colon cleanse



  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Toxins aren't stored as fat cells. Fat is.
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    my husband and I have done the master cleanse twice. also known as "the lemonade diet" It is rough the first 3 days, then after that we felt better than ever. It really helped me relieve constipation and it is natural. No medications or supplements are used just lemons, spring water, organic maple syrup, sea salt, and senna laxatives. I can't speak for on the market colon cleansers, but this cleanse felt so natural and it works.

    but isn't senna considered a medication or supplement. It may be naturally derived, but it's the same as any other laxative.

    I've only used a "cleanse" see hard core laxative, when I hadn't taken a c*** for four weeks. yes, that's right-four. I don't see why anyone would want to induce that sort of cleanse on their own.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Actually, your body can only cleanse itself to a certain point. Yeah, your liver and colon are your body's tools for cleansing, but over the years they can get slowed down by toxins, soda, fast food, paint, exhaust, stress ect. These toxins eventually begin to build up and end up being stored as fat cells because your body doesn't know what to do with them. It's healthy to do a cleanse!
    I tried about 5 years ago and literally felt 10 years younger, my skin cleared up, head aches went away, lost 15 lbs, and it taught me to crave healthy foods and eat smaller portions. I am going to do it again the day after Christmas.
    Your fat cells don't store "toxins".
    If a trained medical professional told you this, he or she is likely selling some product that helps to "detox".

    Toxins do not build up in your fat.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i regulary do colonics which are practitioner performed cleanses. I have had digestive issues all my life and this is one of the best things I've ever found.

    without a doubt the best beauty secret you can get and kicks your systems back into gear - i swear by it and walk out feeling amazing every time.... I now go no less than once a month.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    i regulary do colonics which are practitioner performed cleanses. I have had digestive issues all my life and this is one of the best things I've ever found.

    without a doubt the best beauty secret you can get and kicks your systems back into gear - i swear by it and walk out feeling amazing every time.... I now go no less than once a month.
    If you don't mind me asking, how much does one of these cleanses cost?
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    about 75 dollars per session.... Its recommended that you initially do a course of 3 as a part of a detox (wholefoods only). After that you can maintain by just going every month or every other month.

    the detox is a great kick start to a weight loss regime
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I tried acai berry and colon cleanse in first few months when I was really struggling to get any weight off.. I had an allergic reaction to it!.. they tried to tell me it was cos I had so many toxins in my system and it triggered a reaction as it was 'passing through'.. I tried once more but got same reaction even though all the supposedly worse toxins had already gone! .. never tried it again.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Maybe it's just my morning brain fog, but it seems people are suggesting that a colon cleanse would clear out toxins stored in cells. Not likely, that release would have to be long term. Better to eat purely healthy and drink only water. bye bye toxins.

    Now, a cleanse will probably make you feel temporary fantastic simply by clearing your digestive system which might remove a natural feeling a bloating that could come from an unhealthy diet.
  • KCarpenter83
    KCarpenter83 Posts: 36 Member
    My friend that did a fitness competition did colonics regularly- but that was because she was at like 10% body fat and the loss of a few lbs of stool was actually noticeable for her. For "normal" people, this won't make a bit of difference in appearance and its hard on your body. It can cause serious electrolyte imbalances. This is not what you should be focusing on for weight loss.
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    Please don't do this. Your body is perfectly able to clean itself, as long as you look after it yourself. xx
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Colon cleanses are most beneficial to those who sell them.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    Actually, your body can only cleanse itself to a certain point. Yeah, your liver and colon are your body's tools for cleansing, but over the years they can get slowed down by toxins, soda, fast food, paint, exhaust, stress ect. These toxins eventually begin to build up and end up being stored as fat cells because your body doesn't know what to do with them. It's healthy to do a cleanse!
    I tried about 5 years ago and literally felt 10 years younger, my skin cleared up, head aches went away, lost 15 lbs, and it taught me to crave healthy foods and eat smaller portions. I am going to do it again the day after Christmas.

    Please. Explain to me how paint and soda make your colon and liver "slowed down".
    And, what are all these "toxins" people keep talking about?
    It's not necessary or healthy to "cleanse" your colon unless you have a REAL MD telling you that it's REQUIRED for your health.

    "How many times have I read or heard from believers in “alternative” medicine that some disease or other is caused by “toxins”? I honestly can’t remember, but in alt-world, no matter what the disease or condition under discussion is, there’s a good chance that sooner or later it will be linked to “toxins.” It doesn’t matter if it’s cancer, autism, heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, or that general malaise that comes over people who, as British comedians Mitchell and Webb put it, have more money than sense; somehow, some way, someone will invoke “toxins.”"

  • BobbyClerici
    BobbyClerici Posts: 813 Member
    This is one of those foolish fads pushed by those who are into various other forms of unscientific tomfoolery.
    Just stick to the basics: cardio and resistance exercise, good diet and supplement where required.
    Run it all through your doctor.

    Don't get sucked into the world of weirdos.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    :glasses: OK just one more... because I can!


    "First of all, the bacteria decried by colon cleansers are in reality completely normal and do not “poison” their host, except occasionally, such as when a new strain (such as pathogenic strains of E. coli that cause food poisoning or simply bacterial strains that “don’t belong” and cause travellers’ diarrhea). They are even beneficial in that they help with the breakdown of bile salts in the stool, among other things. Indeed, one of the reasons that antibiotics often cause diarrhea or a secondary infection known as Clostridium difficile colitis (which can be life-threatening) is because antibiotics kill the normal bacterial flora of the colon, allowing pathogenic bacteria to grow into the niche left behind by the dead normal bacteria. Second of all, yes there are parasitic diseases of the colon (Giardia or entamoeba, anyone?), but worms and gastrointestinal parasites are relatively uncommon causes of colon disease in the developed world. Third, as a surgeon, I can tell you from simple experience operating on the colon that hardened feces do not accumulate on the walls of the colon as the colon cleansers claim. Any gastroenterologist who does a lot of colonoscopies could tell you that too. Even in disease states in which colon motility is impaired, we generally do not see the feces “caking” on the walls. Even in the case of mechanical obstruction by, for instance, a colon or rectal cancer, what we see is lots of fecal matter fairly evenly distributed in the lumen of the colon.

    But what, you may reasonably ask, is all that nastiness that colon cleansing websites so proudly display as evidence of the “success” of their cleanses? One thing you will find, if you look closely at the ingredients of many colon cleansing products, is that many of them contain bentonite clay. This clay is touted as having been used by indigenous tribes for many centuries (the fallacy of ancient wisdom–my favorite!) and as a “natural” laxative. What it really is is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate clay that expands in the gastrointestinal tract as it absorbs fluid. Often the bentonite clay is combined with psyllium, which is often used as a bulk-forming laxative. The beauty of this, as far as sellers of colon cleansing products go, is that bentonite clay is responsible for those disgusting rope-like stools that are touted as “evidence” that people’s colons are coated with layers of disgusting waste that is “poisoning” them. Such stools consist of the clay expanded by the liquid from the gastrointestinal tract, plus the bulk formed by psyllium, all coated with feces. Thus, the product itself produces the very condition that it claims to treat! I sometimes envision experienced and skillful con men tipping their hats in appreciation and respect when they learn this little fact about colon cleansing products.

    The problem all boils down to an obsession with “toxins,” “waste,” and “putrefaction.” Colon cleansing mavens seem to view their own waste products as somehow inherently “harmful,” obsessing about them in much the same way as General Jack T. Ripper obsessed about his “purity of essence” in Dr. Strangelove: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Indeed, if you hang around on enough the “right” discussion forums, you will get the distinct sense that they find the very thought that they have feces accumulating in them all the time, loaded with bacteria, to be hateful and impossible to bear. This attitude is, of course, odd, to say the least, given that the very function the colon evolved over millions of years to do is to remove our digestive wastes safely and efficiently, extracting water, electrolytes, and what little other nutrients are left over, before depositing the waste into whatever receptical its owner sees fit to use. For the vast majority of people, whether it does it three times a day or once every three days does not matter much. Worse, in the cases of people who do have a real parasitic infection, all the purging in the world won’t get rid of the critters causing the disease, no matter how many times a day one drives oneself to go. Only appropriate drugs to kill the parasites can correct the problem."

    sorry for the long post! Alt-med claims for wellness that can have serious repercussions on your health are one of my pet peeves :)
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    I hate those adverts that claim that matter becomes lodged in the colon and stays there for years. That is such a crock of...well, of ****. Literally.

    Things do not get stuck in there. Your intestines are like a garden hose, only one way out, no waiting.

    Well unless you have medical problems like Diverticulitis
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Colon cleanses are most beneficial to those who sell them.
    This is one of those foolish fads pushed by those who are into various other forms of unscientific tomfoolery.
    Just stick to the basics: cardio and resistance exercise, good diet and supplement where required.
    Run it all through your doctor.

    Don't get sucked into the world of weirdos.
    I hate those adverts that claim that matter becomes lodged in the colon and stays there for years. That is such a crock of...well, of ****. Literally.
    Things do not get stuck in there. Your intestines are like a garden hose, only one way out, no waiting.
    Well unless you have medical problems like Diverticulitis
    I agree with the above.

    It's not good to play with your bowel flora!

    The only reason I'd even consider a douche is when I want have some serious fun :wink: ;laugh:
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    For a much more enjoyable "cleanse", I suggest KFC.

    This^^ Or, if you live in the south, Krystal Burgers! :wink:

    Oh yes, for those up north, White Castle works just as well.
  • calderst
    calderst Posts: 222 Member
    I have not (I have IBS/Spastic colon so my body does it's own "cleanse" on a regular basis)... but I'm curious what your reasons are for wanting to. If it's to just lose a few pounds/"kickstart" your weightloss, then it's probably not the best idea bc much of what you'll lose will be water. If it's bc you aren't "going" like you would prefer and want to get things flowing, then there are better/healthier ways to make this happen.
    I have found that eating a serving of chopped kale or collard greens everyday keeps things moving really well. I buy them frozen, toss them in the microwave, add some tobasco, and start my dinner this way each day. Has helped slow things down for me (see above IBS disclaimer) while keeping things moving as they should. I'd imagine they'd be a healthy way to keep things regular in someone with a normal digestive system.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    As someone living with IBD and having to go through a colonoscopy every two years or so, I cannot imagine why anyone would want to go through what essentially seems to be colonoscopy prep voluntarily.

    If you are healthy in terms of your bowel movements and gastro pain, there is no need to put yourself through this. Your body will do it for you. You're being sold a fast one!
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    I disagree with a lot of these posters, while I do not recommend buying a cleanse on the market, due to scams, money, etc... the master cleanse aka lemonade diet is natural. and even while I'm dieting and eating healthy, I still have constipation issues. If your bowels move regularly like once or more per day, you probably don't need to do anything, However, if you are not regular, then it may be worth it to try a natural approach.