
webkaiser Posts: 21
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
I just had my first weigh in after using this site as a referrence for a week and working out everyday for that week period. I have to say that I am a little disappointed. Last week when I started, I weighed in at 235 with a body fat percentage of 28.7. Today I weighed in at 241 with a body fat percentage of 28.3.

So for some reason my weight went up and body percentage went down. What the heck? How come I haven't lost lost this week?


  • If you are lifting weights just remember that muscle weighs more than fat. I experienced the same thing when I first started my workout almost 2 weeks.
  • No need to be disappointed! You lost body fat, and gained muscle! That is a good thing! Congrats! Next week you will see even better results so Keep up the good work!
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Are you doing alot of weight training? When starting a new workout program, weight will temporarily increase because muscles retain water at first. You could also be gaining muscle, but it probably isn't 6 pounds worth in just. I know its difficult when you see a gain on the scale, but I encourage to keep at it. Your body will soon get the picture. In the meantime, look at how many calories you're taking in as well as what you're eating (eat as clean as possible). For some of us, we have to adjust the amount of carbs and proteins we take in so we can lose weight. Sodium rich food will also make you retain water. So if you went out to dinner at a restaurant or ate some fast food, you're probably full of sodium. Hope this helps!
  • cmw72
    cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
    When beginning a new workout, your muscles will retain water. This can account for an increase in weight.

    Give it some time ... It definitely works.
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    Don't be disappointed....the same thing happened to me my first week. I was expecting to lose a few lbs but it didn't happen. It will happen for you, as the others told you, you body fat is down...WOO HOO! Keep up the good work.
  • Muscle weighs more then fat so that's why the numbers in your case have increased. Try taking measurments because that is a more accurate way of seeing results. It also depends on what time of day you are weighing yourself. You should do it first thing in the morning. Good job on keeping up with this for a week! You should be proud of yourself for accomplishing that:)
  • kelsierae24
    kelsierae24 Posts: 1 Member
    Are you weighing yourself at the same time? I always weigh in the morning before eating anything.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hi there! :o)

    Whenever I start working out from a period of doing nothing, I gain without fail. Especially if weights are involved. However this past fall when I started running I instantly gained. I ended up in the hospital for something unrelated for about a week. I lost all of the weight in that week! Started back up again...gained it right back!

    On another note, my husband is 27. He is on this journey now. When I first met him he was 21 and able to loose weight very quickly. He dropped over 100 pounds by just cutting out pop and not making as many visits to fast food restaurants. Now? Its a completely different story. He started using this site this past fall when he entered a challenge and basically did the same thing he did 6 years ago, watching his calories and working out a bit. He lost barely a pound a week. Mind you, he doesn't have as much to loose as he did in the past and that may play a part with you as well. Your body may need a moment to adjust to this new change and your metabolism may not have caught up yet. It took mine a while to realize what in the world was going on! My husband restarted MFP at Christmas and again, the first couple of weeks he didn't see much success but as the weeks have kept going and he started analyzing even more carefully the sugar and sodium he was putting in his body, he is loosing more weight each week. :o)

    Don't give up hope! Your body fat is going down which is obviously a good thing! Keep going!! You can do this! Maybe work a little harder in both departments: What you are putting in your mouth and exercising. Or like I said, maybe your body is just adjusting to the new changes you are throwing at it! :o)
  • Keep up the good work!! Your Body fat is going down!!

    When I first started watching my weight, and toning up, I watched the scale like a hawk. It became my worst Enemy/Friend. It actually started to hurt my progress the more I watched the scale. So, I started weighing myself once a month as well as taking my measurements. This way I would keep up the good work and actually see amazing results when I stepped on the scale that month.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! It is great to have a community that helps everyone out. Cheers!
  • joannajohnsonrn
    joannajohnsonrn Posts: 36 Member
    Weight loss can be complicated.
    Just as you didn't gain fast, you wont lost it fast.
    Exercising is very important, and will benefit you for a life time.
    Dont give up! You can do this!
    Keep up your routine and it will pay off in the end!

    Good luck!
  • Don't be disappointed, Pal! My experience is that body weight fluctuates. What helped my Wife and I was to purchase a medical scale with he top style weight counter balance. The scale is very accurate and allows us to have much more confidence in our weight measurements. If it isn't the scale, then possibly it is the muscle mass weight increase ... but that usually happens at a slower rate. You might want to re-check your sugar intake, as six-pounds in a week is pretty steep. Hope any of my ideas help. Best, Roger
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