tmdugger Member


  • Guess I'll stick with my Wii fit for awhile yet then. I know I'm nowhere near fully healed yet. Thanks girls for the motivation!
  • Curious how long you waited post C section to start insanity? I had a c 7 weeks ago and I tried plank the other day and couldn't even hold 5 seconds
  • you can do this and this site will really help you see where you need to change eating behaviors. I lost 40 lbs with this site before gaining it back with baby weight
  • I remember how good that day felt for me :)
  • ok I thought of a big guilty pleasure...the duane purvis burger Cheeseburger with lettuce tomato pickle and peanut butter.....SOOOOOOO Gooood!
  • Great Job!!!!! I remember that feeling. I still have trouble telling people my weight...I say 185...oh no thats not right um wait I really do weigh 185. it takes awhile for the mind to catch up. Enjoy Onederland!
    in new number Comment by tmdugger June 2011
  • I still don't think this is strange...but I like raisinets and popcorn together. My friends think this is weird
  • Great Job!!!! I'm more likely to tell myself its 95 degrees I shouldn't bike because I might get heat stroke. It is so easy to make excuses in Florida. WTG!
  • so random but I totally went to Purdue University!!!! Boiler Up!
  • this should explain it for you since it would be censored on here...but a clean explanation is a fat upper pubic just replace pubic with another p word for females.
  • YAY!!!! I know how awesome that feeling is. I haven't been a size 12 since middle school and I just got there so I'm right there with ya!!!! Congrats!
  • Welcome!!!! this is a great place! you will find lots of supportive people here. I love the way this sit works. I've been able to lose 40 pounds since January with the knowledge and support of this site.
  • consciously engage your core while sitting. Do this at least 15 minutes per hour. Do some chair dips (use your desk if you have a rolly chair) Drink more water so you'll take that trip to the bathroom more often :smile: If you have a cordless phone, try walking while taking phone calls.
  • Definite bis, tris and delts all are sore....but it was soo much fun. And free. We got a gift certificate 2 yrs ago for our wedding. I'm finally in good enough shape to use it now with my hubby.
  • yes a belt is necessary to avoid an indecent exposure charge :happy: of course now all my belts are too I stole my husbands .
  • This site is the first "diet" that has made me feel like I can do this....I'm already back down to my wedding day weight (just since January) I have been large my whole life, and now I feel healthy and happy
    in Sold! Comment by tmdugger May 2011
  • What was Beethoven's favorite fruit? BaNaNa....Banana....baNaNanA..... (Sung to the tune of Beethoven's 5th Symphony Oh yeah fruit joke with bonus points for classical music dork :smile:
  • For some people 1200 is way too few...If you're like me 1600 to 1700 is a good range. I lose 1lb to 1.5 lbs a week and I never feel deprived. I'm 5'8" and 188 lbs. Depending on your natural body metabolism 1200 calories can actually harm your ability to lose weight. MFP just does the math, it doesn't say if your goal is…
  • I am a night owl as well. I don't think it is harmful to your system as long as this is your normal rhythm. You are not completely upside down (i.e. night shift going to bed b/w 6 and 8 am) so it's just a guideline of what feels better to you. I know I cannot work out as intensely in the evening (for me b/w 10pm and 1 am)…
  • Great Job!!! to your friend and to you. I'm only at 105....but those 105 days have changed my life :flowerforyou:
  • Congrats! I see a HUGE difference! Lookin hot mama!
  • Walmart Vanilla Ice Cream Cups: 100 Cal. Ice cream is my weakness and there is nooooo way I can control myself....1/2 cup just looks so small. So these preportioned beauties allow me to indulge my craving, without going overboard (Typical serving that I scoop for myself is 320 cal; no self control lol)
  • Were you using a food scale? Because often when we are counting calories we look at portion sizes that vary from ounces to grams to pieces. Also one bad habit I've caught myself in while counting calories is eating everything I've portioned out, even when I'm full, because its just a few more bites and that way I'll "know"…
  • bump so I can check out the websites later
  • Have you taken pictures...for me it took putting on my fat pants...pulling them out 4 inches from my body and snapping a pic to get my mind to see the difference....I probably started noticing right around when I'd lost 20 lbs. 64 to lose when I was a third of the way there
  • shingles would have more symptoms than a rash...have you tried a steroid cream like cortaid? I get contact dermatitis sometimes when I touch something I'm allergic too. It's a lot like poison ivy....except its caused by other irritants If the rash doesn't subside in a few days to a week, or if it is accompanied by fever,…
    in WebMD Comment by tmdugger May 2011
  • veggie burgers can be a great substitute. Also carrots instead of chips (they don't need refrigeration). Baked beans of a low sodium/sugar variety can be a better alternative than macaroni salad. Also protein bars instead of lunch and some nuts on the trail balance out with a bigger dinner. On the other hand when I go…
  • Lanacane makes an anti chafing gel that you put on before working out. I've tried that and it works better than baby powder. For me the powder only helps after I'm already chafed. You can get it at the drug store
    in Chafing! Comment by tmdugger May 2011
  • yay! It's all about getting fit and healthy. My friend in college had a 6 pack, she spent 35 min a day just on ab work....was it worth it, not when she realized her clothes fit worse