How do you manage!

Just got a new job and i'm having a hard time scheduling my workouts around it and everything else i need to do in my life. Before this week I was recent unemployed graduate that could workout whenever, for however long I wanted. I've been doing so good for the past month, finally getting back on the weight lose train after a year gaining and losing the same 10 pounds. How do you fit the gym into your 9-5, dating, laundry ridden life?

I've been trying to wake up before work to work out for the past few days but it's such a pain ><


  • scott1111111
    scott1111111 Posts: 53 Member
    You have to decide it is important for you, and work it into your life. I do better at working out in the evening before dinner so I have had to train my wife that eating the minute we get home from work is not going to work for me.

    Usually if you plan your day you will find plenty of wasted time that seems important but is not. I used to spend evenings playing video games but I have cut back a lot which frees up a lot of time at night.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I am SO not a morning person, but I've made workin out not optional. It's no different than taking a shower and getting dressed in the morning. It's absolutely required to get up early enough to take a shower and get dressed-so if you treat working out the same way, you'll get up early enough to do it. If you want it for real, you'll find a way to fit it in.
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    I know how you feel - I'm a teacher, and I started my "healthy journey" in the summer, when I had tons of time. When I was about to go back to work, I worried that I wouldn't be able to continue working out, but I MADE IT HAPPEN! I DO get up early, but I try not to do it two days in a row. My best advice to you is plan in the workouts the way you would appointments, and schedule other things around it. I always know before I go to bed at night when I will be working out the next day. You can also think about multi-tasking - I often put dinner together during a strength training session (do a circuit, turn on the stove, do another one put things in the pot, etc.) or take a break from Wii Just Dance to make dinner. It's not ideal, but I get the workout in!