

  • In Bristol UK, the midwives encourage it, at my unit they're adamant that women that have practiced hypnobirthing throughout pregnancy have less painful and more efficient labours. Sounds great to me. I can't afford actual classes so bought a set of Maggie Howell cds on eBay. The pregnancy CD is incredibly relaxing and…
  • Good luck with your pelvis, once you've tried your yoga again could you post some recommendations up for workouts / positions etc? I'm getting pelvis pain too and would really appreciate the guidance , Thank you x
  • Joflew, how r u using the resistance bands? I have a good set that I bought ages ago but never really got into, I'm a bit scared to use heavy weights like I used to particularly as I'm finding my pelvis and hips a bit soft. I'd love it if you could post a moderate workout plan :) I've been walking, tho I find after 90mins…
  • HI Heather, hopefully the 2nd trimester bloom will ease its way in shortly *hugs*. I also hope more people will join this group ha. Feel like the pressure is on. Right, well I'm off to work, had my toast and boiled eggs, let's hope it's enough to last til lunch as my appetite is back with a vengeance right now. Have a…
  • Just set up a group for August 2014 babies :) it's like a forum inside a forum, please join .... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/19881-pregnant-ladies-due-august-2014
  • Fantastic, congratulations everyone! By my dates I'm due end of July but sonographer says early august. What are your actual goals for food and exercise? I think this website overestimates how many calories a person needs and so I'm unsure how many I should really be aiming for. I've set up my diary to have a net of 1600…
  • Hi, it's so exciting, when are you due? I've been so lazy this past couple of months but like you want to keep on track. I'm nearly 17 weeks now and starting to get my appetite back so I know I have to start watching again. As I'm overweight to begin with my goal is to not gain weight during first 5 months (I've managed 4)…
  • Due August! Exciting times, congratulations :)
  • I've been using a Beurer PM25 - about £35 on amazon. its a well known German brand. Seems to be doing the trick, easy to set up and no problems so far. shows time spent at your lowest target HR, time at your highest, the ave, calories burned, and fat burned. I have large boobs but find whilst the chest strap does sit lower…
  • Amazing! That is definitely the best NSV ever! Last summer was hell but it's getting better every month. Hope to join you soon!
  • I've just started P90X and I am really disappointed. It doesn't seem as difficult as Chalean Xtreme or Jillian Michaels. The warmups are too long and are really ineffective. He talks too much in between exercises so you're standing around bored. I will say I have only done 'chest and Back', and 'Plyometrics' and I'm gona…
  • Tho I personally like very heavily weighted squats using a barbell! will definitely get your heart rate up and will use/build your biggest muscles in your legs meaning max calorie burn.
  • I asked a trainer at the gym what he would do if he only had 10 minutes one day and he said step up and down the bottom of 2 stairs fast repeatedly while moving the arms.
  • you've got to acknowledge it! I just got back off holiday and I'm giving it 1 day to shed some retained water then weighing in! You gotta be honest!! :drinker:
  • :happy: : Taking it seriously - Chalene Johnson (she's fun and makes you work everything) Jillian Michaels, No More Trouble Zones Shaun T Hard but you don't realise cos it's fun and has 'real' music: Ministry of Sound Pump it Up Harder than it looks, good to start when you're feeling like you want to take it easy: 10…
  • Absolutely! I'd be mortified if half the people on my facebook saw the stuff I put on here. Weight is such an emotive issue for me. I have to protect myself, if I fail here I can pick myself up again, fail on facebook and you get a reputation for it! Luckily I have the best boyfriend in the entire world and he keeps me…
  • awwww man im rubbish at keeping up with this - ive gained weight again (but lost inches) this week... will set an alert so Im on time. Well donr to all the girls that have committed to their health :drinker:
  • Haha just eat mostly tier 1, some tier 2, and think before eating tiers 3 and the others.... cos they may push you over your target carbs/protein/cal goals :drinker: tier 1 is low calorie and nutritionally dense :) = good
  • thank you! very helpful :flowerforyou:
  • yea, burpees, mountain climbers, abs in and out, the side to side ones, bouncing pushup things , frog leg jump things- basically ALL cardio floorwork! I feel like a total loser doing the moves upright cos in the first set of circuits he makes you do the upright stuff then gets to the floor . I have the er push up bar…
  • yea, I can't hold downward dog for too long, i either have to spread my fingers and put the weight on the area between my finger and thumb, or work on my fists. Tbh, until recently I did all my floorwork on my forearms (except pushups/burpees obviously) and always thought that was the normal way until I started doing the…
  • I often do this when I'm doing slower floor work although in an attempt to get strong I'm trying to avoid it! I guess if I got some padded gloves punching the floor on burpees could work! and gloves could work well also when lifting the legs to put all the weight on the hands too. I may have to invest... thanks!…
  • I start the lean phase next week and I can't wait! my arms, quads, hamstrings and calves look so defined, I can't wait til next week to really shed the fat around my middle by using all this muscle I've built. Chalene herself is an amazing person and really keeps you going when you don't feel up to it. It's also kinda like…
  • hey you! look at the nutritional info of a parsnip! it took me over my calorie goal today.*shakes fist* :cry:
  • bump I want the same thing for some upcoming lonely night next week :)
  • Bethyfoofoo! That's a name I can respect! haha Do you know what foo refers to over here? :laugh:
  • sort of, monitor it but you cfan also change the settings: home->goals->change goals->custom edit the target amounts to a minimum of around 120g protein, and reduce the sugar target to about 10-20g :)
  • The only time it's not a good idea is if you are ill, or if you are doing the same type of training both times - for examples lots of squats in the morning and lots in the evening, if you run in the morning and strength train in the evening, or swim in the morning dance in the evening etc then its all good. just make sure…
  • I hope you don't mind... I took a look at your diary... you need to: cut out the processed food cut down on the sugar increase your calories by increasing consumption of protein I have lost 7 inches from my waist, and 4 inches from my hips in 2 months and I can honestly say I have not been hungry once and I enjoy the taste…
  • generally if your massively overweight you need to shift a lot of the weight fast and you have to make this the priority, however, you don't look that big in your photos. to get from your current body to a tighter healthier body you need to eat lots of protein and include some resistance training, at first you won't lose…