Kalikel Member


  • Not really. Not enough food (or vitamins and minerals) for the calories and way too much salt. You'd be much better off (and stay more full) if you made your own food. If you like them and you're still getting used to normal portions, they're not a terrible way to begin, though. :)
  • You don't really have to work out anything. You can just plug your info in and let the MFP do it's job. :) No reason to make it harder. You sound like you've been through the ringer. I hope things start looking up for you soon!!
  • I like the old ones: Richard Simmons and Denise Austin. They're both so different, but I like them a lot. Nobody is more encouraging while pushing you than Denise...or so calm during yoga while I'm like, "Aag!" She reminds me what the point of yoga is, lol. :)
  • Sleep is important for me. I lose more when I sleep more. I crave sugar and carbs when I don't get enough sleep. How many meals I eat doesn't seem to make much much difference. I usually have five or six little ones. I feel more energetic. When I ate two or three big meals I'd feel stuffed, but then get really hungry…
  • Drink when your thirsty. Unless you have a medical or psychological condition that alters your sense of thirst, you can trust your thirst to guide you. Don't make it harder than it needs to be.
    in Water? Comment by Kalikel November 2015
  • Staying full helps with cravings. Eat lots of fruits and veggies to keep you nice and full. Fruit is wonderful for a sweet tooth, too! Getting enough sleep is major for me. Not only do I lose more, but when I don't get enough sleep, I crave sugar and carbs. Drinking water. Might be mental, but I think it helps. Helps me!…
  • As Tom Petty says, the waiting. The beginning is tough, making and adjusting to new habits. But it's the long process, having to do the work every single day for such a long, long time. I totally get it when people say, "I feel like I should be done by now!" It requires so much patience. Subtracting my break, I will have…
  • I'd suggest taking a good, hard look at what you did last time, because it didn't work long-term. Whatever had you gaining the weight back needs to be addressed this time around. While you're losing, you want to do whatever you're planning to do when you're done losing so that you don't gain the weight back. That might…
  • I hope it's soon! :) I was lucky (or unlucky) enough to have major problems (I could hardly breathe anymore) by the time I got a doctor who tested me properly, so from diagnosis to surgery was like two weeks. It was two weeks of seeing a bunch of doctors and having a bunch of tests, but it was quick. That surgery and those…
  • Since you're losing weight, there is no reason to try to make up for it. Calorie-counting and "eating in a deficit" is restricting. You're already doing it! :) It's good to start thinking about how you'll handle things like this when you're done losing, though. Will you cut back immediately or workout more or just let a…
  • There are different kinds of normal and abnormal. I wouldn't sweat that too much. It is not uncommon to go through inpatient more than once. The first time is usually about tying people down, putting the tube in and saving their life or threatening them with the tube to make them eat. Whatever happens and however it's…
  • It depends on how fat you are and your specific needs. Only your doctor can really tell you what is healthy for you. I lost over 20 pounds in two months when I began losing weight, but I began at 250. Now, in the 150s, there is no way I could lose 20 pounds that fast. I wish. But if I stick with it and am patient, I will…
  • This isn't a problem I've had or have met anyone who has. I'd suggest a counselor who specializes in eating disorders. I'd also suggest not stocking the house with junk food. Can't eat what you don't have!
  • Add more fruits and veggies. You can eat so much food and stay very full (lots of fiber!) for so few calories. Whole grain breads will help more than white, too.
  • You really need a doctor. I don't know why people are saying you're starving, but if you are, constipation is a huge problem. The #1 best thing to keep you regular is exercise. People who starve generally don't do much of it because they're laying around and starving. Even if you're starving, starve on fruits and veggies…
  • The Apple watch is the best looking of the bunch, IMO. It has nice stuff you can do with it. Those circles are kind of cool. I went with a friend who got one and I almost bought one, myself. I'm just not techy enough to bother. But if I were getting one, that's the one I'd get. I'm sure you can buy them in the UK.
  • I like songs that have a quick beat. They redo many songs to include a beat like that. You can search in iTunes for workout music.
  • Make the healthy stuff taste good, so that you aren't sitting around wishing you could eat something that tastes good. The idea that you must choose between healthy food and food that tastes good is a depressing one. You can have both! You don't need junk foods to eat yummy ones. :)
  • Since you don't know what is in the food, knowing it's weight cannot be much help. You might be getting 800g, but 800g of what? You need the What to accurately log it. Restaurants don't give out their recipes, generally. Even if they did, the chef might've used a little more of this or that, so it would be impossible to be…
  • If you use the USDA entries, you can get decent numbers. I don't track here, but I do track my micros. It can be done, if someone wants to do it. :)
  • Track your micros. That will tell you how you're doing. You'll see what you get enough of and what you need to work on. Then you can start adding foods that have more of what you need.
  • I watch my weeks and months instead of days. Daily is only good for people who have the same amount of hunger every day.
  • A diet cannot really increase your metabolism. Mine is on the slow side and if I thought for a second that a change in diet would help, I'd do it. But I know it won't. Eat healthy. Learn about nutrition instead of certain diets. It will serve you well in the long run. Focus on being as healthy as you can be, skip the fad…
  • When reading reviews always dismiss the ones that don't say "Verified purchase" or were written by people who are in the vine program. If it lacks the "Verified Purchase" thing, it's probably the people selling it posting bogus reviews.
  • I miss the tickers. They were fun to have and see.
  • Exercise is a big help with staying regular, as is drinking enough water and eating fiber. If you go four or five days without pooping, you should call the doctor. Try not to use the word "detox." Just tell them that you haven't pooped for however long. If you say you need to detox, they may not know what you mean.
  • Try eBay. I sell used clothes there all the time. I sold one pair of LL Bean shorts that I never wore and have sold many things from LL Bean and Columbia that I only wore a handful of times and were still in excellent (not fake excellent, but really excellent) condition. I just couldn't wear them because I lost weight.…
  • I try to stay full by eating a lot of low-cal food. Fruits and veggies. Fruit is so sweet and tasty. As for wanting sugary-fat treats like candy and stuff - I usually don't. When I do, I know I want to be healthy and thin more than I want brownies, so I skip the brownies and peanut butter cups. It's really just about what…
  • Usually 0. Sometimes 1. Rarely, more.