PlunderBunneh Member


  • I usually log it as half light calisthenics and half strength training. I'm in for PT on my hip too, after having the bones shaved down and reshaped two months ago. Have you thought about purchasing a heart rate monitor? They are awesome sauce when it comes to "how do I log this?"
  • I don't like the term "cheat." Makes a healthier lifestyle sound like a test. I suppose it depends on how you look at food logging and why you are logging. I'm here for me, and to feel better about me. Being miserable about food choices all of the time doesn't feel better. Most of the time, I love eating healthier and…
  • Can I add a few suggestions? I'm incredibly meticulous about my grocery list. I hate going into a store without knowing exactly what I need, it ends up with so much extra crap in my cart and on my shelves. Every two weeks, I start by inventorying my kitchen. What meats do I have on hand, cans, sauces, ect. Then I use the…
  • They will fade, they will always be there but they won't always be red. That said, they will be there if you are fit or large. What you do with your body from this point forward is your decision. You can hide behind your scars, or you can accept them and move on to working to control the parts of your body that you are…
  • First off, stop telling yourself you can't do this. Done? Okay, now I'll talk. The first time I started losing weight was about five years ago, and one of the big things I've learned is that it is never the same for everyone, and for most of us, it will always be a three steps forward, one back, two forward, two back,…
  • Get creative with your sandwich. Add veggies, change your meat, change your bread, sauces, and so on. The possibilities are endless. My favorite is an everything bagel thin (110 calories), with 1 tablespoon each of lite veggie cream cheese (35 calories) and hummus (35 calories), two ounces of deli ham or turkey or…
    in Lunch! Comment by PlunderBunneh May 2014
  • Don't use purple cauliflower for mashed recipes. Poor decisions. Nobody wants to eat something that color.
  • I use many different marinades, but usually start out with the same directions for a great Dry Fry texture. Squeeze your firm tofu dry. (As a previous poster instructed, a few paper towels on a plate, with a plate on top weighing out the juice for ten minutes). Cut tofu into desired shapes. I like to slice it into half…
  • Current job, no. I'm a food prep and server, so over my 7 hours, I get five minutes to sit down, and that's usually to scarf down some food. Past job, once or twice. I was a body piercer, and while I was pregnant I was tired allll the time. So on really slow weekdays I'd go and curl up in the piercing chair for a power…
  • Unfortunately, getting an appointment to see the doc runs me about a month, so while I do plan on seeing him again soon, it wasn't until I was reading up on some articles earlier this morning that I became concerned about arthritis from the bones rubbing, causing more permanent damage. I know this is the internet, and I…
  • My last pregnancy weigh-in, realizing that I was less than 20 pounds away from the weight my mother was when she had a gastric bypass. Pregnant or not, no excuse for letting myself get that out of shape. Happy to report I've lost more than 100 pounds since that weigh-in (even if the first 15 were via the c-section hehe).
  • I haven't done official CosPlay yet, having not quite made it to a Con. But I do enjoy a good cosplay party, and have both a Dr Horrible and 11th Doctor (DW) get-up. It's so much fun, and I could see myself really getting into it. As it is, we've always done elaborate piratical costumes for TLAP day, as well as any other…
  • A snickerdoodle cookie. Stopped at one bite, woo.
  • I'd say you're doing just fine. It's going to come off much faster in the beginning, just enjoy it while it does! It'll slow down and be more steady soon. Don't let that stress you out either. Well done!
  • I struggled with this a lot. Even now, I still feel bigger than I am, but not as big as I used to be, if that makes sense. It took about a year of being right around this size for my brain to finally accept it. I'm still shocked when I fold my clothes, though. No way can I fit in that shirt, or those pants, and jeesh those…
  • If you choose to use MyFitnessPal as an interactive tool and commit yourself to a lifestyle change, yep, it'll work (I lost close to 100 pounds over a couple of years). If you just log on every day and hope that you'll magically lose weight by proxy, nope, it won't work (trust me, I've been testing the second half of that…
  • I have insane hip dips, thanks partly to genetics, and partly to a slightly mis-formed pelvis (it opens up more on the top than typical). Nothing I can do about it. No point in stressing about it. Just have to sadly pass on some of the summer dresses out there and deal with the fact that low riding jeans will always look…
  • I bet a good bit of that is bloat from sodium. Crying and beating up on yourself isn't going to help. Just get back on the wagon, make sensible choices and keep your body moving. Don't try to double up cardio more than maybe once or reduce your calories to unhealthy levels, that will screw up your metabolism and cause way…
  • Redirection. Best trick a mother/caregiver can have up her sleeve. First, chill yourself out, because those little critters can pick up on your anxiety, and that makes them go nuts. So take deep breathes, lock yourself in the bathroom for five minutes, have half a glass of wine if you really need to. Then find an activity…
  • I honestly didn't realize that antiperspirant made most people not sweat. I recently went to the doctor and the whole sweaty thing came up, and she gave me a prescription for the super strong stuff, and it's been amazing! Holy cow, I don't sweat! I don't have to change my shirt three times a day, I'm not sticky and…
  • Going in for my yearly "Lady" appointment a few years ago. My wonderfully tactful doctor waits until I'm all gowned up, strapped in, feet up and lights on with her head half a foot from my parts, to tell me that it would be a good idea for me to lose fifty pounds. What the hell kind of timing is that??
  • I used to be terrified of the gym as well. The most helpful thing I found, until I grew comfortable with it, was my music. I plugged in my headphones and started my playlist before I even left the locker room, and that helped so much. I know it's really hard, but if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it. No one was…
  • Nobody at the gym is judging you. Do not be afraid to work out in public. This is about you, and feeling ashamed of your body is useless. Rock your journey, smile at everyone you see, find your confidence, and most important, fake it til you make it.
  • I cut my hair to a pixie cut mostly because I was tired of dealing with it sweaty. Love it like this, too short to get in the way and I don't have to bother with ponytails. Hell, it's short enough that I don't even need to brush it, just run some gel through it when I get out of the shower and call it a day.
  • Know that feel. Check around at your local gyms and recreation centers, and find one that has a running track. It's not as great as outside, but it's infinitely better than a treadmill.
  • Bumping so I can check the replies later. Mine tends to give me way more calories burnt than I feel is accurate, but I'm not sure how to check it. I'm considering making an appointment with my doctor's sports and fitness department to get a better VO2max check done.
  • I love my Polar RX300. It was about $100, but has so many bells and whistles that I'm really glad I sprung for it.
  • I use RunKeeper, but it uses GPS on the phone. However, you can pull up the computer interface for it and plan out your walks, and you can even search for existing routes that other users in your area have created and follow along those.
  • Do you have stairs? It's not easy on the knees, but running up and down stairs for five or ten minutes can really get that heart pumping.