Heart rate monitors

I am looking into getting a hrm but I don't really know what to look for in a good one. Do they need a chest strap to be accurate? What brands are good? How much should I expect to spend?

I figure I can trust people on mfp more so I would appreciate any advice on luck you have had with hrms and where you got them :-) Thanks!


  • beccau_20
    beccau_20 Posts: 191 Member
    I'm interested in this too... Good post :o)
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    I have a Polar FT4. It comes with a chest strap, and I've been using it every day that I've worked out since I received it (as a bday gift-- I think it was around $100 or $120). It was purchased at a local running store, but I'm sure you can reliably order one online. I read a bunch of reviews on Amazon before deciding on this one, and I love it!
  • Cherilea
    Cherilea Posts: 1,118 Member
    I have a Polar FT7 and I love it! Yes, I would get one with a chest strap...it's pretty comfortable and I hardly know that it's there.
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    I have the polar FT4 ... I'd be lost with out it.

    I got mine off Overstock.com for maybe 80-90$

    I think the chest strap is best ... but thats my opinion.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I got my FT7 off ebay for $75 and it's great :smile:
  • cheddarboy
    cheddarboy Posts: 124 Member
    there was a pretty good post on this topic about a week - week and a half ago. Most people recommend a polar brand. And yes get one with a chest strap if you want to be reasonably accurate. The prices vary quite a bit, but you should be able to get a decent one for around 75$. I have a timex one that I bought around 8 years ago and it still works great..
  • woodardbj
    woodardbj Posts: 6
    I have a Polar FT4. I got it because I had read on here that it's the most dependable. I love it. It has a chest strap and I haven't had any problems with it. I got mine used on ebay for $40.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I got a BodyMedia FIT - And I LOVE it. It's so amazing. Unlike traditional HRMs, you wear it all day every day to show your total burn for the day, not just when working out.

    It takes so much stress about how many calories you are eating away, because you KNOW how many you are, you don't have to guess. Get one, if you can afford it. Its extremely expensive though, at about $220 + money fee (But COstco sells a package with 12 free months)
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    I just ordered a Polar FT4 for $63 from Amazon. Can't wait.
  • RachelHancock
    I've been using a Beurer PM25 - about £35 on amazon. its a well known German brand. Seems to be doing the trick, easy to set up and no problems so far. shows time spent at your lowest target HR, time at your highest, the ave, calories burned, and fat burned.

    I have large boobs but find whilst the chest strap does sit lower on my chest (under my bra) it doesn't struggle to take a reading.
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    I just ordered a Polar FT4 from Amazon for $63. After reading up this seemed like the best option for what I need; all good reviews on Amazon and on the MFP boards. I can't wait to recieve it on Wednesday!!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Yes they need a chest strap to be accurate.. if they don't have one, then they will not be accurate. You also need one that lets you enter in all your information(height, weight, age, sex and Vo2Max that if that's an option).

    For a decent HRM you can expect to spend between 60-300 dollars(obvi. 300 dollars is like dreamland, and if you're looking for something basic, around 60-100 dollars will do.)

    I have the Polar Ft7 which I recommend highly. I bought it on drugstore.com for 79.99 and it is really easy to use/set up, It also comes with a chest strap that is very comfortable and the calorie count seems accurate enough.