness. As such, your journey doesn't end. It is a life-long process. You will have ups and downs. Just try to keep things moving in the right direction ... the direction of a healthier and happier you!
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    Just anecdotal evidence.... sometimes I find that I will be awesome at working out/eating healthy and I won't drop weight for a week or two. Then suddenly one day I will wake up and be 2 lbs lighter (despite being on a 0.5 lb/week loss diet). And this weight will be steady for another week or two or even three then suddenly drop overnight. No facts or explanation to back this up, but just letting you know you may just need to be patient! And great job on working out!

    Me too! I can fluctuate the same 5lbs up and down and then one day...I lost 4lbs and will stay at that weight for a month. When I look at my progress chart for 90 days, it really enlightened me to stop sweating the scale fluctuations. But when I take measurements and gain inches (especially at TOM) I really get depressed. Water retention is my nemesis.:grumble: Then on those beautiful mornings when I measure and see I lost inches at every point on my body, it makes the sweat and logging worth it.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    9 months of this... only 20 lbs down.

    If you seriously considered giving up after a week, honey, you may as well give up now because you're not going to make it.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    Don't give up!
    So i put your stats into caloriesper hour and your tdee assuming you work out 3 times a week is 2511. Now you say you are set at 1750 PLUS you eat your exercise cal which i assume is about 500? Then that only gives you a deficit of 250 cals a day, which Im afraid equates to half a pound a week. Remember half a pound is like drinking a very small glass of water so its not going to show up on the scale necessarily.
    Im afraid its this simple, you need to eat less, move more or preferably both. You can do it!!!
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    To the OP:

    I have been on MFP for over 2 months and have lost only 5 lbs.


    I've lost a total of 13 inches off my body. 8 inches have been in the last month of starting the C25K program.

    Get a tape measure and use that with the scale- I bet you'll see that you put on lean muscle faster than dropping the pounds with the way you work out. Some people drop inches first then drop lbs! You might be one! :)

    Note: I am 250+ and have a 48% body fat so losing inches is a big deal for me. F--- my scale.

    If you want to give up after 3 months then understandable. But try atleast for THAT long. But a week or 2 is far too short to SEE a difference.

    Keep going!
  • joelleevans
    please dont give up i was the biggest whiner when we started took me allmost 2 months to start seeing results i was discouraged but believe me it dose work and we all need a little encouragement
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    I'm very disappointed, and I'm close to giving all it all up .
    No need to give up, but if you want different results, you need different methods.

    I have lost about 42 pounds since Nov 2009 (when my son was born) I guess i'm going for the slowest loser competition!
    That's the textbook definition of a plateau. You need to increase either the frequency of your exercise, the intensity of the exercise or reduce your calorie intake.
    I spend about 22 minutes on the elliptical and burn average about 220 calories (according to the machine.) Then I follow the ActivTrax program - which sends me around the select-a weight type resistance machines for another 22 minutes or so. I generally do 14-20 reps on 6-7 different machines. The weight is a medium amount of difficulty. Easy to start - struggling to finish. Each time I work out the activtrax program sends me to different machines. Then change back out and scurry back to work.
    First off, do your cardio AFTER you lift weights. Doing cardio first tends to deplete your glycogen stores making your weight workouts more less effective. Second, mix up the exercises you do- either swap out certain ones, change the order in which you do them or, shorten your rest periods between sets, which is probably the easiest way of increasing the intensity level. Third, increase the weight to one where you can do 8-12 reps, which is ideal for increasing muscle growth. Working in higher reps like you do is geared more toward muscular endurance rather than growth and will not have as profound effect on your metabolism.
    I admit, I go over my calories many days too, but nothing I consider horrible. I do not have a problem with binging.
    Binging or not, going over on calories, even on a semi-frequent basis can stall or impair one's weight loss efforts. Consistent results come from a consistent effort.

    Good luck!
  • MrsAzriel
    MrsAzriel Posts: 35 Member
    I know its easy to get frustrated and give up, but don't.

    I gained around 10 pounds out of nowhere when I turned 24. I though I was stuck with that weight for ever. It stayed for months no matter what I did. I hated it, because I admit I'm vain and like looking a certain way. I wanted to give up. Instead, I found a fitness goal and just ate reasonably. My goal was two part, the first has been completed. I entered a Tae Kwon Do tournament. I am required to compete as a black belt even though I am not in that style because I am a black belt in two other styles. My goal was to place in every event. I did, and I won grand champion (and a concussion). I never once worried about my weight during that time.

    Two days after the tournament I stepped on the scale and was 5 pounds lighter.

    Now that I'm working on my running and stuff for my red belt test, I have the second part of the goal. Those are better for me that the weight goals.
    Oh and I'm down 8 pounds from the high point and my husband thinks I look better than on our wedding day where I weighted 122.

    DON'T GIVE UP!!!!
  • martintanz
    Ask your husband not to bring home food from culinary class. It iisn't being disrespectul to him. If he needs to try the stuff out on someone, tell him to give it to one of the neighbors.
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    Just by glancing at your journal for the last 5 days or consume a lot of sodium! I would say that is probably your culprit. Drink more water...and let up on the healthy choice/weight watchers meals. I know they are convenient but try eating it every other day instead of daily...and maybe 3-4x a week at most. See if that works.

    Also, look at the type of carbs you're taking in. I had to revamp my nutrition altogether. So if you're eating two separate servings of pasta..maybe replace one with protein and veggies.

    Lastly...try not eating all of your exercise calories for a week and see if that helps. Sometimes, you just need to switch up your routine to constantly confuse your body.

    Don't give up! I've been there...and kept pushing through!
  • 3bambi3
    3bambi3 Posts: 1,650 Member
    If 1750 is your TDEE -15% or 20% then you should NOT be eating your exercise calories back. TDEE includes all exercise already, so if you're eating back your calories, you may be accidentally eating at a surplus.
  • kclarkss
    kclarkss Posts: 69 Member
    Don't give up. I know it is depressing and very dissappointing but it happens. I work out just about everyday. 2 weeks ago I lost 3lbs and was like yeah baby. I have never lost that much in a week. I usually only lose 1lb. Well the following week I lost none. I worked so hard ate good to have the scale read the same was hurtful. I then took the measuring tape and I did lose 2 inches in my stomach. So that made me a little more happy. I have a goal I want to reach and it is 3 weeks away and I am so close.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    1. As others have mentioned, only eat 1700 calories since your exercise is already included in the TDEE equation. By eating back your exercise calories on top of this, you are maintaining weight.
    2. Increase the weights as 14-25 reps is way too many and light - aim for 8 to 12 reps till near fatigue.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Weight loss is not linear - you need to look at the bigger picture.
  • Sooze_1975
    Sooze_1975 Posts: 89 Member
    Hi There!
    Don't get discouraged, keep going! We have similar stats except I am older than you. I am 37, 5'3" and weigh 230. Some key things for me, I discovered by trial and error, are not to eat back all of my excercise calories (I eat back about half and not even half some days) and a HUGE factor is to ensure that I am under my sodium intake for the day. I have lost 21 lbs so far, at a slow pace, but I'm totally ok with that. Maybe try not eating all your excercise calories back and cut back on the sodium. Keep it up tho, don't give up! You can add me as a friend if you like :-) Also, I work out 4 times a week as well.
  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    LOL, 4 times this week, saw no effects, about to throw in the towel....

    Your motivation isn't even close to where it needs to be. If it is this easy for you to give up, do it. Then do some soul searching and figure out why you want to do this in the first place.

    You obviously didn't read the first post. She's been at this since 2009.