The smell of bacon is the devil

I do pretty well at work. I set my calories for the day & try to stick to them. The busier I am the less I think about food. But, of course, I have a coworker who, as of lately, heats up bacon almost every morning for breakfast (once they took away his Foreman grill he just puts it in the microwave now). The smell of bacon sets me off like a fat kid in a candy store. Now all I can think about is bacon bacon bacon. I know that bacon isn't that terrible for you, in moderation, of course. Unfortunately, the smell of bacon makes me want to eat anything & everything. Is there a specific smell that sets you off?


  • angelicdisgrace
    angelicdisgrace Posts: 2,071 Member
    Man I hear ya. 1000000000000000000% EVIL. MY husband makes bacon in the morning and I'm dying. I want to eat it all but the two wardens voice their opinion about my diet and deny me even 1 piece! Evillll
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    I cook up one peice of bacon for myself along with a full breakfast (omellete,whole wheat toast etc) I cut the strip in half. Seems to trick my brain and appease my bacon craving.
  • jammyone
    jammyone Posts: 80
    Bacon isn't bad for you though at any rate, so why don't you go ahead and have some?
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    Oh trust me I let my boyfriend cook me eggs & bacon almost every weekend LOL. Unfortunately the smell triggers a huge appetite and I crave everything. It's bad at work cause it's not like I can get up from my desk & just start cooking bacon.
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    Oh trust me I let my boyfriend cook me eggs & bacon almost every weekend LOL. Unfortunately the smell triggers a huge appetite and I crave everything. It's bad at work cause it's not like I can get up from my desk & just start cooking bacon.

    now that is a true predicament!
  • ambie35
    ambie35 Posts: 853 Member
    ohh and the smell of doritos kills me!
  • christinabgsu
    The smell of chocolate sets me off! And I have a very sensitive nose so I can pick up even the slightest bit of it! As far as the cravings, I have several things that help and pickles...not in combination though! I keep some super minty gum in my desk drawer because not much tastes good after mint (except chocolate!!) or after brushing your teeth. And pickles are such a distinct flavor that they tend to kill my cravings, plus they give you something to actually eat that isn't super high calorie. But then you need mint gum to get rid of the pickle breath...vicious cycle!
  • ghoztt
    ghoztt Posts: 69 Member
    Don't resist bacon. It's not THAT bad for you calorie wise. :happy:

    Now if you really want something sinful try candied bacon. Take your bacon, cover it in brown sugar, lay it out on a baking pan and bake in the oven at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until slightly burnt. The brown sugar caramelizes and its like 'dog treats for humans' :love:
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Turkey bacon is the bomb and only 25 calories per peice! Get the low sodium kind and it is even better!

    ghoztt - You should be banned with your candied bacon talk. We are all eating healthy here!!! LOL!!!! :bigsmile:
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    The smell of chocolate sets me off! And I have a very sensitive nose so I can pick up even the slightest bit of it! As far as the cravings, I have several things that help and pickles...not in combination though! I keep some super minty gum in my desk drawer because not much tastes good after mint (except chocolate!!) or after brushing your teeth. And pickles are such a distinct flavor that they tend to kill my cravings, plus they give you something to actually eat that isn't super high calorie. But then you need mint gum to get rid of the pickle breath...vicious cycle!

    Yes, chocolate is just as bad as bacon. I am convinced I am a chocohaulic and was thinking about starting chocohaulic's anonymous meetings. Last night I ate half a jar of smucker's hot fudge....cold
  • JadazV
    JadazV Posts: 26
    Turkey bacon is a good alternative. Pop that sucker in our George Foreman grill - FANTASTIC!

    Hmm, what sets off my taste buds? Chinese food, especially pork and vegetable dishes! Can't walk pass a Chinese restaurant without my mouth starting the water. Managed some level of control for fresh glazed donuts, but it was HARD!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    The smell of charcoal....specially when im walking outside......makes me carnivorous! hungry! I ALWAYS oevereat when there is a grill going and its charcoal lit! a nice skirt steak on the grill....yummmmm again I always overeat...................then I wash it down with a bottle of merlot :devil:
  • Jdismybug1
    Jdismybug1 Posts: 443 Member
    I feel ya, it's evil! My sister likes turkey bacon, personally i dont buy any kind of bacon bc of the sodium, and I know that's all I'll want to eat. Well, when my sister makes it once in a while I'll do a run by bacon snatching. I'll run past her when she has her back turned and steal a piece, take off with it, make her chase me around the house until she gives
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    The smell of bacon.................................................... does it for me every time LOL

    My hubby always cooks me bacon on a Saturday morning, I have it with poached egg and wholemeal bread, and that keeps me happy!

    Strangely, the smell of chocolate doesn't worry me, but my all-time attraction is the smell of fresh bread..... Oh Yes says my stomach... Oh No says my brain!!!!!