Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    SUGAR NOOOOO.... lol. JK.

    its after 10pm right now and i got home not too long ago from a LOOONGGG day. I really didnt want to work out at all!!! But I did. yaaayyy... I knew i had to cause I half assed it yesterday.

    I am also really finding Jillian annoying. I will mute her tomorrow. sometimes she is motivating but sometimes she is condiscending. I am also getting bored. At least there is only 4 more days of this one I suppose.

    I have a feeling I am going to need a push... I am getting to that point of my journey when i really start to get down on myself because i havent eaten very well the past 2 days or done my second workouts. the scale hasnt budged in 2 weeks :(

    I feel your scale pain! I did the "2 weeks no loss" thing myself recently, but today I broke 200 pounds - YEAH!!!!! All this exercise is finally paying off!

    I did Day 3 of Level 1 today, and for those who are curious about calories burned, here's the info from my heart rate monitor for today:

    280 Calories Burned at an average heart rate of 150 with a max rate of 174 (during that 2nd round of cardio I bet)

    For comparison purposes, I'm 198.8 lbs, 5'9" tall, and I'm having to rest during about 15-20 seconds of the cardio during the session. I use 5lb weights for most of the strength, but swap out for two water bottle part way through the shoulder press and the side lunges.

    Hope the info is helpful.

    I'm trying to talk my husband and daughter into doing the workout now:noway:

    Welcome to "Onederland" I know you had to be excited. I know I was jumping up and down when I was out of the 200's!!! Congrats!!!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    I woke up with my right foot swollen....its gone down now but it feels a lil sore...Not sure if I can shred today. I might have to do the Walk at Home workout which might be easier on the foot for now....or the 20 Zumba DVD depending on my mood...

    I feel knida bad for missing 2 days already and everyone else is doing so well :ohwell:

    Oh no! I hope everything is okay with your foot! I hope you are able to get some exercise but don't push yourself if you are hurting too bad.

  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Well, I really dropped the ball this weekend. My complete my 5th day on Sunday. But I did burn 715 calories on Saturday doing yard work. So I will give myself a break for keeping my body moving. I also took my measurements and will add them to my signature tomorrow. I can't wait to see the changes. My scale hasn't moved in a week and it has gotten a bit upsetting. I refuse to loose my motivation.

    BTW, I added 3 lbs hand weight so my workout on day 5 and it kicked my but...Felt great!!! Burned more calories, too.

    While doing the Shred don't get discouraged if your number on the scale doesn't move. We are adding muscle so a little gain is expected as long as you are doing everything else as you should. I actually gained almost a pound this week but I know I have done everything right so I am not letting that bother me too bad. Hang in there!!!

  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Ugh I slacked all weekend!
    I started Level 3 on Friday and woosh.... but I like a lot of the moves.
    So I took off the weekend. Better get back to it. Everyday this week, and the weekend!
    I aim to do the workout daily so I'll be on day 8 on Sunday, then I can be done with it on Tuesday.
    I'm just losing a pound a week but that's fine with me.
    Keep going everyone it'll be over before you know it! Woohoo!
    I started March 28 so it'll take me a touch longer than 30 days but I'm pretty happy with how steady I've been at it.

    Congratulations! That is great that you are almost done. I should start level 2 on Thurs and I am looking forward to it. Level one is starting to bore me. lol I am tired of seeing and hearing the same thing every day!!

    And that is great that you have averaged a loss of a pound a week. I actually put almost a pound on this past week. I figured it was because I was building muscle like I was told would happen. I have been walking 4 miles a day in addition to the shred and keeping a little under on my calories so I am pretty sure the gain is from muscle gain!

  • davedylan
    davedylan Posts: 16 Member
    I would love to do this but i don't have the DVD. I just rejoined today because I saw pixs of me from vacation and was grossed out how bad I looked. I jumped on the scale to see that I have gained several pounds. My hubby travels alot for work so I think the boredom has set in. Any suggestions on how I can join without the DVD or do I need it? Also I know that on my kids XBox they can watch a movie and invite people to join? I wonder if that would work and we could all workout together?? Just a thought.:happy:
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    I would love to do this but i don't have the DVD. I just rejoined today because I saw pixs of me from vacation and was grossed out how bad I looked. I jumped on the scale to see that I have gained several pounds. My hubby travels alot for work so I think the boredom has set in. Any suggestions on how I can join without the DVD or do I need it? Also I know that on my kids XBox they can watch a movie and invite people to join? I wonder if that would work and we could all workout together?? Just a thought.:happy:

    You can always download the video from Amazon.com. It cost 1.99 per video. You will love doing this. I can see a change in myself. I should have taken some before pics but I haven't. But I am starting to see a little toning in my arms.

  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Day 8 done. Watching second part atm.

    Interesting side-note: I noticed that the workout was a LOT harder today. I think it's from the mild amount of holiday eating (piece of Mrs. Smith apple pie, a Peep and some cupcake batter - it's my kid's birthday). Any of you that really hit the Easter candy hard - my condolences. X-D
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    I would love to do this but i don't have the DVD. I just rejoined today because I saw pixs of me from vacation and was grossed out how bad I looked. I jumped on the scale to see that I have gained several pounds. My hubby travels alot for work so I think the boredom has set in. Any suggestions on how I can join without the DVD or do I need it? Also I know that on my kids XBox they can watch a movie and invite people to join? I wonder if that would work and we could all workout together?? Just a thought.:happy:

    I haven't bought the DVD or downloaded it. I found it through my cable "On Demand" feature. I went to "On Demand", Sports, Excercise, and found it along with many other workout programs. I bookmarked the 30 Day Shred Level 1. I will find levels 2 and 3 when I am ready. I didn't want to purchase until I knew I would use it. I will probably purchase the DVD this weekend, cause I am really into it.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Back on track this morning. Got through the Shred. I'm counting it as Day 6, which puts me a bit behind. The plan is to do it again tonight then twice again tomorrow. That will put me even again by Wednesday, which will be weigh-in and measurements day.
    I see a lot of water in my future!

    You are so smart....why didnt I think of that.....
    I missed a couple of days too (I'm on Day 5 today) so I definitely need to adopt your strategy...I'll double up workouts from tomorrow week instead of doing Zumba or walking that way I can catch up...... :drinker:

    Well today is a Holiday here (Easter Monday) and I'm off to a family BBQ shortly, so hopefully I wont do too much damage
  • Karmol
    Karmol Posts: 8
    Getting ready to do day 8. This is going to be a tough one, I am already exhausted!! Wish me luck!!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    So proud of me! I did day 6 this morning, then came home and did workout 7. Then cleaned house for 2 hours (love my girls, but they always leave my house destroyed when they come to visit!!!). Tomorrow I'll do day 8 in the morning and day 9 in when I get home. Then I'll be back on track. I will be glad when Level 1 is over because I am getting a little bored with Jillian. On the other hand, I'm barely able to get through Level 1. I haven't looked ahead to see what Level 2 has in store. I hope it's not like starting all over. My poor muscles might not be able to take it.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I've dropped the ball with the DVD for probably the past 3 days. Just been doing my normal lifting/gym classes/running. I'm going to start level 2 with you - but I just felt like I didn't get anything out of level 1. I may try and finish out level 1 with a 2nd dvd of hers to supplement.

    However - I am proud of all of you who are keeping up with it. I check in regularly to see what everyone is up too!

    I have gained 1/2 an inch on my bicep =)
  • luvmykid28
    luvmykid28 Posts: 185 Member
    Just finished Day 6. Only 4 more to go. Like some of you others, I am getting bored with Lvl 1. I am sometimes moving faster than the girls...seems odd.
  • so looks like this was a tough weekend for everyone. :( But it's back to normal tomorrow!!!
    I just finished day 8!!! Farthest I have gone with this workout!!
    I am so proud of you girls who are pushing through! Proud of myself too. I was a bit bummed out this weekend from the bad eating and not doing my CardioX. But thats ok, I'M BACK BABY!

    I also notice since o started using a 5 pound weight for some of the workout, My arms and back are hurting.... in a good way though.

    By the way, GREAT idea if you miss a workout to just fit in an extra one the next day!! I will do that for sure if I end up missing one.
  • lynenz
    lynenz Posts: 29
    Didn't get to shred twice today like I planned to make up for skipping yesterday. Determined to do two tomorrow to round out 10 level one workouts, then start level 2 on Wednesday. really felt all the fried foods I ate yesterday while I worked out today. Is that even possible? Lol. Just felt my chest was tight and I was struggling to breathe today. Not only that, but hopped on the scale this morning and was not happy with the number I saw. +2 lbs! Augh. That's what I get for a bad food day. Or maybe pmsing? TOM is visiting this week so that could be it to. Really need to nix cheat days and get back in the game. Bikini, I will see you this summer and be happy with what I see in the mirror! It's gonna happen!
  • Here is a little Mini Challenge ladies.

    Drink 8 glasses of water or more today and tomorrow. Don't dink anything BUT water.

    I need this challenge because i haven't been drinking enough water the past weekend and the 10 day weigh in and measurement is Thursday morning and i don't want to feel bloated.

    I think it's the perfect time for this :)
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Workout 8 done! Food logged for the day so I know what I can eat - Done. One bottle of water down - done. Three bottles of water in my lunch bag - done!

    Off to get my shower and head to work. I've done all I can this morning to insure a successful day.

    Almost forgot the most important thing - prayer of thanks for this beautiful day God has given me - Done!

    Have a wonderful day all my MFP'ers!! See you this evening.
  • divone1
    divone1 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm so happy..still going strong!! Finished day 8 yesterday and definitely stamina is getting better. Lost 1.5 lbs last week but really can't wait til Wed to check measurements. I think it might be good. Defitely feeling a little tighter!

    This challenge and all the posts keep me going!! Thanks!
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Here is a little Mini Challenge ladies.

    Drink 8 glasses of water or more today and tomorrow. Don't dink anything BUT water.

    I need this challenge because i haven't been drinking enough water the past weekend and the 10 day weigh in and measurement is Thursday morning and i don't want to feel bloated.

    I think it's the perfect time for this :)

    That is an easy challenge for me. That is all I drink. I keep a bottle of water with me at all times.

  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Day 9 is done and over! So excited that tomorrow is the last day for level one. My friend and I didn't go walking like we had planned so I got my Biggest Loser Power Sculpt dvd out and worked out with Jillian on that one too. That is a great workout also!!
    On that dvd you get to pick which trainer you want to work out with and I just clicked on Jillian. I wasn't paying attention to who I was choosing but I am glad I did. I got a great workout!

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