Divorced is just a way of giving anyone in your dating sphere a heads up. That there is recent or potentially on-going issues with a former spouse. A divorced person may not have as much time or as much energy to commit to a relationship. Whether or not someone wants to put it up front, is a matter of choice. Sure, one…
A lot of players are well too familiar with the so called waiting game. The black and white traditional approach of "waiting it out" is like going to a casino and expecting better odds because you're having better luck on one slot machine over another. It's a chance thing. The best prevention, as always, is honest and…
As long as she's okay with the word monogamy, I'm fine. For some guys, it may be a perk (the tired ol' threesome cliche...). For me, cheating is cheating if said gal can't handle word monogamy.
Only thing I could suggest is go at the pace you feel most comfortable with... I've only been with one woman, and that was for 11 years. I'm now up to my 7th year of no girlfriend, and I've just now recently and sadly realized that my having-a-date time frame has jumped back up to a full year again (yea, it was just…
It depends on if it was truly casual sex or a casual relationship. Most FWB situations horribly fall apart because of the latter (and some expectation for it to go into a regular relationship too...I'll avoid posting novellas on the subject...I have If it was truly no emotion involved for both parties, it…
I tend to follow the rule of the ex. If it's an ex, it's not kosher that she feels a need to go ex first for problems. And an ex is any guy that she's "had fun" or messed around with" even without an official relationship. It reeks of unresolved issues and I've been down that road...
If it helps, I'm sitting on a seven year dry spell because I'd rather wait for someone that wants to share an emotional and physical connection at the same time. Take all the time ya need. The right guy will stick around and wait. Cliche, I know...
Well raising red flags and being one slight difference. Sorry, I've just had a lot of gal pals who I've been the "shoulder" with guys who have exhibited this kind of pattern. Definitely hash things out, make a much stronger case about it and instill importance to it. If he goes back again to non-communicative and flakey…
Despite the fact that it's just relatively starting, the bottom line is this. You communicate to him exactly how you like to have communication, which you've seem to all ready done. He seems in this little circle of appeasement than returns back to pattern. Whether or not a relationship is new, any person who doesn't…
When both parties decide on it... Of course, the hitch is that people have their own timeframes or their own "steps", i.e. # of dates, how much physicality is involved, etc, etc before they think it's actually something concrete. The thing is once you feel it should be exclusive, you should immediately address that you…
Yes, friends. Now, when there's an attraction on one side... It depends on how well a person can handle attraction. If they can't handle it, then either they need to realize it and walk away or be told to walk away.
Seeing as how I might as well be a "born again" (not in the religious way) virgin... I've only ever been with one person, a now on-going 7 year dry spell (it's not a nice place finding out there is an actual seven year "itch"). The irony is that I like aggressive women. I like someone who knows what she wants, and isn't…
Asking if you casually date more than one person at a time when it was never specified before hand, that's okay. Specific numbers, creepy as heck. Specifically asking about texting other guys when that's a completely understood rule of just starting to date, especially on a dating site where one shouldn't really need to…
Things that stick out to me...and I'm assuming you did the logout and check if his profile pops up without signing in... Any man (works that way for a woman too, if I was dating a gal) that asks for exclusivity but doesn't do all the proper things such as deleting or at least hiding a dating account just reeks of all kinds…
After 7 years of being single, I think I'm actually to a point where I just don't know how to have a relationship. If I have an opportunity, I'd probably jump at it.
What I think at issue here is a pure communication problem. As the debate here illustrates, people have their own definitions of what should be done and what the end result typically is. The jargon may change, and frankly I have a huge, huge, HUGE pet peeve that "hook up" or FWB has become a cool hip ironically independent…
One co-worker and I have a running gag of calling potential women as cupcakes. It all started because a female co-worker randomly came in to give me cupcakes (and two hugs) for my birthday. I didn't take the hint at the time because she was fresh off a breakup. But, the gag still applies.
I tried to be civil with the ex and had her on FB. It was actually working for a time. Then, she decided to take one of my status updates in a completely creepy "I still need to be nosing into your love life even though I'm married to some other guy" kind of way, then some random argument happened about the youngest and…
Being in a gym, I'm even more cautious about engaging a conversation with a woman. I don't want a woman to feel like it's meat market territory, and will keep the conversation like it's a professional office environment. I might "friendly" flirt at most, but nothing over the top. He may just have this perspective... Maybe…
Poofing should only be for over-the-top behavior that requires poofing. If someone is nice, respectful, and has been communicative in a good way, he or she deserves at least the same manner of respect in turn. Also, poofing is barely acceptable if it's only been a date or two, but really... It's not that hard to text…
Not particularly enjoying year itch isn't suppose to be literal...
I always thought of Professional being used two ways: a euphemism for high paying job or a job that basically requires a masters or bachelors degree to get. It didn't really matter what kind of job, but the implication of high pay and long hours comes with it. At least, that's my take. As far as my own concerns, I just…
Omaha, Nebraska area... Woo!
Meet in real life before starting any serious discussions, if it starts off on internet based friendship. I wouldn't recommend it. My own experiences have made me cross it off the list.
Your friend sounds like he's got a bit of codependency in him. Trust me, I know the symptoms all too well. I'm a single guy whose had only 1 girlfriend, who has had 'toxic' gal pals that would utilize said codependent nature to advantage. The ones that wouldn't really change their ways have moved on, because my "enabling"…
Yea it does suffer either way lol....
LOL, it's all right... At least Nebraska would be within the same state... I've just really seem to be losing a lot of my regular social network (having majority of opposite sex friends that get significant others or well want to look for significant others means less hanging out LOL)