New and determined to lose at least 45 pounds

Hi I’m new here my sister introduced me to this site and I love it. I am determined to lose at least 45 pounds and gain back some positive self-esteem. I have lost and gained significant weight during my life and I’m always happiest and live fullest when I’m at a healthy weight. I have children and I need to be more active with them and set a better example for them.

I’m really excited because even though I’ve only really started I feel better already mentally and physically. I am really determined to take control over my health and help my sister reach her goals. I know I need support keeping on track and I would like to offer my support to others.

So if you need a weight loss buddy send me a friend request.


Kathy in Arizona


  • joannajohnsonrn
    joannajohnsonrn Posts: 36 Member
    I think you will find this a great place to be! There is so much support on this site, and if you are doing this with your sister, even better!
    My sister and I have been logging on for 140 days, together! We love it!
    We love the accountability of food diary, and are inspired by the exercise diary.
    My sister has lost 30 lbs so far, and I think MFP has been a great tool in her success, next to her dedication and hard work!
    We also have found alot of advice, recipes, and product reviews that have helped us as well!
    Keep logging in, there is always something different going on!

    Good luck on your journey!