anovasjo Member


  • A good rule of thumb is the grocery store. Whatever they leave outside of the refrigerated section, you can too. In my grocery store, almost all of the fruit sits in the middle of the produce section. So, you can let apples, oranges, avocados, tomatoes, melon, pineapple, berries (etc) all ripen on the counter. Enjoy!
  • YOU'RE INCREDIBLE! holy crow. Congratulations on your hard work!
  • here's a novel thought: eat lots of fruits and vegetables. done.
  • made a list of tube biochemicals that are going to be on my exam in two days... :frown:
  • :laugh:
  • Girl, you just made such a good decision! :drinker:
    in Detox Comment by anovasjo December 2011
  • Yeah that doesn't sound right to me either. Explanation??
  • I love drinking too! A bottle of beer is about 140 calories Two shots of vodka is about 130 calories A 6 oz glass of wine is about 120 calories So really, you can choose your poison. Just don't over do it. If I know I'm going to imbibe in the evening, I make sure I eat really saintly during the day (nutrient rich foods,…
  • this! "cleansing" your body is totally unnecessary. You're getting rid of water weight at most. Do yourself a favour and take all the energy you would have spent worrying about drinking only lemonade for a week, and instead go for a couple of jogs. I know that's less glamourous, but it works way more effectively :)
    in Detox Comment by anovasjo December 2011
  • Hi Dani! Congratulations on your weight loss (half your old size, awesome!) and the level of activity you're maintaining. 5 days a week is no small feat. I know that once hyperthyroidism has been effectively treated, you may start to experience hypothyroidism (the pendulum effect). Since you mentioned that you are starting…
  • Thanks for having such a positive attitude! I nearly left the thread for the bickering. We're all in this together.
  • :glasses: OK just one more... because I can! from: "First of all, the bacteria decried by colon cleansers are in reality completely normal and do not “poison” their host, except occasionally, such as when a new strain (such as pathogenic…
  • Please. Explain to me how paint and soda make your colon and liver "slowed down". And, what are all these "toxins" people keep talking about? It's not necessary or healthy to "cleanse" your colon unless you have a REAL MD telling you that it's REQUIRED for your health. "How many times have I read or heard from believers in…
  • AND: this
  • I *hope* he is going to "regift them to his next victim" for your sake, because that will mean his attention is on somebody else and he doesn't care about harassing you anymore. You should read "the gift of fear" by Gavin de Becker.
  • I'm sorry, this must be such a stressful situation for you and your family. But girl, you've gotta realize that's a disgusting move he's pulling. How I would react is entirely based on whether this guy has exhibited any stalker-ish behaviour before. Don't give the gifts back in either case; but your behaviour about the…
  • Girl, you look 30 years younger! It's incredible. Congratulations on your hard work, and keep it up :)
  • Thanks, Carl. I feel the same.
    in HCG. Comment by anovasjo March 2011
  • I live in Toronto, Canada! I love that it is one of the most multicultural cities in North America! Little Italy, Chinatown, Koreatown, Little India, Kensington Market, the Distillery District, Greektown, etc. There's always a cultural festival going on.
  • at the top right hand corner there is a box where you can type in a food (a vegetable in your case). Then it will give you a web of things that share aromatic compounds, ie, they pair well when cooking them. For example, I typed in "carrot, raw" and they suggested cardamom, cumin, and laurel for…
  • yum, thanks for sharing!
  • of course, in moderation.
  • My boyfriend has OAS, too. From what I understand the type of pollen you're actually allergic to can have an impact on what fruits/vegetables you can eat without becoming irritated... and it also depends on whether the individual fruit or vegetable was actually cross-pollenated or not?? He enjoys raw vegetables like…
  • Toronto ON!
  • That's absolutely mental. I've paid as low as $ 3 for a gigantic squash.