How to get motivated to exercise...

Hey everyone! I go up and down in my weight and I really feel like this is the time in my life to work hard to lose weight and keep it off. I work a full time job, part time job and I take college courses. It seems like I'm always busy but I also feel like I've got quite a bit of down time. In this down time I usually lay in bed, go shopping, or lounge on the couch. Exercise is so important when trying to lose weight and get fit but I have no motivation to do it.
So my question is- what motivates you even if you're completely exhausted and unmotivated? It's hard for me to just think of the end result of losing weight to really motivate me. Help!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I am completely exhausted sitting here right now working and playing on MFP....however, once I get out of this chair and move, I am fine----I don't think about being tired. In fact, I get up and move just to keep from falling asleep. I am so psyched to exercise because it beats sitting in this chair. Do it for your health, and not for the scale!
  • jennlco
    jennlco Posts: 17 Member
    Looking at the end result should be a massive motivator :) If you dont exercise it probably wont happen!
    If you exercise you are making yourself fitter, stronger, healthier and happier.. that does it for me! Easily!
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    I look at a picture of my fat *kitten* a from a year ago, when I was 60 pounds heavier and had moobs that most women would be jealous of. Do I want to look like that again? Hell no! So I get my *kitten* off the couch and get moving!
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm only a couple weeks into this, but what's working for me is 1. finding exercise I actually enjoy and 2. committing myself to doing it even when it sucks. There are days when I don't want to work out and I just have to suck it up and put in the time. It helps to think about what else I would be doing in that time, and how a half hour or hour or whatever isn't really that bad to take. Inevitably I feel better at the end for having done it :)

    BTW I'm in grad school and work as well, so I completely understand where you're coming from! --As do a bunch of the working parents and others on here. The good news is, once you get moving for a few days you'll likely have more energy!

    Good luck! :)
  • laurenxxapril
    laurenxxapril Posts: 13 Member
    The only reason the end result doesn't motivate me is because it seems SOOO far away. You know?
  • AngelaPowPowPOW
    Wake up and put your work out clothes on right away. If you have to work, put them on as soon as you get home. If I'm dressed and ready I'll go. If now, I'll lazy about until it's too late.
  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member
    A few thing do it for me.
    1st my hubby and I are going on our first real vacation in Dec 2012, and I dont want to look the way that I do know. So when I dont want to go or think about stopping early I just repeat "bathing suit, Bathing suit, 19 months..."
    2nd having a work out partner!!! IT helps to get me there and keep me going. Some what of a competition (very friendly) and not wanting to let them down.
    3rd going to the gym get e a break from my kids for 2 hours...

    Good luck!
  • snakegoddess_3
    First find something you really like doing. For me it's karate. You are accountable, people ask you where your at, and you have to keep up on the material. If you don't like doing it, it makes it more difficult. The other thing that motivates me and it's kind of messed up, logging my food. If I have something I really want to eat and it doesn't fit within my calories I jump on the treadmill or clean the house or something so that I can. Probably not how that's supposed to work but it works for me!
  • carpar1
    carpar1 Posts: 211 Member
    You will lose by eating healthier foods and drinking will lose more if you add a little exercise. It is up to you, I want the weight gone so I exercise.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    What motivates me? The thought of feeling confident and fitting into cute clothes. I want to lose weight SO bad. I think of that every time I feel too lazy to go workout. Likewise, I set mini-goals for myself. For instance, the first week of July I am running my first 5K! Though it is rather casual, I want to do well! Next, I am going on vacation a month later. I want to be 20 pounds less by then. These two goals help keep me motivated as well. It is okay to be busy and skip exercising sometimes, but I try to get in at least 5 days a week. Sometimes it is hard, but I feel better about myself after. I have to remind myself of that every time I'm too lazy.
  • mandyschalk
    mandyschalk Posts: 93 Member
    The only reason the end result doesn't motivate me is because it seems SOOO far away. You know?

    I saw this on a post the other day haven't used it yet but it may help you to see the end result!!
  • fmktjod
    fmktjod Posts: 49 Member
    At first motivation was hard for me...But I knew I had to loose weight to be healthier and really wanted to be stronger and leaner - that was my motivation. What has helped me stay interested is to do a variety of exercise that keeps my interest. My base exercise is Pilates and the Eliptical. I change it up by going hiking or for walks outside - I love nature. I also love to dance so recently I tried a Zumba class - it was SOOOOO much fun and burned 888 calories in 1 hour (according to my HRM)!!! I also swim and cycle. Downloading music that gets me going has also been essential.

    I hope that helps - you can do this! :).
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    It sounds like you are super busy! If time is an issue, there are tons of excercise videos "on demand" on cable. I did a great cardio/ab workout yesterday that only took about 25 minutes. Lots of workout videos now incorporate both cardio and strength training in a relatively short period of time. Very efficient for the super busy person. Check it out! Good luck!

    Also, once you start moving you will see that you will feel better and have even more energy. For me, the physical benefits of excercise are secondary. I need the endorphin boost to keep my sanity:)
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    The guilt :-/ i really find once i get going i cant stop. However it took be 9 years to get motivated into losing weight.
  • KLo924
    KLo924 Posts: 379 Member

    3rd going to the gym get e a break from my kids for 2 hours...

    Good luck!

    I don't have kids, but I do feel stressed a lot between school and work. So, the above quote is SO true!!! Think of going to work out as your time for yourself - away from whatever your million commitments are. Take the time to get frustrations out, unwind, whatever. It's an hour (or whatever) for you :)
  • buckyswider
    YMMV, but what worked for me was buying a cheap litte MP3 player, but instead of just listening to music I started buying/downloading audio books. I love to read, but have zero "still" time to do so these days. So my exercise time became my "reading" time. When I'm in the middle of a good book, I can't wait to get to the gym and pop on the headphones to "read".

    I bought the "Sansa Clip" MP3 device. Very small and instead of needing an armband it's light and small enough where I just clip it to my shirt collar. I usually buy the audiobooks on ebay for a couple bucks, but on occasion have purchased from the online sites like I hear the libraries also stock audibooks, so there's a free option for ya.

    Now that the weather has turned and the sun is up early enough, I've taken to the bike trail for a daily 25-35 mile ride, so I can't "read" except on rainy days when I'm forced back to the gym. Now I'm trying to figure out a good, safe way to at least listen to music while I'm riding....
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    Ok I think I am “mean” to myself lol…I tell myself put my big girl panties on because one day I want to say they are tiny girl panties lol…no really because the end does seem so far away too far away but I can sit here and complain and whine about it and let it get even farther away by adding on another 5lbs here and there kind of thing….or I can get up and sweat it out…for example today I don’t want to work out at all I am so tired and a little bit sore from working out yesterday but I know that if I don’t then I might eat some junk food because I am going down that path to listening to that evil voice in my head that tells me not too and that cupcake is so yummy etc…but once I get up and push that voice to the back of my head even if it is just saying ok I’ll just do 10 minutes that normally leads me into to finishing my work out because I got dressed etc might as well get it done and I feel better for the rest of the day and I seem to have more energy towards my daily life-find some time for yourself …honestly working out helps me with work and school because I can get my stress out or really think about that days lesson etc…find what works for you…I loved my 24 hour gym because I would get up at 4am sweat it out come home and had tons of energy for my day…but you have to find some sort of exercise that you enjoy or you won’t stick with it …and now that I have written a novel lol
  • laurenxxapril
    laurenxxapril Posts: 13 Member
    Another excuse I come up with is that "all" of the people at the gym are already fit. And I'm not. I want to eat better and lose weight before I go to the gym. VICIOUS CIRCLE! Haha
  • tcsteeves
    tcsteeves Posts: 59
    It's hard to get motivated to exercise sometimes, but if you find an exercise or workout that you enjoy, that will help tremendously. I mean, who wants to do a boring exercise? Spice it up a bit and have fun!
  • amanda07425
    amanda07425 Posts: 105 Member
    completely understand!!! I'm always tired after a long day at work and the last thing I want to do is work out. I try to remember that its the only thing that's going to help me accomplish my goal. I also remember how long I've been putting of this process.. the thing that helps me is remembering what I really want at the end of the day which is to lose weight and be confident again. I also look to my friends at MFP to see what everyone else has been up to which makes me want to do something as well!! Were all here to help each other, if your looking for motivation, you came to the right place! Let's all help each other stay strong and lose that weight! :) ((don't forget it's beach season!! haha that's REALLY motivating me))