fmktjod Member


  • Wow - you look AMAZING and I love your outfits and new hair cut! thanks for the inspiration. I was feeling good about the 18 I've lost but been in a bit of a maintenance slump lately - your post is helping me to keep going for the last 18 - 25 I have to loose to be at my goal weight. Thanks for posting.
  • I make fruit and protein powder shakes. Vanilla protein, and then few of the following in combos: frozen strawberries frozen banana blue berries milk pomegranate juice Frozen pineapple Frozen banana pineapple juice milk frozen mango nonfat plain yogurt cinnamon orange juice Hope that helps...there are so many good combos…
  • Not sure if you have a Nordstrom Rack near you...but I love some of the brands they carry. I recently bought a Wacoal for $35 and it holds everything in I'm - I'm not a runner but I use it for hiking, Zumba (lots of jumping around) and the elipical and I'm a D cup. I also second the suggestion for online shopping - check…
  • I've been at the same crossroads too for the last month - I don't recall if you said how long you've been in this plateau. My brother who is a trainer suggested to me the following. 1. Work out in the mornings 2. Stay under your 500 calorie a day debt (eat your exercise calories back if you are hungry) 3. Eat all your…
  • Thanks! And bump for reference and future referral.
  • Feel free to add me. I am trying to loose a similar amount. Down 13 so far. Good for you for joining. The community here is great and has been tremendously helpful too me. Best of luck on your journey.
  • Welcome Hollie! Congrats on coming back and asking for support. The community here is what has been making the difference for me too. I was on the site for a while before I realized how helpful having others comment and be accountable too was. Since then I've lost 13 pounds and am more than 1/2 way to my first goal weight.…
  • As was already said, there is lots of debate on this site and information on-line. My suggestion, learn as much as you can one way to start is type eating exercise calories into the search engine here and read what has been posted before. Also, conduct your own research on the physiology of weight loss and then experiment…
  • Very inspirational! Congrats to you both! Keep up the good work. I'm touched by how much you obviously love and admire her as well. It makes such a difference to have supportive people surrounding you on life's journey. God bless!
  • fit·ness 1. The state or condition of being fit; suitability or appropriateness. 2. Good health or physical condition, especially as the result of exercise and proper nutrition. 3. Biology The extent to which an organism is adapted to or able to produce offspring in a particular environment Maybe those who are posting…
  • Fantastic work chica! You look great especially your abs are flatter and more toned as well as your tush! Keep up the good work. Can't wait to have some success like yours to share!
  • At first motivation was hard for me...But I knew I had to loose weight to be healthier and really wanted to be stronger and leaner - that was my motivation. What has helped me stay interested is to do a variety of exercise that keeps my interest. My base exercise is Pilates and the Eliptical. I change it up by going hiking…
  • Week 2 - Level 2. Alternating PreCore Elipitcal M, W, F with 30DS & 60 minutes of Pilates Tu, Th, S this week. Today completed 30DS level 2. It was definitely more difficult than level 1. I found the hardest part to be the plank ab work and the plank jacks. Had to stop during each for 5 seconds to catch my breath. Still…
  • I love the suggestion to get individual packets! This is a great way to try different brands and flavors. I use Cytosport/Muscle Milk - 100% Whey 80% Concentrated & 20% Isolated Vanilla flavor from Costco. It was well priced. I mix it with 1/2 C juice 1/2 C water 1/2 C ice 1/2 berries or other frozen fruit 1/2 frozen…
  • Finished day 3 of level 1. I can get through the whole 20 minutes w/o stopping. I find the push ups to be the hardest part. Felt a little twingee in my left shoulder after day 2 but took some ibuprofen, rubbed it down w/ Tramuel and iced it so I think I mitigated any damage. After todays push ups and shoulder work, I…
  • Completed level 1 again today - on track for my 30DS coupled with eliptical & pilates on alternting days! Still finding parts of level 1 challenging - like push ups, I can't yet get through the second round and I'm still on bended knees.
  • Completed level 1 again today - on track for my 30DS coupled with eliptical & pilates on alternting days! Still finding parts of level 1 challenging - like push ups, I can't yet get through the second round and I'm still on bended knees.
  • What a great post and I eco what many other have said, well balanced, couragous, thoughtful and generous. Thank you. I too was not educated in eating back exercise calories and confused when I got here and didn't want to do anything to impede my progress of compound the weight/health problems. I come from an athletic…
  • There have been a few other great message board strings on lunch ideas - check the search for them and I bet you will find a bunch that have already been posted. I too do the extra dinner servings as lunch the next day. I love hard boiled eggs, salads, and turkey in a pita w/ lettuce or arugula, open faced cucumber…
  • Started Saturday found my knees to be a bit impacted so I will be doing it 3 days a week (T, Th & Sat) for the month of May. On my days off I will be doing 60 minutes on the elipitcal which typically burns 600+ calories for me and 1 Tai Chi class as well as 1 Total Body Fitness class @ my gym which is similar to the 30 day…
  • For those who haven't recieved their copies, you can download the first level on Amazon for $2 or all for $6.
  • Started today and used my HRM it read 330 when I finished level 1. I'm going to give it a shot for the next 7 days and see how it goes. I burn over 500 calories on the eliptical daily so I'm curious to see how adding in the weights will change my body with so few calories burned comparatively, but I'm willing to give it a…
  • I think I'm in...little trepidations about committing too, but I've downloaded the workouts from so I'm ready to try. Looking forward to everyone's progress and support.
  • I'm on the go a lot too but I'm a firm believer in getting nutrition from natural whole foods. There are many fruits and veggies you can take on the run that are healthier than nutrition bars. Apples, bananas, single serve yogurt, nuts, carrots, celery sticks etc. these require no preparation other than to buy them and…
  • Like many others who have resonded here I find topic themes come and go. I pay attention to my sodium intake and try to limit it. It's easy to go over, as many others indicated salt (sodium) is in everything - even raw veggies. The reason I track my sodium is not about water weight but rather to be healthy. High sodium…
  • First - thanks for the topic, I too am looking for some lunch time inspiration. Last week I had reduced sodium turkey with low fat swiss all week which worked great for my nutritional anc calloric needs but I'm board with it now. Taco salad! Thanks for the reminder of this tasty lunch dish - I'm now going to make taco…
  • I too love the Trader Joe's Frozen Steel Cut Oatmeal. I add on or more of the follwing: Blueberries, strawberries, bananas, chopped apple Walnuts, pinenuts or slivered almonds Dried cranberries, cherries or raisins Non-fat plain yogurt or Cottage Cheese Trader Joes chuncky apple sauce If I'm splurging, I like brown sugar,…
  • I love shopping and LOVE having good quality gear for my various activities. Having nice workout clothes and accessories motivates me and helps me feel like I'm really taking care of myself. This doesn't always mean I have to spend a lot of money to get good-quality, long-lasting digs. I love REI and Lululemon, but I also…
  • I'm bumping this post I wrote over the weekend in hopes someone will have additional experience or information...
  • ;) thanks mangorabbit! Just like to be clear - there seems to be so much advice giving rather than experience sharing. I prefer to stick with sharing. Cheers, Jodi