Getting over the hump

So I've been at it about 6 weeks now - for the 90th time. Not long - but good for me. Life seems to be making it harder to stick to routine and out of disappointment I find myself indulging in bad eating behaviors almost like I'm punishing myself. in addition, I've been working later and therefore struggling to get to the gym as I have to pick up my little guy by a certain time. So I say things to myself like"If you were serious you would have been up at 4 am to walk" and really mentally beating myself up. When I get home I eat and generally say "eff it" because I'm mad or something. I feel ridiculous posting but I am just SO TIRED of the cycle and thought someone might have been through this stage too. I don't want to quit...I do not want to quit. Is it just a part of realizing that this is a life change? Really appreciate it.


  • MrsRawwwr
    MrsRawwwr Posts: 166 Member
    I finally just had to get mad enough to want to change. Realizing that this is how it will have to be from here on out was a tough pill to swallow, but I realized that it was better than the alternative (being overweight, out of shape, hating myself in the mirror...). I also always think about how much better I feel when I eat good foods and exercise. And don't beat yourself up if you indulge once in awhile. As long as you do every now and then, in moderation, your progress won't be compromised and you won't feel so "tied down". Just take some time and think about what you want for your life. At this point, it is a total mental game. You can do it :).
  • christinabgsu
    To quote your quote: "Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!" :smile: Even if you falter or stumble a bit, you can keep starting back again where you left off. You have done an awesome 6 weeks already, so you should be proud of that accomplishment...have you thought of doing a workout switch up or reward to keep yourself motivated? You deserve this!!
  • sbpeters93
    sbpeters93 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm going to send you a Friend Request. You seem very similar to me - in both stats and frustration! I've been doing this since April 18th. I've lost 10 pounds. I can't seem to get past that mark. I feel like I've changed my eating habits so much already, I can't imagine making any further changes/cuts. I have to be realistic about it. I'm a full time working Mom with 2 kids who are involved in EVERYTHING and I just can't be one of those people who spend hours at a Gym. I have to get my exercise when I can get it (walking and at home ellyptical) and I have to continue cooking "normal" dinners for my family. I don't have any answers for you but I'm anxious to read some of the replies.