Heh. Bottom for play piercings, fireplay, firecupping, and someday throw hooks and pull for my gods. Learn to top for sounds, play piercings, cutting, fireplay, fire cupping, shibari, and get much better at two-handed flogging.Learn to use a singletail. Make more and longer zippers, get a second hitachi, make another…
I have two cats, down from three. Recently we lost an eighteen year old Siamese female to age and cancer. She remained loud and the diva of the house til the end, and thoroughly in love with my husband. We now are down to Puck and Cameline. Puck is a large black shorthaired cat, who is more than slightly dim, but very…
It seems to be a universal law that when people think they can get away with it, they are jerks. Ignore him and keep moving onward.
In this case, I would let it go. However, once the money comes or a week or so goes by, you might ask him if there are any of your friends that he would rather you didn't talk to him about, or topics that he'd rather not have you discuss with your friends. This opens the door for the conversation where you ask him calmly…
Hello to all. 40 to 41 in December, and the goals are to be 250 by Dec. 31 and to be in the size 18 jeans for the new years party. Understand, I started this at 298 and a size 28 jean in April, and am now at 269 and a size 20 jean so I am if anything erring on the conservative side. But I'm hypothyroid, so I have to be…
When I needed breakfast every morning, I diced ham, onion, and green pepper every weekend and put them in containers in the fridge. In the morning, break the egg and beat it, add a spoonful of each of the above, add a small pinch of shredded cheddar, and yum.
For me, counting calories and doing portion control isn't the hard part. Unpicking my food issues (see latest blog post) were. When I told you I was now able to eat in public and discuss my food desires and eat rationally at a family gathering, you said "Oh, that's nice..." dismissively. When I told you I lost 25 pounds,…
People who call their pets their children. Conservative Christianity. Feline-induced entropy. Saying something brilliant and having it garner no comments. Saying something offhand and having it start a whole conversation that I miss because I wasn't checking, because I didn't say anything worth checking. Hot flashes in the…
First one. I like a man with tattoos on buff arms like that.
I have a personal prejudice against creative names. They also tend to mark out cultural class, and that's not always something you want to do to your child. Also, life has convinced me that if a nickname is going to show up, it will find the kid, no problem. My sons are James Michael and Peter Garrett, named after…
Ice cream every day is not a guilty pleasure, it's a psychological necessity. (My diet works anyway, so that's fine.) Guilty pleasure for me is dark chocolate covered candied ginger. ( The only way it could be better, well, we won't bring…
I think a lot of people who are overweight or obese have got issues that they have to come to terms with or get resolved before they can actually lose weight and keep it off. Some people need medical help of one form or another (I happened to need effective pain management) before they can change their lifestyle. Some…
I developed PF as a result of injuring my foot years ago. 1) Get yourself a passive night splint. I sleep in one every night and have for years. This keeps your foot flexed so that the tendon heals in the stretched position. I noticed an immediate reduction in pain and stiffness when I started to use one, and you may only…
I miss being able to drink orange juice without getting a headache and feeling nauseous. I usually have water when we go out, because it's cheaper, but as I write this I have just got out of bed and am sipping one of my two cans of Diet Coke a day. I'm early enough in my weight loss that if not eating clean keeps me under…
I will say that I've used an appetite suppressant at the early stages of my diet. Amphetamines are quite effective. But what this did was force me to eat reasonable portions, and learn that I could be happy with reasonable portions. That has made dieting MUCH easier. (No, not illegally; I finally got an ADHD diagnosis and…
I confess that I read porn on my kindle while donating plasma. (Raises blood pressure, quicker donation....)
Low fat yogurt, ice cream in single serving cups, baked potato chips, frozen dinners for the high pain days, a rump roast to eat the rest of the time. Fresh veggies for stirfry. Garlic!!!!
That I sometimes lose my temper and generally don't behave as my Lady would have me do.
Ronald Reagan. Oh, you want MOVIE villains. I don't watch movies much, but I tell you what, for sheer crawl out of your skin ghost stories, M.R. James is wonderful. Not usually blood and gore.... But the weird creepiness that underlies rural placidity, he gets VERY well. And Very Awful Books lurking in libraries.... and...…
Never done waxing, but I'm a huge fan of sugaring after one trip. Four weeks til I saw regrowth! Alas that I cannot afford it done often. I keep things bare down there because I prefer it, not because either man in my life prefers or doesn't prefer it.
5'7" and almost completely sedentary, so I am doing this all through calories. MFP sets me at 1450, and I generally hit around that. Many days I don't log in detail, but at this point I have a pretty good idea what certain things are, and that if I eat XYZ for breakfast, ABC for lunch, and DEF for dinner, with HIJ as…
My default costume (as in, I have all the pieces for this lying about) is a gypsy complete with a deck of tarot cards, which I will read if people ask. (grin) Last year at a kinky party, since everyone knows I'm into medical and electrical play, we bought me a white lab coat and I put my hair up in a bun on top of my head…
Throughout the day I do some balance poses and some standing forward bends. Any chance I can stretch my hamstrings and calves I grab.
Hicksville has some problems. My version of Hicksville used to have a population base of 100,000. Three high schools. Very low unemployment rate. And then in 1980 the first factory shut down and moved south. By 2000 the process was complete. These were jobs that were good jobs; you worked eight hours, plus you could pick…
I will just add that I wound up bulimic entirely attributable to my parents having put me on a low-calorie diet when I was in my early teens. I grew an inch in height that summer, grew three shoe sizes, but I was on 1200 calories a day so I'd lose the fat. I stole food, I snuck food, I binged any time I thought I could get…
The whole bad childhood thing is pretty easily debunked. For every person who has a bad childhood and likes to do BDSM, you can find someone who had a perfectly ordinary childhood and just found that this is what puts the lead in their pencil and the sauce in the dish, if you know what I mean. I always say I beat my…
I always want some chocolate and a very rare steak. Both, fortunately, can be fit into a diet. I just have to watch how much bread I use to wipe up the yummy yummy blood on the plate.
I like the caffeine mornings and when I wake up from naps, and I don't drink tea in the summer. Now, I drink far less of it now simply because if I keep my water consumption somewhere around a gallon and a half to to two gallons a day I feel better, and I usually don't have time to have the soda in all that. (grin) But I…
We get $360 in food stamps for the two of us, and we pretty much spend it every month. It goes down when I'm not having high levels of chronic pain, because it's hard for me to cook from scratch when I can't walk on my foot. I would say we spend perhaps $30 past that on non-food household items including cat food and…
What may help with the mismatch in your desires of what to eat is to JOINTLY come up with a family meal plan for the week. Everyone old enough not to say "Cake and cookies!" for their meal choice, lol, gets to pick. You can even make rules that you do meat, starch, and 2 veg at each meal, and work within that. But that way…