Trying this again

Hi! I just discovered this site today, and thought it might help me reach my goal! I started working out last year, my starting weight was 230. Since then from diet and exercise I've gotten down to 198(: I'm thrilled with my progress, but it's no where close to where I want to be. My goal weight is 130, give or take a few pounds. The problem is, I'm not exactly amazing at motivation myself, and since losing the first 30 pounds I've plateaud like crazy, and haven't lost anything for months; which was really discouraging): But I've decide to give working out and dieting another try, and would love to find some people who are doing the same(:


  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    My starting weight was 190, currently @ 180. My first big goal is 150. I'm pretty muscular form being an athlete so I'm unsure if going lower will be better, but if I get down to 135-140 that would be my ideal weight. Feel free to add me, we have similar goals :)
  • tmdugger
    tmdugger Posts: 132 Member
    you can do this and this site will really help you see where you need to change eating behaviors. I lost 40 lbs with this site before gaining it back with baby weight
  • Courtney1921
    I noticed I'm pretty muscular too, Lay. I have alot of arm muscle, and my thighs are starting to muscular, which worries me so much haha, I feel like it might keep me from getting thin, sometimes.

    and thanks dugger! I really hope I get results like that, 40 pounds is amazing!