cardio vs weightlifting

I'm wondering about this because I've read quite a few posts in various forums here that say something along the lines of "Don't waste your time doing cardio--lift weights instead!"

Why is that? What's wrong with doing cardio? I thought that any exercise that gets your heart rate up and gets you moving was good. I know that weight-lifting helps to improve calorie burn because of building muscle (which burns calories at a much higher rate than fat) but it doesn't necessarily follow for me that therefore cardio is a waste of time. I do a lot of treadmilling and my legs are definitely getting more muscle definition and losing fat dramatically. So I'm kind of wondering what's with the negative comments I'm seeing.


  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    There is nothing at all wrong with doing cardio. Strength training and cardio serve two different purposes though:

    (1) Strength training will help you build muscle mass. Muscle mass will increase your body's caloric needs and therefore, over the long run, help you lose body fat by making it possible to eat more while still losing (or not gaining) body fat. If you are going to for the lean, "toned" (I hesitate to use that word but am) look, then strength training is the way to go. Basically, this is what will make you look good on the beach (body recomposition).

    (2) Cardio burns calories now so it allows you to lose weight while eating more than you otherwise would. That said, it is entirely possible to lose weight while doing absolutely no cardio, and there are plenty of people on MFP that look great and just strength train. The other benefit of cardio is obviously cardiovascular health, and also, for many of us, the endorphin release.

    The threads you see speaking negatively about cardio, for the most part, are attempting to convey that you absolutely should be engaged in strength training. Cardio alone is not enough for body recomposition/the beach look.

    EDIT: I do both and I would encourage both. But that's me.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    For the same time/effort weightlifting gives more asthetic benefits than cardio.

    Most people care about asthetics more than they care to admit and thats where the suggestions comes from.

    Also, some people are very unrealistic about body sculpting and what it really takes to change one's appearance and this becomes a soapbox for those less ignorant of what it takes to get where a poster is implying that they want to.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Cardio, is strength training for your heart and lungs, nothing wrong with it, whatsoever and don't let anyone tell you different.
  • scott1111111
    scott1111111 Posts: 53 Member
    Depends on what you want to do. Can you get fit without cardio, sure, can you run a marathon without cardio and only doing strength training? Having a good balance is always desirable, when I was racing I did a lot of lifting as it helps, but I could never have just done lifting alone.
  • cals83
    cals83 Posts: 131
    I think that cardio is good for you but as far as weight loss goes...if all you are doing is cardio you really are wasting your time. At first it will be good but after a while, your body will compensate and start getting rid of your existing lean body mass to try and preserve energy for the cardio. As a result, you will eventually plateau.

    When you do strength training, your body will burn more fat and try and preserve the muscle since it is being actively used / challenged and the body needs it. If you are strength training and not eating more calories though, you won't gain any muscle...your body just preserves the existing.

    Currently, I like to have a balance of both cardio and strength training and that seems to work best for me.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    I think it depends on your goals. My goal was to lose weight – I was starting at 289 lbs, so clinically "morbidly obese". I met with a personal trainer when I first started and he had me doing this:

    Mon-Wed-Fri: 5 minute cardio workout, 30-40 minutes strength training/weight lifting on a plan he designed for me that included upper body, lower body and core training, finish with 30-45 minutes cardio.
    Tues-Thurs: 60-75 minutes cardio (or as much as I could do)

    I lost the weight, more than 100 lbs., so he must have known what he was talking about.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Because the trendy thing right now is to hate on cardio and tell everyone that they need to eat more and lift heavier.

    Ultimately it comes down to this:

    If you want to lose weight, you have to sustain a reasonable and healthy caloric deficit. This can be done with diet alone, or with a combination of diet and exercise.

    Exercise comes in 2 basic forms - cardio and strength training. Cardio will have little affect on the shape of your body, but it's great for helping maintain that calorie deficit I just mentioned if your eating habits aren't as good as they should be (which, lets face it, is probably the case for most of us). Strength training won't help as much with the deficit, but will have the biggest impact on your appearance.

    Look at it this way... diet alone, or diet + cardio can both lead to weight loss. If you were a big marshmallow to begin with, you'll end up being a smaller marshmallow after. That's what weight loss is, simply a reduction in what the scale says with little thought given to body fat and/or body composition.

    Add in some legitimate strength training and you'll start to see the "softness" in your body go away. Not only will you lose weight, but you'll change how you look as a greater percentage of you weight loss will come from body fat and more lean body mass will be retained. This is the toning effect so many people talk about. Not only is this healthier (losing body fat), but it's also much more aesthetically pleasing for most people.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I only do cardio and plateaued at 10% bodyfat. Woe is me.

    Or maybe the plateau is the 3000 plus calories I eat everyday.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    There is nothing at all wrong with doing cardio. Strength training and cardio serve two different purposes though:

    (1) Strength training will help you build muscle mass. Muscle mass will increase your body's caloric needs and therefore, over the long run, help you lose body fat by making it possible to eat more while still losing (or not gaining) body fat. If you are going to for the lean, "toned" (I hesitate to use that word but am) look, then strength training is the way to go. Basically, this is what will make you look good on the beach (body recomposition).

    (2) Cardio burns calories now so it allows you to lose weight while eating more than you otherwise would. That said, it is entirely possible to lose weight while doing absolutely no cardio, and there are plenty of people on MFP that look great and just strength train. The other benefit of cardio is obviously cardiovascular health, and also, for many of us, the endorphin release.

    The threads you see speaking negatively about cardio, for the most part, are attempting to convey that you absolutely should be engaged in strength training. Cardio alone is not enough for body recomposition/the beach look.

    This is the best answer you are going to get.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    I am doing both cardio and weight lifting and I'm within 6-7 lbs of my goal weight (which is approximately 145 lbs). So weight loss isn't so much of a concern anymore. Currently I'm focusing on getting stronger, so weightlifting is the main part of my regular workout (twice weekly at the gym). Aesthetics isn't my main concern--getting stronger and healthier is. Thanks for your replies, I can understand where that is coming from now.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    I think the problem is people just way over do cardio. They are uneducated and believe that cardio is the only way to lose weight, when the truth is weight loss comes down to a calorie deficit. I say this all the time on this forum-unless you're training for some kind of endurance event, there is just no need to do hours upon hours of cardio a week.

    Cardio should be a part of everyone's training regime. I think a split such as 75-80% weightlifting, 20-25% cardio is perfect.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    also calorie deficits make you lose weight and strength training in a calorie deficit is the best way to maximize weight lost as body fat.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    There is nothing at all wrong with doing cardio. Strength training and cardio serve two different purposes though:

    (1) Strength training will help you build muscle mass. Muscle mass will increase your body's caloric needs and therefore, over the long run, help you lose body fat by making it possible to eat more while still losing (or not gaining) body fat. If you are going to for the lean, "toned" (I hesitate to use that word but am) look, then strength training is the way to go. Basically, this is what will make you look good on the beach (body recomposition).

    (2) Cardio burns calories now so it allows you to lose weight while eating more than you otherwise would. That said, it is entirely possible to lose weight while doing absolutely no cardio, and there are plenty of people on MFP that look great and just strength train. The other benefit of cardio is obviously cardiovascular health, and also, for many of us, the endorphin release.

    The threads you see speaking negatively about cardio, for the most part, are attempting to convey that you absolutely should be engaged in strength training. Cardio alone is not enough for body recomposition/the beach look.

    EDIT: I do both and I would encourage both. But that's me.

    what a fantastic response.

    This is all you need to know in terms anyone can understand.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    There is nothing at all wrong with doing cardio. Strength training and cardio serve two different purposes though:

    (1) Strength training will help you build muscle mass. Muscle mass will increase your body's caloric needs and therefore, over the long run, help you lose body fat by making it possible to eat more while still losing (or not gaining) body fat. If you are going to for the lean, "toned" (I hesitate to use that word but am) look, then strength training is the way to go. Basically, this is what will make you look good on the beach (body recomposition).

    (2) Cardio burns calories now so it allows you to lose weight while eating more than you otherwise would. That said, it is entirely possible to lose weight while doing absolutely no cardio, and there are plenty of people on MFP that look great and just strength train. The other benefit of cardio is obviously cardiovascular health, and also, for many of us, the endorphin release.

    The threads you see speaking negatively about cardio, for the most part, are attempting to convey that you absolutely should be engaged in strength training. Cardio alone is not enough for body recomposition/the beach look.

    This is the best answer you are going to get.

    Agreed. They both serve different purposes and it depends on what your goals are. I do both as I want to improve my cardiovascular fitness (running and hiking have added years to my lung health after years of smoking and asthma) but also want a great looking body, which means picking up weights too.

    I also find each suits my mood better - if I'm glum and in need of a pick-me-up mentally then getting outside for a run is best. Out of breath and dripping with sweat I don't have time to think about the day-to-day things that are bothering me. If it's waist-deep in snow outside, my arms are looking a little saggy and I want to watch TV while working out, it's free weights at home all the way.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    also calorie deficits make you lose weight and strength training in a calorie deficit is the best way to maximize weight lost as body fat.

    Another good point. Since starting weight training my bodyfat % has dropped faster than when just doing cardio alone. Difficult one to get your head round but once you do you won't look back.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    There shouldn't be a "versus." It should be an "and."

    It's like chocolate and peanut butter. Both are wonderful, but AMAZING together.
  • donahm01
    donahm01 Posts: 32 Member
    GOOD BALANCE IS BEST APPROACH. Ido my strength training for about 60 minutes then do my cardio afterward. Reason is they say doing strength training firstboosts your metabolism turn burn fat when doing cardio. Also cardio first would make it so you do not reach full potential for lifting weights.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    There is nothing at all wrong with doing cardio. Strength training and cardio serve two different purposes though:

    (1) Strength training will help you build muscle mass. Muscle mass will increase your body's caloric needs and therefore, over the long run, help you lose body fat by making it possible to eat more while still losing (or not gaining) body fat. If you are going to for the lean, "toned" (I hesitate to use that word but am) look, then strength training is the way to go. Basically, this is what will make you look good on the beach (body recomposition).

    (2) Cardio burns calories now so it allows you to lose weight while eating more than you otherwise would. That said, it is entirely possible to lose weight while doing absolutely no cardio, and there are plenty of people on MFP that look great and just strength train. The other benefit of cardio is obviously cardiovascular health, and also, for many of us, the endorphin release.

    The threads you see speaking negatively about cardio, for the most part, are attempting to convey that you absolutely should be engaged in strength training. Cardio alone is not enough for body recomposition/the beach look.

    EDIT: I do both and I would encourage both. But that's me.

    Well said and the best I've ever seen it explained!!! I do both as well. Five days of weightlifting and two days of cardio. Good luck!
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    It shouldn't be cardio vs weightlifting, it should be cardio + weightlifting = win
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    I needed to lose 25 pounds last year. I did cardio 6 days a week for 4 months and lost the weight. No strength training. I wasn't "skinny fat" like all the horror stories you will hear on here.

    Now that I've lost the weight I'm doing cardio + lifting. I plan on posting an all cardio after pic and a cardio + lifting after pic.

    That's my story.. not saying it's the right way, but it worked for me.