Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    WOWIE!!! ItsTerric you look great...Your tummy is shrinking, the back fat is dissappearing and you look more toned over all....I know its hard for us to see results in ourselves sometimes you you keep taking pictures and eventually you will notice the difference for yourself

    Happy everyone is doing so well..

    Well I'm still sick...I think my sinuese are infected again...hopefully it will get better over the weekend if not I"ll have to see the doc :noway:

    Qestion ladies...since I missed so many days...Do you guys think I should start over the Shred from Day 1 or should I continue from where I left off....I"m now to do Day 7... I just feel like a failed this attempt and a fresh start might be better and hopefully this time I could get all 30 days done without any hiccups
  • StephanieJ82
    ItsTerriC - great pics thanks for posting. Just wait till the 30 days!!! I can't wait!! :)

    Sugar -I would start over when you get better. And thats fine cause we will be here to help you along. I think others have joined as well so you won't be far behind them. Just don't worry about it, get better, and try again.
  • StephanieJ82
    day 13 done
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Level 2 Day 3 - check

    Didn't think I'd make it since I spent hours today (and over 2000 calories) mowing the lawn (.67 acres with a push mower) but I did it. It seems to go easier now and I think that's because I've *just* gotten rid of the Easter sodium bloat (8 pounds of water from last weekend! only one left thank GOD).
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Level 2, Day 3 - Done! I worked out much later today than usual. My legs are still sore, but I think it will ease over the next couple of days. I also did extra weight training for my arms. I want to get rid of the bat wings before summer
  • fmktjod
    fmktjod Posts: 49 Member
    I think I'm in...little trepidations about committing too, but I've downloaded the workouts from Amezon.com so I'm ready to try. Looking forward to everyone's progress and support.
  • barbiegirluk
    barbiegirluk Posts: 30 Member
    I am on Level 1 Day 2, Would love to join u!

    Measurements on Day 1
    Chest 111cm 43.5’’
    Waist 103cm 40.25’’
    Hips 114cm 44.75’’
    Right Arm 37 cm 14.5’’
    Left Arm 39 cm 15.25’’
    Right Thigh 61 cm 23.75’’
    Left Thigh 60 cm 23.5’’
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    L2D4 - check

    How we all holding up here, bum-patting greasers? :-D The sunburn I got yesterday on my back made holding the plank move seriously painful! X-D
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Level 2 Day 4 complete! I swear it seems to get harder each day. I make it through most of it ok, but that last ab circuit just kicks my butt. I hope tomorrow I can get all the way through that one. I did try on the dress I'm working to fit in to. I still can't zip it, but it's closer than it was a few weeks ago. Maybe I'll add in some treadmill work in the evenings. Is anyone else doing any other workouts along with this?
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    I started her video today. :)
  • hgranger
    hgranger Posts: 6 Member
    Looking forward to day 1 tomorrow. Wanted to checkin and see how everyone else is doing. So fired up today I even hopped on the treadmill for a bit. Let ya'll know how it goes
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Level 2 - Day 5 - Done. Stuck it out all the way through today. I do the low impact plank work, but I never quit moving and I never gave up. Each day I feel a little stronger.

    Good luck to everyone this morning.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    I do the low impact plank work, but I never quit moving and I never gave up. Each day I feel a little stronger.

    Me too. It seems ridiculous to repeat a day or a full week just because I can't do a "real" push-up or a plank jack. My body would be SO used to the rest of the workout that it would just be ineffective. If I can feel the burn from modified versions, I know I'm not calling it in.

    Also, you had asked if anyone is doing other workouts? If I try to do anything high impact (I consider climbing stairs at top speed and other circuit training to be high impact) I find it difficult to do Jillian. Any sodium I take in winds up cushioning any mild injury from other high impact work and my limbs feel like they're a million pounds.

    Low impact for long periods on the other hand work great. They seem to stretch the muscles for me. Mowing the lawn and yesterday I took a 3.69 mile walk before shredding (www.mapmywalk.com <- get the free account) and all cardio in Jillian's workout was full of energy (still busting the muscles in my shoulders though :-D )
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Update since I didn't check in with the group over the weekend. I completed Day 3 level 2 on Saturday and then walked 6.75 miles. Then on Sunday I took the day off. My body was exhausted from all the workouts first thing in the mornings and all the miles walked in the evenings. This morning I completed Day 4 level 2.
    I measured and I have not lost ANY inches. I did manage to lose 2.5 pounds. That kinda bummed me out this morning when I didn't see any inches lost but I will keep doing the workout because I really like the challenge of it and I am seeing more strength come from it. But it is really gonna tick me off if I don't see some inches lost!

  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I do the low impact plank work, but I never quit moving and I never gave up. Each day I feel a little stronger.

    Me too. It seems ridiculous to repeat a day or a full week just because I can't do a "real" push-up or a plank jack. My body would be SO used to the rest of the workout that it would just be ineffective. If I can feel the burn from modified versions, I know I'm not calling it in.

    If I try to do anything high impact (I consider climbing stairs at top speed and other circuit training to be high impact) I find it difficult to do Jillian. Any sodium I take in winds up cushioning any mild injury from other high impact work and my limbs feel like they're a million pounds.

    Low impact for long periods on the other hand work great. They seem to stretch the muscles for me. Mowing the lawn and yesterday I took a 3.69 mile walk before shredding (www.mapmywalk.com <- get the free account) and all cardio in Jillian's workout was full of energy (still busting the muscles in my shoulders though :-D )

    That's good to know. I plan to start back at the gym tonight and do some walking on the treadmill. I need to burn more calories and get rid of some fat. I don't want to do too much cardio, I plan to keep it down to 3.5mph for about an hour. Hopefully that will keep my heart in the fat-burning zone.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one doing low impact. I can do the rest, even a fairly decent push up. Jjumping around in the plank position just doesn't work for me. I make sure to maintain my position and I can really feel it working my legs, abs and arms. I really don't think I'm missing anything by keeping it a little softer on the joints.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Update since I didn't check in with the group over the weekend. I completed Day 3 level 2 on Saturday and then walked 6.75 miles. Then on Sunday I took the day off. My body was exhausted from all the workouts first thing in the mornings and all the miles walked in the evenings. This morning I completed Day 4 level 2.
    I measured and I have not lost ANY inches. I did manage to lose 2.5 pounds. That kinda bummed me out this morning when I didn't see any inches lost but I will keep doing the workout because I really like the challenge of it and I am seeing more strength come from it. But it is really gonna tick me off if I don't see some inches lost!


    Hang in there, Barb. I haven't lost any weight at all. I've actually gained some, but that's probably my own fault. I've seen some small tape measure change, but not as much as I would like. My DH assures me that he can see and feel changes and that I need to be patient. According to him, all the firming up is taking place on the inside first and it will take a little while to work it's way outside where it can be measured. I have no idea if he's right or not, but Bless his heart for trying anyway. I'm 15 days in to the 30 and I really hope that the major changes are going to happen soon. Either way, I know I'm stronger than when I started, so it's not a total loss.
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Update since I didn't check in with the group over the weekend. I completed Day 3 level 2 on Saturday and then walked 6.75 miles. Then on Sunday I took the day off. My body was exhausted from all the workouts first thing in the mornings and all the miles walked in the evenings. This morning I completed Day 4 level 2.
    I measured and I have not lost ANY inches. I did manage to lose 2.5 pounds. That kinda bummed me out this morning when I didn't see any inches lost but I will keep doing the workout because I really like the challenge of it and I am seeing more strength come from it. But it is really gonna tick me off if I don't see some inches lost!


    Hang in there, Barb. I haven't lost any weight at all. I've actually gained some, but that's probably my own fault. I've seen some small tape measure change, but not as much as I would like. My DH assures me that he can see and feel changes and that I need to be patient. According to him, all the firming up is taking place on the inside first and it will take a little while to work it's way outside where it can be measured. I have no idea if he's right or not, but Bless his heart for trying anyway. I'm 15 days in to the 30 and I really hope that the major changes are going to happen soon. Either way, I know I'm stronger than when I started, so it's not a total loss.

    Thanks Teri! You can tell a major difference in your pictures. Those were great. I never did take my pics and I really wish that I did. But I am like you, I feel alot stronger too. I really think that the planks and I really think that I will see a big difference in my arms with that. (I hope so anyway)
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    I didn't work out yesterday :(
    I have hives and it is stressing me out big time!!! I got them this time last year and it spread all over my body. So itchy and painfull. Lasted over a month. So now it's back and started on my wrist under a band I wore and is now on one of my ears and the last few days on my neck. I am trying to figure out what it's from since the doctor isnt much help. I have read it can be caused from sweat, stress, pollen, pet dander ect... since it could be ANY of the above (i am sweating all the time from my workouts, spring is here and there is pollen everywhere, the farms in my area are spraying chemicals ect) I decided to eliminate some options. since I didnt sweat at all yesterday because i didn't work out, and its spreading up my arm, I think I can eliminate that.
    So I will continue today where I left off.
    Sorry ladies :)

    ItsTerriC - Your hubby sounds great!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I didn't work out yesterday :(
    I have hives and it is stressing me out big time!!! I got them this time last year and it spread all over my body. So itchy and painfull. Lasted over a month. So now it's back and started on my wrist under a band I wore and is now on one of my ears and the last few days on my neck. I am trying to figure out what it's from since the doctor isnt much help. I have read it can be caused from sweat, stress, pollen, pet dander ect... since it could be ANY of the above (i am sweating all the time from my workouts, spring is here and there is pollen everywhere, the farms in my area are spraying chemicals ect) I decided to eliminate some options. since I didnt sweat at all yesterday because i didn't work out, and its spreading up my arm, I think I can eliminate that.
    So I will continue today where I left off.
    Sorry ladies :)

    ItsTerriC - Your hubby sounds great!

    You must be miserable! I've experienced hives once it that was more than enough for me. Doctors really aren't much help, so all you can do is treat the symptoms and wait for them to clear up. Even if the sweat isn't causing them, it could still make them worse. Please be cautious, the last thing you need is to make them flare even more. Why does it always seem that just when you are getting in the groove of a good work-out program, something always tries to interfere. If it isn't work or family, then our bodies will turn on us and start acting up. Do what you can, but don't overdo and cause yourself more misery.
  • StephanieJ82
    StephanieJ82 Posts: 233
    I know!!!! It's always the way. I get into a good groove and BAM, I get sick or something similar. Thats when I usually quit. But this time I wont. I am just so afraid It is going to spread like last year. I got some hive meds so hoping that will take care of the symptoms till it goes away. Thanks for the kind words.