WildcatMom82 Member


  • My friends make fun of me because I'm attracted to two types: long, thick, or curly hair (not LONG long, but ear to chin length) or bald men. In between I'm like meh
  • It's my weekend, too. I'm only on night 3 of 8, ughhhhhhhh
  • Yuuuuuup, I rotate every other :( On the plus side that means the kids are with their dad and I get to go to zumba when I get off
  • Working out makes me sleep so much worse! I just figured this out recently and it seems so backwards
  • I have to pick my kid up at school in the afternoon so the most I can get is 6 hours if I go to bed AS SOON as I walk through the door. That never happens, I've been averaging 5/5.5
  • Meeeeee too. I'm going to make blueberry oatmeal cake tomorrow because we went blueberry picking last weekend and I have a crap ton. I'm in the fat happy phase of dating and have gained back the weight I lost after the holidays. Which kind of puts a damper on the happy :s
  • Geez, and my coworkers think it sucks I do 8 in a row!
  • Lab tech here, too :) But I don't have cool things. We're not allowed to use colored pens in blood bank so we're afraid to keep them around lol
  • So I moved roughly 3 weeks ago and did nothing but eat out, I'm up almost 10 lbs!! Time to start cooking again. I'm on night 4 of 8 right now, wohoo. Went back and read a few pages and had to laugh at the online shopping comments, just tonight one of the support staff was shocked to see I was busy doing work and not…
  • Who's on tonight? I feel like I've been off in la la land lately. I'm trying to get our house ready to sell with 2 gremlins running around plus find daycare for the summer plus find a place to move to plus keep up with my half marathon training. At least I have a few extra days off this stretch with the holiday and all!
  • At my old lab we used to do alpacas, horses, and the occasional cow. Just the blood obviously, we didn't get to see them or anything. I always liked looking at the smears. I am tiiiiiiired tonight. This was my last night off, I have the next 6 off. I'm helping a friend move today and gearing up for my daughter's birthday…
  • Buuuuuusy night in the blood bank! I'm not nearly as tired as expected, our soccer game was at 1 PM yesterday so I slept 3 hours, went to soccer, then slept something like 3-4 more. I'm currently training for a half in July so I've been running when I wake up in the evening. When I get home I have to take my kids to…
  • First day on I try to sleep 2-3 hours right before going in. First day off I sleep 2-3 hours when I get home and usually go to bed earlyish that night. A lot of times lately I haven't been able to sleep after my last night on and it sucks
  • Busy night, I forgot we were going into Friday and had to do maintenance on one of the analyzers that's only run every other day, oops. Finally finished and can start my morning run! We did have made your own sandwiches last night so that kind of made up for it. Not enough coffee though
  • I'm impressed @Frankie_Felinius my kids go to a sitter during the day so I can sleep. I wouldn't be able to function otherwise! I love my red wine with breakfast
  • Not working, but lurking :) I'm on day 7 of 8 off, back to it Wednesday. It's lab week, though, so that means games, prizes, and free food - I'll take it. I've missed it the last few years because I was working weekends only
  • Now that I'm off a stretch I have a night at a speakeasy tomorrow, girls night in Thurs and a bachelorette Saturday. I will fail miserably
  • I do zumba on Wednesdays which are my transition days on and off. That's about 900 calories and enough to cover an extra meal or two, but if I don't workout I'm screwed. I eat way less my 8 days on because I spend 10 hours in a biohazard area, 7ish sleeping and 1 working out. I find making dinner for that night when I get…
  • @kelis_74 No, I'm in New England. It's finally above 30 degrees these days, it's like a heatwave @fatjon73 I really wanted to do run, massage, nap, but they didn't have any early afternoon appointments. Most of my calories the last 2 days have come from wine and ice cream, I need to at least keep my butt moving
  • Overstaffed the next 2 nights which means this is my last on, whoop!! I'm supposed to do 8 on 6 off, but this week will be 6 on, 8 off now. Just booked a massage for tomorrow morning since my kids will be at the sitter. Massage, nap, run - I can't wait!
  • I love sunrises at the end of a long shift. Sad that now it's almost summer the sun is fully up when we get out
  • That would be it, someone who speaks my language! :) It went down on 2nd shift Fri and we don't have weekend service. For some reason it just started working again at some point today. I'm hoping it lasts, manually making smears for the morning run Saturday made me rather cranky
  • Got 6 miles in before work tonight and managed to cook 2 dinners, feeling pretty accomplished lol. My legs were screaming from zumba yesterday, looking forward to some Piyo and a lot of sleep tomorrow! Our slide stainer had a miraculous recovery today and is working fine so far, things are looking up
  • @lilaclovebird My mom was like that for awhile. She'd ask how I lost weight then tell me she wasn't going to do any of that lol. Her doc finally sent her to a nutritionist and she ended up on MFP after all, but it's frustrating when people as for help then refuse to listen!
  • I do Dunks lattes my first night on and then Friday nights since Saturday is the only day I workout before bed. I like the really super sweet bajillion calorie ones :D No matter what I have two coffee products of some kind in a day, though on my days off I try to do coffee in the morning and green tea with lunch. I'm more…
  • Got in to find our slide stainer is down for the weekend, so efficient not having weekend service. Looking forward to making 20ish smears in the AM. Ran 4 miles before coming in tonight and am supposed to be running to zumba when I get off. Sucks I forgot my Friday night latte, Dunks was closed by the time I remembered :(
  • To go to bed!! Mmmmmm sleep
  • Night hiking sounds lovely! Something to add to my bucket list. I'm back after my 6 days off. I noticed there are a few overstaffed shifts at the end of this stretch. I told myself I was going to work all 8 every stretch this month and build up some earned time....buuuuut I see myself taking off at least one. Maybe two :)…
  • Only 2 hours left here!! Had to do a survey in blood bank that took basically the entire night, I've never had a shift go by so quickly. We're taking a few seconds of downtime before the morning run really gets going