Job interview at Cold Stone Creamery

I've been looking for a job for a while now, and I got all call-back for an interview to work at Cold Stone Creamery... and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't incredibly nervous and scared to even go. I'm scared to be working somewhere like that when I am the weight that I am, I don't want to get teased. I guess I'm looking for advice on whether I should go or not. :brokenheart:


  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    In this economy, a job is a job and you have to do what you have to do to make money. Having said that, when I worked at a restaurant, I gained weight because it was hard to resist being around food and desserts all day... if you have other options, go for them, but if this is the only place you are able to start with, go with it and be sure not to over-sample the goodies.
  • christinabgsu
    That is a toughie. I worked at an ice cream place in high school, and they gave you cheap/free ice cream for our meals. I was lucky b/c I didn't really like ice cream that much so I didn't consume as much as I could have. But if you need the money, you need the money. I would worry more about treating your body well than about being teased. :wink: Any other places calling you back for interviews?
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    The crass people who would say something about your weight would be the same crass people who say something about your weight if you worked in a shoe store.

    If you were working at bank, would you worry about pocketing the money? Of course not, because the money belongs to the bank. So the Ice Cream belongs to the company. If the hours suit your life and the pay is okay, then I would take the job if offered.
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    You absolutely should go. You are who you are. I don't think people will give you a hard time, but if they do- screw'em! You are who you are- be proud of yourself, no matter what size you are.
  • phatdiva26
    I think you should go:happy: I worked at Marble Slab Creamery in high school and I wasnt teased at ALL...just be careful not to eat the ice cream! Just think about what having the job will mean to you and leave your fears at the door! good luck!:wink:
  • helloiloveukitty
    helloiloveukitty Posts: 448 Member
    if it was me personally, I'd pass on it. I could not work around ice cream, it would be maddening for me and therefore not worth it but if you REALLY need the income asap and you don't think it will be to bad for you / on you I see no reason not to go for it whatever your current weight is.
  • winterjade
    winterjade Posts: 55 Member
    I totallt think you should go for it! Walk in with your head high and loads of confidance! It doesnt matter what others think of you either...I know its hard not to care what they think!! I heard a quote months ago that I try to recall when ever I feel self conscince....What others think of you is none of your business! and its really isnt...those people we all seem to care so much about what they think of us are strangers!!! and have no impact on out day to day life! And frankly if they have a problem....its their problem...not yours!

    Book the interview and Rock it!!! Be yourself and you will succeed in what is meant to be your path!

  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    If you are worried about the temptation of icecream then maybe you should find something else. But I agree, a job is a job, and if you need one then go get it. About being teased, mean people are everywhere, and if someone teases you because of your weight, well they have bigger issues than you can imagine! Do what feels right, but don't not do it because you are afraid of how people will treat you!
  • psychloveduck
    I worked at a Cold Stone for 14 months in high school, and oddly enough, I was in the best shape of my life while I was there! After the first month of being around so much sugar I became repulsed by it. Plus, I was on my feet for hours at a time and did a lot of cleaning. You might be surprised at some of the benefits! Plus, a job is a job. You'll be fine, I promise :-)
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Congrats on getting a call back!! I understand your being nervous and scared. But if you need the job, then take it, hon. Think of it as one of the steps in your journey. This path was laid before you for a reason. Only you can figure out why it was. Best wishes!! :flowerforyou:
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    For me personally, if I worked around food it would turn me off, but that is me. I would give it a shot and if it doesn't work out you can keep on looking for a different job.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    yeah, what everyone else said, don't worry about what others would say, they are there buying ice cream themselves aren't they?
    if you work there long enough, you will get sick of ice cream, i know, hard to believe, but it can happen. i used to work at a donut shop, and i was actually the baker, so i could have fresh from the fryer donuts, with the glaze still dripping off them, and believe me, i got sick of donuts fast!
    so don't be afraid to go for the job, hard to say no to money if you don't have another option right now. just be confident in yourself, and ignore anything people might say that is mean and hurtful. plus, you can always come back here and rant about those ignorant people and have tons of support with you :)
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Don't be embarrassed. You have taken the 1st steps to losing all of the weight. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. You go for it. I think it's great that they have seen something in you to call you back. You should be very proud. I am proud for you!!!!
  • bizybeemom
    bizybeemom Posts: 84 Member
    I don't think you need to worry about people giving you a hard time about your weight working there. That being said, if you can't resist the ice cream, I wouldn't do it. An alcoholic shouldn't work in a bar. If you really can't resist (like I wouldn't be able to) then don't work in an ice cream store. Tough one!
  • rugrat200324
    rugrat200324 Posts: 128 Member
    Go for it girl!!! YOU got this!!! You would be surprised people dont care who you are or what you look like as long as you are kind and serve them their ice cream and it is A job is a job money is money take it!!! Good luck!!!! You got this
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I personally work at as a barista, and am SURROUNDED by sweets, be it caramel mochas, smoothies, blended drinks similar to frappucinos, and brownies/cupcakes/pound cake etc all day. It is hard at first to try and not indulge, but it IS possible. All I do is sip on water throughout my shift, and bring my own snacks to nibble on during the day. The BEST prevention is making sure you don't get really hungry at work, because once you do, you start eating/drinking things you know you don't need.

    tl;dr If you get the job, just bring your own snacks and drink water/tea to get through your shift.

    Good luck on nailing the job!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    With the job market being what it is, you should go. In any situation, ignore jerks that say rude things.

    As for working with food and trying ti lose weight you will be facing temtation everywhere- at some pont it comes down to your own self control. We had the hubby's kids all weekend. I mmade them pancakes,crescent hot dogs, french toast, mac & cheese,, and there was hostess snacks in the house. I wanted all of it but want the weight loss more. Now at SB party and so far not one chip, not onewing because I have been strengthening my willpower. When I worked in an office there were vending machines, the food truck at breakfast and lunch, parties with cake,, and someone always going to mcd's or chinese for lunch. Point is no matter where you are or what you do you cannot avoid temptation and food. Its how you handle it that counts.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I personally work at as a barista, and am SURROUNDED by sweets, be it caramel mochas, smoothies, blended drinks similar to frappucinos, and brownies/cupcakes/pound cake etc all day. It is hard at first to try and not indulge, but it IS possible. All I do is sip on water throughout my shift, and bring my own snacks to nibble on during the day. The BEST prevention is making sure you don't get really hungry at work, because once you do, you start eating/drinking things you know you don't need.

    tl;dr If you get the job, just bring your own snacks and drink water/tea to get through your shift.

    Good luck on nailing the job!

    I think this is really good advice. If you bring your own snacks (and maybe some healthier sweet options in case you get a craving) then you should be okay. I wish you luck on your interview!
  • maricari
    maricari Posts: 133
    Dont walk but run away from that interview. If you are qualified for that position there is another job that would be closer to your goals for a healthy life. Obtaining the life we want requires making decisions that support our goals. This is one of those decisions.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Do it! I worked there for three years and it was a good job :) And if you're at all worried about being tempted by the ice cream, trust me, you'll be sick of it in no time! After my first six months there, I couldn't eat Cold Stone again for another several years. The smell is so sugary and yucky and I think their ice cream is way too sweet. Since I didn't eat the ice cream, I would always have a banana or make myself a healthy smoothie during my shift.

    By the way--I built some MAJOR bicep muscles during my time there! It's more physical than you might expect! I always went home tired.