scott1111111 Member


  • Diagnosed type 2 about 2 years ago. Then last year I went on a diet and started working out. I lost close to 30 pounds and my levels were down to normal enough that my Dr. and I were talking about stopping my medication. Unfortunately I fell off the wagon and gained the weight back and my levels went up again. I am getting…
  • You can but the cauliflower gets a really nice nutty flavor especially with the parm added since it is a mellow taste to start with, and I love the garlic cloves when they are roasted like that. When I roast other veggies like carrots and broccoli I tend to do them a little different, mostly the same but I use MRS Dash…
  • 1 head of cauliflower chop into pieces 1 head of garlic peeled whole cloves toss with olive oil and salt to taste place on pan and roast in oven for 30 - 40 minutes at 400 - 425 last 10 minutes sprinkle with Parmesan cheese eat
  • I used to be that skinny person, but I also used to run 40 - 60 miles a week and up to 110 miles when I was racing. The thing is if you do not learn to eat right it can catch up with you. When I had to stop running I kept eating the same, over the years the weight slowly crept up on me. It will catch them too eventually as…
  • I have always kept it to 20, I do a 5 minute warm up and a 5 minute cool down for a total of 30 minutes. If you are doing it right it is pretty hard to do it for longer.
    in HIIT Comment by scott1111111 March 2013
  • Pasta, I love pasta in all forms with all types of sauces. The bad thing is pasta and carbs impact my blood sugar pretty hard so i try to keep them to a minimum.
  • I'm diabetic and I don't worry about tracking sugar much. Carbs affect my levels more than sugar does, yes it is a quick boost but the level drops quickly, plus most of my sugar comes from fruit so with the fiber that comes with it the sugar is not that big of an impact to me. others may have different experiences.
  • You are not really measuring. trying on a pair of shorts does not a measurement make. While everyone would love for fat to come off of specific areas first (especially belly and butt/thighs) it will come off wherever it may be. Try doing real measurements to track with, sometimes they are subtle an inch here and a half…
  • I had mine measured as well. I ultimately just put the number of calories I wanted each day into MFP and ignored what it says about how much I will lose etc. I only use MFP for tracking purposes so my daily goal of 2300 calories is what i am shooting for and I use it to track that. I sometimes eat some of the exercise…
  • This is the reason why I never advocate running on roads, they are for vehicle traffic not running tracks.
  • Pay someone to chase you with an axe?
  • Depends on what you want to do. Can you get fit without cardio, sure, can you run a marathon without cardio and only doing strength training? Having a good balance is always desirable, when I was racing I did a lot of lifting as it helps, but I could never have just done lifting alone.
  • I don't hold on to them but I do reach out to them from time to time. It might be worse for others but the treadmill is horrible for me and my balance. I am pretty well coordinated but walking on the treadmill just throws me off balance. I only use it in the winter time when the weather is bad, I would much rather be out…
  • Where did the numbers come from?
  • Well one thing to look forward to when I do them is being able to eat like I used to. Hikers doing the whole route burn 4000 - 5000 calories a day. People regularly lose 20 pounds by the end of the hike even stuffing their faces in towns along the way. I know there is the half gallon challenge about halfway on the AT where…
  • You have to decide it is important for you, and work it into your life. I do better at working out in the evening before dinner so I have had to train my wife that eating the minute we get home from work is not going to work for me. Usually if you plan your day you will find plenty of wasted time that seems important but…
  • Are you a gym member or are you planning on lifting at home? I would advise easing into it slowly, if you have never done it and you go to hard you will get really sore and frustrated. I would try to fit in 2 - 3 times a week, high reps just to get used to it. At this point you don't need to try to hit every muscle group…
  • The Girl Scout organization uses the cookie sales to help fund their operations. The cookies are made by licensed bakeries, where the original recipes came from I am not sure. The cookies are sold in Girl Scout branded packaging and are only available when they have their annual sale. My favorite are the Samoas, I can eat…
  • Could have been someone brought him to the gym so they wouldn't miss their workout and they are taking care of him. He could have Alzheimer or dementia. That would be a little more forgivable.
  • I would trust a HRM over a piece of fitness equipment every time. Especially equipment in a gym that gets used a lot.
  • Still not sure how to put this into MFP though. Do I just put in 3000 for the daily goal and ignore it when it says I won't lose anything. At that point it just becomes a tracking tool.
  • The sad thing is getting that into my head. 3000 calories a day just doesn't seem like a diet even when I see the math. plus since I am trying to eat healthier it is actually hard to eat that many calories in a day without resorting to really bad for me foods. So then should I just set MFP to 3000 for my daily goal and…
  • I don't usually bother counting the salad portion. You could calculate all of the veggies in the salad but most counts are for larger portions i.e. 1/2 cup of broccoli, whereas in a salad there may only be 5 florets. So unless it is a jumbo salad I started just skipping the count on it and only count the dressing. Now if…
  • I can wear size 38 pants of the same brand that a month ago I was wearing 44's. Granted the 44's were a little loose when I started but that was a big motivator for me to keep going.
  • First thing is to make sure you have a good pair of running shoes. Find a place that will take the time to fit you. Then just start running. If you are brand new you will want to alternate between walking and a jog. Aim for walking for say 5 minutes and then run for a minute. Do that for 30 minutes. Over time you build up…
  • It has already been said but I will repeat. Try different veggies different ways, roasting in my opinion is the king of veggie prep. My wife was always a picky eater but she has been learning different ways to cook and eat them as I have shown her how. Here is a recent favorite of hers that we tried and it turned out…
  • How long are your runs now. If you can do the 13 miles before your trip you will be able to do it when you get back, especially if you are still being active on your trip. What it will impact is how fast you do it. If you are only concerned about finishing you should be in good shape. If you are wanting to finish in a…
  • As already said it is difficult to say without knowing more. This is your first race but have you run 5k before on your own? How long does it take you (If you have not are you building up to it?) Where are you at in your training, if you are running 5k or more already how long is that taking. If you are not up tto that…
  • If you want to build speed you need to work on speed. Back in the day I was a big runner. Mesha gave some good advice but I will expand. When I was racing we would do speed work outs 3 times a week. So for a 5k race one night we would do a mile warm up, then 5 one mile repeats. That means you run a mile as fast as you can,…
  • Mine were high as well. Took 1000mg of fish oil daily and it went down some. Since I started eating better and losing weight as well as eating fish more often and continuing the fish oil pills I am hoping it will be even better next appointment.