Diet soda



  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member

    Wait for Me!! Got my popcorn!! Running to get my 24 oz. Big Red Zero!!! Love a Good Diet Soda Thread!! LOL
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I drink a lot of diet soda. When I go without for whatever reason, I notice no change in my appetite.

    Thats because its only a THEORY based on observation of average people that drink soda.
    Keep in mind that the average person that drinks soda, is also likely to have a crappy, sugar filled diet.

    There is no scientific evidence or even any direct research on the subject.
  • Ninjajenna
    Ninjajenna Posts: 41 Member
    I am totally addicted to Diet Coke, and I feel so guilty about it! I hate regular soda like a lot of people on here. I can quit it for a few months, and then I'm right back to drinking it. I have heard that you can lose weight more by avoiding diet sodas, but who knows. Obviously if I had the answer, I wouldn't be a fatty trying to figure it out!
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    Regular soda makes me feel like I have sweaters on my teeth, so I always go for diet when I have it. The only thing I've read that seems bad about any soda is that it leaches calcium from your bones. My memory sucks, so I can't remember the exact chemical reaction. That was before I learned about peer reviewed studies, so it could be bs. I should look for one. :smile:

    edited for spelling

    caffeine pulls calcium from your bones.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    For me I always eat cleaner drinking only water. I always seem to crave the bad foods when drinking diet coke like something salty or even chocolate (go figure). Also I never feel full drinking diet coke compared to water.

    So if I understand you correctly, you catagorize foods as "good" and "bad" and salt and chocolate are in the "bad" category? What about the fact that salt is a key mineral that we can't live without? Or that chocolate is high in anti oxidants? You might want to consider that the whole good/bad thing is dependent on dose and context (a tip of the cap to Acg67). A little chocolate or a salty food in moderation occaisional can be just fine and even postive for you health.

    To the OP, 2 a day is no biggie and I wouldn't lose sleep over it. I personally used to drink lots but I eliminated it because I can't just have one or 2 a day. If I start drinking it, I keep on drinking it. Just me and I know it's kinda weird. I'm also a little hung up on the fact that is nutritionally nothing so why bother. But, again, that's just me and I don't think you have anything to be concerned about at that daily dose.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Regular soda makes me feel like I have sweaters on my teeth, so I always go for diet when I have it. The only thing I've read that seems bad about any soda is that it leaches calcium from your bones. My memory sucks, so I can't remember the exact chemical reaction. That was before I learned about peer reviewed studies, so it could be bs. I should look for one. :smile:

    edited for spelling

    caffeine pulls calcium from your bones.

    And at what dose would that happen at a level that should cause one concern?
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    A quick google inquiry lead to more research on my part, which promptly ended my 10 year love affair with diet coke.

    Obviously you should do what you feel is best, but the majority of actual research on this topic shows that aside from potential migraines, diet soda is quite safe at anything resembling normal human consumption.

    Like I said I went off the deep end and into completely crunchy territory food and lifestyle wise. I realize where I stand on these issues is not the standard consensus. Generally safe for human consumption is no longer good enough for me anymore. Basically, I try not to consume anything I would not feel comfortable giving my toddler. Besides that I was SHOCKED at how much my dental health has improved. That was probably a combo of food and drink changes though, not just the diet coke.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Have had about a gallon so far today.
    I'm not afraid of aspartame, but I only pay attention to clinical studies. Not poorly constructed websites attributing everything from allergies to ED to it.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Regular soda makes me feel like I have sweaters on my teeth, so I always go for diet when I have it. The only thing I've read that seems bad about any soda is that it leaches calcium from your bones. My memory sucks, so I can't remember the exact chemical reaction. That was before I learned about peer reviewed studies, so it could be bs. I should look for one. :smile:

    edited for spelling

    caffeine pulls calcium from your bones.

    And at what dose would that happen at a level that should cause one concern?

    From the WSJ health article link I posted:

    Katherine Tucker, epidemiologist at the USDA Nutrition Research Center at Tufts University and lead author of the cola study published last year, says more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of drinking cola. "The effect of dosing of phosphoric acid may be small at any one time, but a very small effect with a very constant habit may accumulate over many years," she says.

    Take it for what it's worth. Like I said, it was just one group discrediting the other. I'd imagine if you're getting enough calcium in your diet otherwise, it's not a problem.

    Edited to add that I'm currently drinking a diet Barq's. The only thing that'll keep me from drinking it is absolute concrete evidence that it'll make my girly parts drop out.
  • PhillyTD
    PhillyTD Posts: 375 Member
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    I used to kill some diet sun drop. I'm talking a 2 liter a day. I think that was part of my weight gain. I've since cut back to about 2 cups a day... but i don't think i can ever give up the fizzy bubbly party in my mouth feeling that diet sun drop gives me. I :heart: Diet Sun Drop!
  • aznrd
    aznrd Posts: 10 Member
    I recently cut diet soda out of my life for a couple of reasons. 1. The artificial sweetners are chemicals that your body recognizes as sugar even though there are no calories in it (your body doesnt know what it is, so it does the best it can). Big deal, right? Well, actually, this can cause a chain reaction that puts your hormones out of whack, which can in turn wreak all kinds of havoc on your body. I won't get long winded on this, but if you're interested, I HIGHLY recommend The Perfect 10 Diet by Dr Aziz. He teaches you how to eat in order to balance your 10 key hormones to feel (and look) your best. 2. I find that I can control my cravings and stay focused on eating clean if I cut most processed foods out all together. 3. No soda= No Migraines :-)

    But again, those are just my reasons. Everyone has to do what works for them :-)

    Best wishes!
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    For me I always eat cleaner drinking only water. I always seem to crave the bad foods when drinking diet coke like something salty or even chocolate (go figure). Also I never feel full drinking diet coke compared to water.
    this this this! i used to be a diet coke and pizza (or diet coke and burger) kind of gal, and in the same way I can't drink alcohol without wanting to smoke, I can't have a diet coke without wanting something greasy.

    I cut out the association and cravings by not having it in my diet.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I used to drink 3-4 cans of diet Pepsi a day..began you get jittery on it so stopped. I then got the most awful headaches for a few weeks :indifferent:

    If I drink it now it's only to go with my vodka:bigsmile:
  • AlexandraLynch
    I like the caffeine mornings and when I wake up from naps, and I don't drink tea in the summer. Now, I drink far less of it now simply because if I keep my water consumption somewhere around a gallon and a half to to two gallons a day I feel better, and I usually don't have time to have the soda in all that. (grin) But I will probably move to cut it out altogether when I go back on my ADHD meds; they'll dispel the brain fog and fuzziness, and the water will taste much better, since they give me dry mouth. I'm down to drinking two to three a day, so it won't be hard to cut it out when I get my meds again.
  • tigerpenguin
    tigerpenguin Posts: 15 Member
    It is true, that in consumption diet soda wont kill you. Just some thought... when your body metabolizes the aspartame it is turn into formaldehyde. Your body does not expel formaldehyde once it in your system. Yes it usually takes heeps and heeps to see a lose in health quality but not always...
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    Diet soda in moderation is just fine.
  • emnk5308
    I only ever drink diet when I really, really want a soda.. I feel like it is terrible for me when I do drink it.. =/ I do feel like I have more junk food cravings when I drink it! I just prefer no soda at all.. or very rarely.
  • Mathguy1
    Mathguy1 Posts: 207 Member
    When I was 235, I drank 3 cans of regular soda/day. In order to assist with weight loss, I switched out the regular for diet (helped me get to 205 by cutting out 500 calories/day).

    Once I got down to 205, I cut down on the diet soda (from probably 3 cans to 1 can/day). The reason is that I seemed to crave sugar. Mind you, I didn't drink a diet and then down a bunch of cupcakes or pudding. However, that sugar craving you get while drinking diet seemed to last long past when I finished drinking a can of it.

    Once I joined MFP, I decided to stop drinking diet soda. I'll still drink one child size cup per month while at the movie theater. I found that once I stopped drinking diet soda altogether, the "bloated feeling" (as well as my bloated stomach) and a lot of my sugar cravings that seem to accompany drinking diet soda went away. (See my before and current photos. I wore the same shirt. You can really see the difference in the photo taken from the side). Not all of that stomach loss was from cutting out the diet soda. I also switched to lower sodium dinners (mostly).

    I look at it this way, if diet soda was a healthy choice, all of the fitness competitors, bodybuilders, and personal trainers would be carrying around 2 liter bottles of diet soda instead of a gallon of water.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member

    I look at it this way, if diet soda was a healthy choice, all of the fitness competitors, bodybuilders, and personal trainers would be carrying around 2 liter bottles of diet soda instead of a gallon of water.

    well, not AT the gym, since most are sipping some kind of BCAA drink at that time.. but yea, later in the day, most bodybuilders will be drinking diet soda (or beer, or liquor) and downing a pizza because they can. As long as it fits their macros..