

  • an ounce of sharp cheddar! mmm
  • I just have one, and It's only happened to me once. This guy started singing OUT LOUD to his ipod on the machine next to me. It was ridiculous and sooo off key. Why does he think anyone wants to hear that?! I politely asked him to stop.
    in gym sins! Comment by merB89 August 2011
  • this is an awesome thread! I can't wait to be part of a CSA! Someday sooon!
  • haha! totally hear what you're saying! It got easier for me. Dont be afraid to not go as high on the resistance as the teacher is telling you to at first so you can at least get through it and then soon enough you'll be right up there with the resistance
  • awesome!! you look great and your son is adorable!!
  • This happens to me when I drink water or eat too soon before I run. Usually I can't drink water at least an hour or more before going on a run or else I get a side cramp with out fail. BUT you do have to be hydrated, or you'll cramp up too. So keep hydrating throughout the day before your run and stop and hour or two…
    in Jogging Comment by merB89 July 2011
  • any of jilliian micheal's videos are great! shes super motivating. My favorite is blast fat boost metabolism. Good luck!!
  • peanut butter, nuts, avocados, whole fat dairy. All foods I wish I could eat but don't usually fit in my daily calories! haha :(
  • Gin is my favorite so I'll go with gin and soda water with lime (NOT gin and tonic! Tonic has calories. But is also yummmmy). Diet coke and vanilla vodka is good too. I'm cheap so I usually stick with the rail drinks :)
  • The only one I have is Burn Fat Boost Metabolism, but I love it! It's great for days when I'm feeling lazy and get my butt out the door to the gym. I think if I did it more than once a week or so I would get bored of it though, but its a nice way to mix things up. I burn over 500 calories doing the whole thing!
  • hmmm, I've found that the only way to take care of a craving is actually eating the food. So, I don't think you should go with out those things (or cut anything completely out of your diet for that matter). Just start having half of what you used to have. Hellman's light mayo is 50 cals a tbsp. I personally find that a…
  • Well, my target didn't have a huge selection :( No Jay Robb or anything that wasn't whey. I'll have to dry a different store. I ended up getting Jillian's vanilla one just because it was the smallest and the cheapest so if I don't like it I won't be stuck with it forever. Thanks for your advice everybody! I'll definitely…
  • running :)
  • Hi! Welcome! I am on a limited college student budget as well. Things I've found that have helped me save money....though I'm still not the best at it :) Make a list BEFORE you go to the grocery store based on what you know you have run out of. Then, only buy those things. For the longest time I would just go shopping at…
  • Thank you for this post!! sounds suspiciously like my scale situation the past few weeks. I am bumping up my cals for sure!
  • I'm a vegetarian and didn't experience chronic headaches when I switched over to my non meat diet. Although if i DO get a headache its either because I'm dehydrated, in which case I drink several glasses of water, or my blood sugar is low and my body wants protein. In that case I'll eat some cheese, hard boiled egg,…
  • @mghane. My net calories are 1,200 a day. But I'm eating over 2,000 a day usually. So I'm definitely eating back my exercise calories. I think I would have died by now if I wasn't! haha. I do have a heart rate monitor, and I'm not sure why I didn't think of using it, but that is a great idea! Maybe I'll wear it a few times…
  • Hi! Welcome! You'll love it here. I'll send you a request :)
  • Thank you for posting this!!! I was reading some posts lately that really got me irritated about this subject, but you put it much more eloquently than I could have. Let's all respect each other for what we're doing here, trying to be the best us!
  • I think she understands that she needs to eat her calories back, since she said above that she is eating 1700 a day, and NETTING 1200-1300. That doesn't seem to be her problem. I wish I could help! I'm a runner and have been training for a 20k on may 7th. I've been doing 3-4 miles a few times a week with a 7-10 miler once…
  • yummm! always looking for ways to eat spinach. thanks!
  • mmmm everything is so good there! Their premade dinners and such are all SO good. I try and avoid them though, because they are packaged and processed:( Even if it is trader joes. I get one every once and a while for a treat though. As for fresher stuff I love all of their frozen fruit, the fancy berry medley is great for…
  • wow, great job! You look so toned!
  • That is quite the achievement! Nice job!!
  • oh gosh they're so good! I like your idea of making individual ones. Because even though one is low in calories, 3 definitely isn't! I have little self control...Do you freeze them? And then defrost when you want to eat one? I'm curious how that would make them taste.
  • I suppose that isn't a really concrete answer, like your cholesterol will lower, or you're less likely to become diabetic or whatever. What I've mentioned are more like secondary benefits I suppose. They're still awesome though!
  • I really enjoy not eating meat. One of the health benefits I've noticed is that you have to eat more fruits and vegetables and other nutritious things! I've come to enjoy and even crave so many more healthy things that I didn't eat when I ate meat. Like squash, spinach, beans, different grains like quinoa and couscous.…
  • Hiiii roomie! You can do it! We will help each other lots
    in My goal! Comment by merB89 April 2011
  • wow! amazing! and strong! Its so cool that MFP has been such a help to you
  • I've done a few, and to be totally honest, I would hate to do one on s mountain bike. BUT I don't think that you should go out and buy a road/tri bike just for this. Do this triathlon, see if you fall in love with it. Then consider it. Its a big expense. As for training the BEST BEST BEST thing you can do is a brick…
    in Triathlons Comment by merB89 April 2011