I'm not familiar with that book, but live a lower carb life than most others. Not a no-carb, just try to make them worthwhile. I do well this way...most of the weight I've ever gained was when I went back to eating the less healthy carbs. When my nephews come to our house and ask for a snack they are shocked that there are…
My husband uses it--do you have questions?
Thanks for sharing--a great way to start the day! =)
Nut thin crackers and low fat cottage cheese. Blue diamond makes thee crackers, they are rice/almond cracker. nice and crisp.
To quote your quote: "Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!" :smile: Even if you falter or stumble a bit, you can keep starting back again where you left off. You have done an awesome 6 weeks already, so you should be proud of that accomplishment...have you thought of doing a workout switch up or reward to keep…
If that is longer than you would normally be awake, I'm sure you will get extra hungry at some point...just make sure you take lots of portable snacks to curb those temptations that come with a road trip. Some almonds, baby carrots, apple slices, grapes, cheese, whatever is convenient and healthy and filling! And don't…
The smell of chocolate sets me off! And I have a very sensitive nose so I can pick up even the slightest bit of it! As far as the cravings, I have several things that help and pickles...not in combination though! I keep some super minty gum in my desk drawer because not much tastes good after mint (except…
I love it! Isn't it funny the way your body will surprise you sometimes? :wink:
I did a small area when a friend got the system in her office and needed a guinea pig...I had decent results, definitely a reduction. And that's the term they will force upon you...laser hair "reduction" not "removal". It wasn't bad, they ice it before and after, redness for me was more because of the icing and went away…
I scroll through my MP3 trying to find anything different that matches the speed Leslie Sansone is using...sometimes an odd mixture since she's a little spiritual. :laugh: Pantera, Slipknot, Kesha, Lady Gaga, Clutch, Beastie Boys, Pink, Timbaland, Tool, Bob Marley. Depends on if she's warming us up or pushing it.
That is a toughie. I worked at an ice cream place in high school, and they gave you cheap/free ice cream for our meals. I was lucky b/c I didn't really like ice cream that much so I didn't consume as much as I could have. But if you need the money, you need the money. I would worry more about treating your body well than…
I got stuck eating pizza a few days ago. I got a thin crust hawaiian (ham/pineapple) and had two pieces and I don't think I went over my calories for the two days I had it for dinner. Be careful of a cheese only pizza b/c sometimes they double the cheese if there aren't other toppings.
Keep it up! Glad you joined. :smile:
Thanks! I have been taking it for a few weeks, with a little honey in some warm water. I actually like the taste of it, and it makes me not want to eat anything for a while after drinking it. I started mostly b/c my choleserol is high and my doctor decided to put me on a prescription since my diet didn't have much need for…
I pack my lunches for the week on Sunday night, and it has taken me a few years to find the perfect combo of things that won't get soggy and gross after 4 days in the fridge...luckily I don't get bored easily because I've been eating this every weekday for quite some time! My current workplace has no fridge, microwave, or…
Wow, it is awesome to hear so many people taking responsibility for our choices!! This is really inspiring to me in an odd way. I feel like all of these responses were made by women who are truly ready to make a change and improve their lives. Yipee for all of us!
Hormonal treatments (for birth control or fertility or replacement therapy or whatever) always tell you to discuss it with your MD if you have unexplained weight gain. If she really thinks it is just from the meds she needs to talk to her doctor, not just complain to her co-workers about it. :laugh:
Congrats on joining both places, and on the weight loss!
I think if it truly doesn't stress you out and is still fun, you are fine. But that would burn me out!! I have to force myself to *not* be so OCD this time around. Trying to do everything perfectly has been my downfall before. As soon as I would not have one bit of info, I'd feel like it was a lost cause. But if you really…
I use the arc, and also an adaptive motion machine that totally rocks. Like a stair stepper bred with an elliptical, plus arms. Feels like more work than the elliptical when I'm using it, but I couldn't find it as an option, either.
I remember being told that the three best foods for fighting a craving are peppermint, pickles, and cayenne pepper. It is true that few things taste good after a pickle or a piece of mint gum!
Old fashioned oatmeal. 1/3 cup oats, 2/3 cup water, dash of salt, dash of splenda, throw in a couple craisins. 125 very filling warm calories. Microwave in large bowl for 3.5 minutes.
Maybe nuts, cheeses, eggs, less lean cuts of meat? That is hard to suggest, because those are the things the rest of us have to cut out! They will have more fat and protein than all the sugary stuff. Maybe avocado, peanut butter, or just larger serving sizes?
I agree about Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds, especially if you are just starting out. It doesn't take a lot of space, and she really stresses to adapt it to your comfort level. It is meant to be used with a belt thing, but I did it for months without one. Eventually got one as part of a kit with some of her other…
Wish this had been an option when I was getting my HED degree! What is your goal/purpose for having to sign up?
We all get into these funks...please keep trying and keep your chin up! Every little bite that you are able to resist and every extra step you take will help you in the long run! Hang in there. :flowerforyou:
I weigh myself everytime I'm in the master bathroom! And I don't obsess over it--I am looking at the overall trend of my weight. I catch some flack for it, but I know that I'm not internally freaking out over every ounce. But to each his/her own. Do what feels healthy to you. Just be aware of how it makes you feel, and if…
Is that who I think it is?
Very very inspirational! I also refuse to admit that I might have fibro...most of my patients with fibro use it as an excuse, so despite presenting with most symptoms, I act like I don't have it. Glad to know I'm not the only one! Now maybe I won't have to "sneak" my motrin when no one is looking! :-)
Woohoo! Good for you--very inspirational! :-)