joannajohnsonrn Member


  • The Day Off diet seems reasonable, but like others mentioned, there is a chance you set yourself up for failure if you truly jump far off the wagon during your day off. However, it is promoting logical food items like vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, etc. which are an important part of losing weight and living…
  • We are definitely our worst critic, so try not to let the mind chatter take over. You got this! It is not a matter of 'if you can do it', you are already DOING IT!! Keep up the great work!!
  • Not that it matters, but I will disagree with your post. Not that it is not just another crappy tv show, maybe it is to some degree. I agree It is totally plugged with corporate sponsors, that is annoying and one reason I pay for DVR :) I hate commercials in general. However, I have worked with people with addictions for a…
  • Thank you for posting this! I am also so unmotivated. I just found myself reading articles like 'how to lose that stubborn belly fat', and '6 quick weight loss tips'. All the while, I know the answers, and I know that it really starts with me. I am just in a funk like many others, and lack motivation to do anything. I have…
  • I dont know anything about the 17 day diet. Most all diet fads are just fads. The best bet is to modify your diet, to a diet you can sustain for the rest of your life. I do know if you want to limit/decrease sugar cravings you need to avoid all sugar, sweetener, real or artificial. Fruit should be the sweetest thing you…
  • Great friend! I just would like to add, MOVE IT TO LOSE IT! DIet alone can only get you so far, you have to move more and eat less. Start slow, and work your way into it. Make yourself do it on days you dont want to. Exercise releases endorphins, assists your immune system, builds muscle, builds strong bones and increase…
  • Kathy, I think you will find this a great place to be! There is so much support on this site, and if you are doing this with your sister, even better! My sister and I have been logging on for 140 days, together! We love it! We love the accountability of food diary, and are inspired by the exercise diary. My sister has lost…
  • Great suggestions! I just usually log mine as aerobic light/moderate exercise, and the Wii usually helps log your minutes! Awesome! Good luck!
  • Nice tip on the! Thanks!
  • The fact that you are aware of where you are at with your portions and calories is great! Keep up the good work! Everyone has days like this, and we should learn to incorporate these days in our lives not as failures but exceptions. When I do this, I have a couple rules I follow: 1- next time you order pie and cut it in…
  • I am currently in a similar position, I have an open wound on my leg from a biopsy that is going to take months to heal. I love running and have not been able to for the last few weeks, and it is driving me crazy. I am trying to nurture my leg, so it can heal fast. The doctor says exercise is ok, just gentle at first then…
  • I am vegan, and use very little wheat products in my diet. I think food is delicious, and there are many of options out there. Vegan opens a new world to food, food choices, and new tastes. here is a sample day: Fruit is a wonderful breakfast, as well as old fashioned or steel cut oats with raw honey or pure maple syrup.…
  • I am vegan and I do not eat processed foods. i love eating whole foods and enjoy the taste of real food. I have been vegan for some time now, and find it really easy. It is not about eating salads all the time, but eating a variety of delicious foods. I try to eliminate as much wheat from my diet as well, and have for the…
  • You are definitely taking the bulls by the horns! I am so happy that you are doing so good! You are just amazing! I know you got this! Mom struggled her adulthood with obesity, and I know she would be so proud of you! Your the best sister, and my inspiration for many reasons! Keep it up, and we will cross the finish line…
  • I think it is supposed to help encourage more fluid intake. Some people don't like water because there is no flavor, so adding flavor is supposed to help encourage intake. I am sure the vitamin C is an added benefit. Some people thinks it helps with weight loss, but I dont know if there is real evidence proving that. Good…
  • I suggest going to Dr Weil's website and going through his vitamin advisor. Not all vitamins are created equal, and you may be getting too much of one thing and not another. Dr Weil is a practicing MD and instructor, and is well known for his vitamin information. Also, you may not need some supplements if you are eating…
  • What an inspiration to us all! We can be all we want to be, we just need to do it! Thanks Jack for getting our butts moving!
  • I am so happy for your success! Correcting your medical conditions probably makes you feel so much better! Not to mention the extension you put on your life! Smart to start your new eating habits before surgery, that will hopefully help you keep the weight off forever! Good luck on your weight loss journey, you have…
  • When I used to drink alot of coffee, I had a similar problem with the calories effecting my weight loss. I started drinking a little bit of black coffee before putting creamer in it, and eventually grew to like it. Now I drink black coffee when I drink coffee. It changed my coffee preference too, because creamer could make…
  • I tried popping corn in the microwave once and it was a disaster! Air popping is the way to go!
  • I definitely like the Biggest Loser for Wii! Super fun, lots to choose from and many different levels. On Wii fit, I love the core exercises and yoga! The running is fun with a partner! Good luck and have fun!
  • You will find a pretty nice community here! I joined just after the Christmas, and it has helped me for sure! I love it! I have recruited some family, and that helps too! Keeping a honest food diary is crucial to track your patterns and habits. Good luck!
  • You will do it! Good Luck!
  • Weight loss can be complicated. Just as you didn't gain fast, you wont lost it fast. Exercising is very important, and will benefit you for a life time. Dont give up! You can do this! Keep up your routine and it will pay off in the end! Good luck!
  • I prefer not to buy packaged foods, if possible. Homemade, simple ingredients. I love spicy, flavorful, or cool and refreshing. The more basic, the better. The brussell sprouts sound lovely, BTW :)
  • Air popped popcorn all the way!!! It is the best, and you can eat ALOT with very little calories! Spray butter, Braggs, or seasonings help flavor it, if you need more flavor! Nothing else compares in my book!
  • I recently found this site too! I really like it, and it has such a huge database! Good luck on your journey! Here's to 2011!!!!!
  • I have recently been looking into cognitive behavior therapy for the same thing! I am a compulsive eater, and a mood eater, and a busy eater, and a boredom eater, you name it, I eat it! :) I am looking to break the cycle, and know the change comes from within, not a fancy diet or pill (although I know those can help in the…
  • I have a Nordictrack treadmill I purchased at Sears 2 years ago. I use it alot, less in the summer, but year round for the most part. I purchased my treadmill for like $1000 - $1200, cant remember exact amount. I know it sells for about $700 now new at Sears online. Knowing alot of people that have one, I can say, dont…