

  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    There is one thing that's made all the difference to me and that's small changes.

    Don't throw yourself into a huge exercise regiment that doesn't fit in with your lifestyle. Start off slow and steady. Chose an exercise that fits into your routine (like walking to work) and then as you get lighter, fitter and able to do more go for the more vigorous exercise. That doesn't mean you should push yourself but doing too much all at once is one of the reasons so many people fail.

    Start to educate yourself by reading as much as you can about food and how to be healthy. Avoid stuff about diets because diets don't work. Start to eat right and fuel your body and you'll start to see results.
    You can eat more than you think you can. If you're morbidly obese go and look for your BMR and TDEE. If you only eat 500 cals a day less than your TDEE then you will start to lose 1lb a week. It's not much but it's a start. You'll also find it less of a shock than suddenly cutting back your calories.

    Most importantly find out what works for you. It's all trial and error. Something will click and it'll all fall into place.
  • SamMorBelsmom
    SamMorBelsmom Posts: 164 Member
    Mini goals. Like, 5 lbs a month. If you set your goals too high, you are bound to fail. Start with something small and when you succeed, treat yourself with a new pair of shoes or a new movie, not food. I have about 70 lbs to go. Add me as a friend and I would love to keep you motivated.
  • Isrn2
    Isrn2 Posts: 160
    As many have said, just take it one small step at a time. Don't try to suddenly drop yourself to a 1200 calorie diet ... it's not sustainable at first. Follow the MFP recommendations for your calorie goal. Set your weight loss goal to 1 lb per week at first. Log everything you eat. Don't worry about starting to count calories AND implement an exercise program at the same time. Just begin by watching your calories. Then as you start to lose weight evaluate whether you're able to add in a little exercise. You can lose weight with just diet alone, and as it becomes easier to move it's easier to motivate yourself to exercise.

    I started my weight loss journey about 5 years ago at close to 450 pounds. It took me 3 years to lose the first 100 pounds. Then I stopped for awhile and gained some back. I've been actively watching my calories for 6 months now and have lost almost 40 pounds. My knees and ankles are feeling better. I feel lighter. And now I'm ready to start adding in exercise. Listen to your body. You know yourself better than anyone else on here. Realize that it's a journey that can't be rushed if you're going to maintain for the rest of your life.

    MFP is a great tool and there are lots of folks who have been where you are, and who are on the same road. Let's help each other!!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I haven't lost a single pound since September. Yeah, I would say I'm having a hard time...
  • Zaggytiddies
    Zaggytiddies Posts: 326 Member
    I also think it helps to have a really rocking playlist to workout to. Pick a bunch of songs that really make you want to shake your *kitten*. Let the music motivate your movement and switch it up every once in a while.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    Probably 90% of us struggle...that's why we are here. As so many above stated, start with 1 or 2 small things. Yes, it is hard to move when we are morbidly obese, but the important thing to know is that part gets easier. The more you lose the easier it gets until you are bouncing! I started with walking - took me 30 minutes to go a mile. Who cares? I did it even when I could only do one mile Doesn't matter if you do a quarter mile. Walk to the end of your driveway and back. But start and don't stop. MFP is fabulous because everyone here gets you and knows what you are going through. Lean us and get moving away from the couch, away from the food and toward LIFE! You are so worth it.
  • Hola723
    Hola723 Posts: 159 Member
    One day at a time. Baby steps are key. Don't try and break all your bad habits at the same time. You will set yourself up for failure. Focus on making one small change a week until eventually all your bad habits are broken. For example, if you are a heavy soda drinker, give that up the first week. Then the next week, continue not to drink soda AND refrain from eating fast food. You and I didn't gain a lot of weight in a small amount of time so we cannot expect to lose it all in a small amount of time, either. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Running a marathon is hard and so is losing a lot of weight. Think about what it would be like to run a marathon right now- for me, at 300 pounds, it would involve a lot of sweating, crying, b*#$@ing, stumbling, crawling, and more crying. Losing weight is a lot like that. It is never easy, but it can be made easier if done the right way. Remember, baby steps! Feel free to add me if you are looking for a MFP friend who also has a lot to lose and you need encouragement and support!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I was just talking to my husband about this (he struggles a LOT with weight issues). I believe that the only way to effectively change our weight and life is to make exercise/diet as much a part of our routine as going to work, taking a shower, and sleeping. Don't tell yourself that you'll run a few times next weight and probably lift some, no, no, no,. NO! Give yourself firm commands to do X and Y at such a time, period. The end. No excuses. If I give myself leeway, I won't do it. I have to set a firm plan and follow it. Most people (who want to keep their jobs) can't just show up when they feel like it, or meander into the office whenever. They have to be there, on time, on schedule. You have to take a shower regularly, sleep regularly and exercise regularly.

    Diet is just a matter of liking healthier foods. Slowly replace the unhealthy stuff with healthier versions. I found that reading about all the horrible additives helped me break my fast food addiction. Knowing how hard I have to work to burn off that cookie helps curb my appetite for cookies ;).

    I have to not like cheesecake so much....haha. :love:
  • HeatherMarie1174
    You can do it.

    Take it one day at a time brother. MFP is a great tool, start using it to track intake and take things a step at a time. You could put a big, big dent in that weight number in a year or so.

    ^^ This ... just take one day at a time ... and a year from now, you will be amazed at how far you have come!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    The ONLY reason yo do this is you. Are you worth the struggle? Are you worth all the hard work? Do you believe in yourself? If any of these answers are yes then welcome to the party. We all get up one day at a time and make the decision to try our best. If no one else beliebes on you we all do. Cause we are right there with you. Please dont give up.
  • risefromruin
    risefromruin Posts: 483 Member
    It looks like you've received a lot of replies...but...when you're that overweight, it's hard to see that there is even an end in sight. I can totally relate to what you're going through. Two years ago, I would start and stop dieting/exercising all the time but it was SO hard to stick with it because I knew I had so far to go. My only real suggestion is to set small goals and move forward to attain them. You have to create the motivation to change your life yourself, nobody can do it for you. Start small with a 10 minute workout every day, and maybe remove one thing from your diet that you know is hindering your weight loss. If you continue to make small changes, they all add up in the end. Good luck to you!
  • CouchSpud
    CouchSpud Posts: 557 Member
    I think, in all fairness, we all struggle, That is part of it, it doesn;t come easy, but don't give up. It will slowly come off and the more you get into a changed routine, the better it gets.

    You can do it
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    So much great advice from the Peeps above. Let me just add a few more things:

    "The Biggest Loser" is a TV Show. It's real but it is Television. Real life does not happen like this. People don't just "go away" and shed huge amounts of fat and pounds in a few weeks/months. They don't jump from a sedentary life-style to running 10Ks overnight. No way. No how.

    You are not in a competition. You are doing this for YOU. It takes a huge amount of work, focus, planning, discipline and concentration to drop the weight in a healthy way. It may take you a few years, or longer. So be it. Just get involved in all aspects of MFP and give it your best effort each and every day.

    I lost my 85+ pounds over a number of years. I went from a size 22W to a size 6. When I was at 220+ pounds (stopped weighing myself), I didn't think "Wow, I have to lose almost 100 pounds." I just knew I had to start losing. I have been on maintenance now for over 1 year. I have good days and bad. I sign in each and every day and do my best to log my foods each and every day. I walk 45 minutes to 90 minutes 4-5 days a week. I swim in the summer. That's about it. But it works for me and I think any exercise routine you choose is okay, as long as you do it consistently.

    Give it your best shot. I feel you can do it. So many of us are here to help!
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I only lose 0.7 lbs per week. Slow and steady. Set small goals that are realistic. Long term goals are the ones that you can strive for when you are getting close to the ideal weight that is suggested to you. Be patient. You can do it!!!
  • BrownEyedBetty
    BrownEyedBetty Posts: 85 Member
    I feel you! It took me a good 5 months threw research and trying new things that I found what works for me. I still have my off days. I saw a trainer, a nutritionist and my doctor just so I can learn the basics and how much I eat and how much I need to burn. When it comes to working out, you really have to find something you love and do it. Becuase I hate running on the treadmill .... i get soooo bored. I love weight lifting and Zumba, even water aerobics is so much fun and easy on the joints. Hope this helps! : )
  • PamelaB43
    PamelaB43 Posts: 50 Member
    I agree, the first week is the worst. I have been on this "treadmill" of weight loss up and down before and it is tough. I have done WW and kept it off for two yrs and then I stopped logging my points in thinking " I got this" when really I was only bringing all of my bad habits back into my life because then I was not accountable. I thought I could "eyeball" the food and keep it in my head. The next thing you know I had gained my weight back. I am also a stress eater and comfort eater or I dont eat at all if I am upset. Neither is good. So I decided three weeks ago enough is enough. and I got serious again. A friend pointed me to MFP three weeks ago and here I am. Don't give up keep trying. :smile:
  • beckysiz
    beckysiz Posts: 54 Member
    It really is something you have to do one day at a time. For me- I used this place and tracked everything for months. I ended up losing like 60 pounds before I hit a plateau and then realized that I need to be exercising. Once I started going to the gym (and believe me, I had to force myself at first) I started seeing wonderful results- this was enough to keep me motivated. You can do this! baby steps.... it's hard work at first, but once you it becomes a habit/your new lifestyle you will do it without even thinking about it
  • crudd12
    I've been dieting for a year and half and have only lost 25 pounds! My weight loss has stalled and I've tried everything to get back to losing again! I'm right there with you! I'm not losing weight but I'm exercising just walking but I decided to buy some new clothes for the holidays since we were going out of town! I bought a 16 jean instead of a 20! I bought a 14/16 top instead of a 2x! Just start slow! Walk around the block for starters and just keep doing that until you feel like doing more! Eat more fruits and vegetables, healthy oils like olive oil, safflower oil, etc. (2 tsps a day), whole wheat, protein, and drink a ton of water every day! I wish you luck and good things in the New Year! I am right there with you struggling to keep this up since the scale will not go below 204! I've been stuck there a year gaining and losing the same 5 pounds! I am losing sizes just not pounds! God bless you! Just know you are not alone! Also I dropped my cholesterol from 204 to 180 and my doctor is very happy with me! She said to just keep trying and don't quit!
  • joannajohnsonrn
    joannajohnsonrn Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for posting this!

    I am also so unmotivated.
    I just found myself reading articles like 'how to lose that stubborn belly fat', and '6 quick weight loss tips'.
    All the while, I know the answers, and I know that it really starts with me.

    I am just in a funk like many others, and lack motivation to do anything. I have lost 10 lbs in the last year, and I really felt like I was trying. It is just not coming off fast enough and I lack motivation to take the next big step and lose another 10 lbs.

    So, reading all these replies, and knowing so many other people are struggling, has helped me.

    Again, thanks!

    Good luck on your journey, and dont give up!

    One step at a time, one day at a time, one meal at a time!