Sad day for the fitness world - Jack LaLanne dies

Jack LaLanne passed away yesterday afternoon at the ripe old age of 96. Jack was the "Godfather of Fitness" and he exercised every day for 2 hours until his passing. He was a pioneer of living well and taking care of your body. If you would like to know more about Jack, visit his website at

R.I.P. Jack you will be greatly missed and always an inspiration to millions!

"It’s not what you do some of the time that counts, it’s what you do all of the time that counts"
~ Jack LaLanne


  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    I know!! Very sad indeed! I have been drooling over one of his juicers for years now. Good thing I planned on getting one next month.. rest in peace, Jack. You lived a healthy 96 years, I only wish I can make it that long.
  • joannajohnsonrn
    joannajohnsonrn Posts: 36 Member
    What an inspiration to us all!
    We can be all we want to be, we just need to do it!
    Thanks Jack for getting our butts moving!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Yep. I posted about this yesterday. It's such a sad thing when someone like this dies. Such an inspiration!