Who wants to start Jillians 30 Day Shred with me?



  • StephanieJ82
    I just saw another person posted success pics from the shred, and you can definitely see a change even though the pics are a little bit from a distance - here's the post:


    Thanks!!! Those photos were a great motivation!!! I am around her body type too.
  • StephanieJ82
    I'm in I just bought it yesterday!
    I will measure and take before/after pics

    Thanks for proposing this challenge.

    I am so ready to burn some more fluffy (fat) off:wink:

    welcome!!! try to stick with it no matter what and push through. check in often for motivation, :)
  • StephanieJ82
    ouch! Lvl 2 was tough.
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    ouch! Lvl 2 was tough.

    It really is! But don't you feel good that you are doing a workout that is tough! I feel like an athlete...haha

  • StephanieJ82
    ouch! Lvl 2 was tough.

    It really is! But don't you feel good that you are doing a workout that is tough! I feel like an athlete...haha


    haha. I do feel good that I am doing it. So far the results are good and I feel good. Well excluding my shins :(
  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    Okay, so I'm doing Day 8 today and to be honest I DON"T WANT TO!!! I've never had issues with my knees, but OMGosh they hurt so bad!! I even tried to do the NORMAL push ups yesterday so that i didn't have to put any pressure on my knees (ended up doing wall push ups cuz well i just dont' have that much upper body strength)

    ...sigh... but i'll do it. :/ I need some motivation big time!

    Oh man my knees and shins are killing me too. But its EVERYTIME I workout. I JUST Got new shoes last night and had them on today. LOVE them!!!
    You know what you can do? If your knees bug you too much maybe instead of jumping jacks and stuff that puts pressure on the knees just do the squat punches holding your weights. Thats a great cardio workout. You don't wan't to injure yourself but don't let it hinder your workout. Just make a few adjustments.
    You can do this, easy peasy... then just 2 more days and on to level 2!

    See that is why I love this group!!! I learn different techniques. I think with the jumping exercises I may just have to substitute the jumping with the squat punches. I am a bit "chesty" and it really hurts to do all the jumping! (Even with a great sports bra) Thanks for the suggestion Stephanie!


    no problem Barb :) I had to do that one day bcause my shin splints were SO bad. I used my 3lb weights and wow I was sweating. It's a great workout... and a good back and arm workout.

    Ya'll are awesome!!
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I just started it today.
  • donicagalek
    donicagalek Posts: 526
    Level 2 - Day One ......check

    Next workout? Digging a burial plot for myself in the backyard before attempting tomorrow. X-D
  • Karmol
    Karmol Posts: 8
    Day 11




  • ALW65
    ALW65 Posts: 643 Member
    I just started it today.

    Welcome to the group! It's a lot of work, but it's neat to feel your endurance start to improve with each time you do the workout! Let us know how you're doing with it!

    @Donicagalek - that's really funny! Digging our grave might be less work - can't you just hear Jillian? "Come on ladies, put your back into that shovel...you want a deep grave, you're going to have to work for it!!!!"
  • StephanieJ82
    hahahaha. you girls are funny.
    welcome newbs!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    No work out yesterday..I was really sick and could hardly breathe...today doesnt seem much better but I"ll try to get some medication for my sinuses and then hopefully I will work out later...

    Keep it up ladies...you guys are doing so well
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    Day 2--level 2 done! It was a little better today. But my butt muscles are really sore...lol That is a good thing though! :blushing:

  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    No work out yesterday..I was really sick and could hardly breathe...today doesnt seem much better but I"ll try to get some medication for my sinuses and then hopefully I will work out later...

    Keep it up ladies...you guys are doing so well

    Hope you feel better real soon! It is really hard to work out when you are having trouble breathing! Maybe with some rest you will feel good enough to workout!

  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I made it through Day 2 Level 2, but not easily. I think my thighs are the most sore. I feel a lot more uncoordinated in this level, but I'll get it figured out. I had my husband watch me today to check my form on the planks. He said I look great, so at least I am working the right muscles at the right time. He remembers some of the exercises from boot camp when he joined the Navy. That made me feel good, to know she really is tough and not taking it easy on us. It also helps me feel better knowing that the fact that it's hard doesn't mean I'm weak. It is hard, and I'm strong enough to do it.

    Sugar - I hope you feel better soon. I know how disappointing it is to be on a good roll and then get sidelined by illness. Take care of yourself and get back to it as soon as you can. We'll be here cheering you on.
  • fayella
    fayella Posts: 10 Member
    im doing day 11 today so starting level 2 :O i don't know if everyone's dieing and dosent notice that natalie cheats in level 1 when doing the lunges with the weights (if you know what i mean) when she thinks she off camera she dosent bother lunging...LOL!
  • joycemhall
    joycemhall Posts: 164 Member
    I started yesterday :happy:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    I started yesterday :happy:

    Yeah I'm only on Day 6 so we can do Level 1 together
  • mydoc3
    mydoc3 Posts: 232 Member
    im doing day 11 today so starting level 2 :O i don't know if everyone's dieing and dosent notice that natalie cheats in level 1 when doing the lunges with the weights (if you know what i mean) when she thinks she off camera she dosent bother lunging...LOL!

    LOL, I noticed that too! Made me feel better when I had to stop and catch my breath! lol

  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    im doing day 11 today so starting level 2 :O i don't know if everyone's dieing and dosent notice that natalie cheats in level 1 when doing the lunges with the weights (if you know what i mean) when she thinks she off camera she dosent bother lunging...LOL!

    LOL, I noticed that too! Made me feel better when I had to stop and catch my breath! lol


    She cheats in Level 2 also. It does make me feel a little better to know it's even hard for someone who is much fitter than I am. If she has trouble keeping up, then maybe I shouldn't feel so bad about needing a drink of water now and then.

    Do you all get really thirsty during the workout? I do, so I keep a bottle of water on the table next to wear I work out. But, it's hard to get a second to have a drink since she moves so fast!