

  • I LOVE that!!! :heart:
  • It seems like everyone is busy and there is a high stress level for a lot of us. Stressed here too and I too am putting off doing a slingshot week. I'm not even sure why, I just don't want to! I'm going to though, starting Sunday. After my nice loss last week, I didn't lose this week. Have a fun Saturday everyone!!!…
  • Hi everyone! I've been logging my food, but also MIA on the CTL boards. I've been experimenting with actually eating MORE to see if it helps me lose and it DOES. On days when I burned 600 calories and only ate 1200, I was only netting 600 calories, which is TOO low and I wasn't losing. So, I did all the calculations and…
  • I like to have cooked lean ground turkey in the fridge. I add it to my morning breakfast burritos. Also, I usually have cut up celery, onions, and colored peppers. Mornings are crazy, but I've got my regular breakfast down to like 4 minutes. :smile:
  • Welcome! I'll add you now. :) Monica
  • Oh and yesterday I signed up for a half marathon!!! I'm so excited!!! I ran a full marathon back in 2006 and have always wanted to do a half. It's on June 30th. :bigsmile:
  • I'm worse....I like SWEET wine! :embarassed: I only have it a few nights a week and only on free or high carb days. I also like to mix it with a can of diet sprite. Works for me! Monica
  • Yeah, I did fine until my husband brought home chinese food for dinner. Of course I didn't help by making these really good strawberry pastries and having one! Today's a new day though! We're going to a fish-fry for dinner, but they have salad, baked fish, and potatoes. Today is a HC day for me. Keep on keepin' on…
  • Hey everyone! I made a breakfast this morning that I found on Pinterest (LOVE Pinterest!) and it was really quick and yummy! You can see it here: I'm making Valentine cookies today for my kids. I need to get a care package sent off to my college son and have to mail it TODAY.…
  • Good morning Sarah and Sarah! :bigsmile: Yesterday was my free day and today my weight was exactly the same. Interesting! I always seem to go up after a free day! I've been slacking a bit in the water department, so my goal for today is to drink ALL my water. Cheers! :drinker: Have a great day everyone!!! Monica
  • Good morning! Today is my Fun Day and WI. I stayed EXACTLY the same as my last WI. I'm disappointed, but in thinking back to my trip I fondly remember eating In-N-Out twice, Mexican once, Mediterranean once, of course the big party had great food, and other restaurant food. So, I'll take a maintain this week. :wink: You…
  • Hey everyone! I'm back from my trip and the scale shows I'm up 1 lb. I'm not worried though and I'll record my official WI on Saturday. My first slingshot week was last week and I didn't do horrible on my trip, but I didn't do great either. We had an awards banquet for my son at his college last night and I'm glad I'm back…
  • Hey everyone! I leave at 3:30am tomorrow morning for my trip to California! I'm really excited because my 11 yr old is going with me and this will hopefully be a really special trip for us. :smile: I just had the BEST lunch. Very simple, but so good! 1/2 cup brown rice 3/4 cup mixed veggies 1/2 cup lean ground turkey 2…
  • Hi JB, I don't know about everyone else, but I sometimes exercise on my Fun Day. It all depends on my schedule and if I've given my body time to rest already in the week. For me, the Fun Day seems to be very mental. If I want something during the week, but it isn't on the CTL food list, I tell myself it's ok, I can have it…
  • Great job on the loss and getting compliments muncagirl22!!! I love your positive attitude about life. I too had a scare several years ago with a blood clot in my leg. Life is precious and we only get ONE!!! I'm starting my first slingshot week today. It's so tempting to do a low carb day today after the junk I ate…
  • WIChelle, I had to laugh when I read that you wrote "food idea" instead of "good idea"! Hehehe...:wink: I'm down 2 lbs. this week!!!!! I had a great loss my first week and then a tiny loss the next and this week was much better in terms of showing a loss. YAY!!! :bigsmile: Sarah, I'm also doing my first Slingshot week…
  • I love roasting veggies in the oven. High heat, like 450 for about 25 min. or so. I spray the veggies with my olive oil mister and salt lightly. You can roast onions, cauliflower, zucchini, etc...So good! They also taste good cold the next day. :) Monica
  • I'd love it too! Monica :)
  • Julie, try eating half of your exercise calories. That's what WW recommends and what I've done for years. If you don't eat any of those extra calories, it makes it harder to maintain your weight once you reach your goal.
  • Great job!!!!! I'm still loving this plan too! I was SO excited to see the number on the scale this morning, even after my free day on Saturday. I'm refraining and not recording it here though, as I've picked Saturday as my official WI day. I had a hard choice last night, but did great. We went to a small family party for…
  • My husband got me the neatest water bottle for Christmas. I've been taking it whenever I leave the house and if it's in the car, I will drink it without even thinking about it. I struggle with finding bathrooms wherever I go though! :blushing:
  • I tried this recipe last week and liked it, but it was hard to measure out with the 28 g of oatmeal and 8 g of protein powder. I made it again today with 1/2 scoop of protein powder (18.5 g) and 1/2 cup oatmeal. It comes to 304 calories with tons of protein for a high carb day. I LOVE IT and it's portable! I dipped it in…
  • That's how I understand it. It's not optional, but something that must be done once a month to keep your body guessing and metabolism fast. :smile:
  • Great job!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Sarah! I'm excited that you're here! I'm hoping this group will be more active as more people join. :flowerforyou:
  • I'd love to read your blog! Can you point me to where I can find it? Thanks! :) Monica
  • I bought Pure Protein Whey Protein powder (chocolate) and I LOVE it. I need to get some vanilla now. I've used it in smoothies and with steel cut oats.
  • Thanks for this list! VERY handy!!! :)