The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited January 2016
    Haha! Huh. I pictured ssp to have a normal cut. (Hope that isn't a sensitive subject...) Maybe that is why he didn't work out...

    I tend to go for a buzzed, faded or sliiiiightly longer on top kinda man 'do but sideburns are a necessity! I can't do long hair. That isn't true. I wouldn't go for long hair but I wouldn't limit myself if I was looking...

    SSP is bald. He had a 'normal' cut when he had hair(back before THIS job).

    ETA: I don't intentionally limit myself, it just seems to workout that way.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    My weight finally dipped back into the 160s again this morning! Just barely, but it was still good to see that 6 again!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    @Frankie_Felinius I'd go ahead and tell them about working there and that'd be it. I doubt anyone remembers and that they keep former employees files that long. I'd go for it. I know I don't know you well but I can tell your love make-up and all things Sephora :) Change freaks me the eff out too but sometimes you just gotta go with it. I'm excited for you!!

    Luc with no k...very French. (No little face with a beret...already checked...)

    I thought I was just being considerate. :#

    Yeah..I'm nervous. He's smart, funny, quick witted, and a computer engineer.
    I started to really like him before I even knew what he looked like.

    My weight finally dipped back into the 160s again this morning! Just barely, but it was still good to see that 6 again!

    Super woohoo!!
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Seem like I'm really awesome at shutting the board down...
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    You can't shut down a board at 8 PM. :smile: It's been really nice being off for a couple days. I figured as long as I'm fixing my son's computer I would pop in. :smile: There's a lot going on! I'll have to read back through when I get back.

    @Frankie_Felinius - As long as you're not working for JCP, don't let that bother you. Take the chance to see if that bone head still works there and if not you have the chance to rub it in. :laugh:
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    Seem like I'm really awesome at shutting the board down...

    we do seem to ebb and flow, don't we? crickets for a couple of days and then all of a sudden three pages' worth of posts.

    it's not you, it's me. :)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    edited January 2016
    It's neither of you, lol. Some of us work nights & live days so alternate universes. And for instance, my problem is the opposite of Frankie's... I have to drive and walk a beat while working, so I don't really get to post while I am on shift. My posting days are on my days off when I don't get to sleep til 3 am (normal workday sleeptime is in bed at 6 am).
    Are y'all confused yet, heheheheh?

    BTW @Frankie_Felinius you might try a more modern resume, with your types of work experience and good quotes about your work habits or friendly approachable demeanour etc from any business references you've had. No need to be chronological and if you have been working more than 10 or 15 years you don't have to be very specific in naming each & every job. The resume must fit the position you are applying for.

    My only unemployed stint of 6 months in over 30 yrs - I took a course in resume building. Works like a charm. And don't be afraid to write yourself a recommendation/reference letter and ask someone who knows you higher up in the company (doesn't have to be your immediate supervisor) to read it and add to or change it if they wish then sign it. That makes it easy for them - they don't have to come up with something from scratch (not many are good at this) and if you are not outlandish about it you can get a very good recommendation that way. Ask any customers that seem especially grateful for help to write a note about it and send a copy to you & the company - hand them a card with the email/address on it. Lots will be very willing to do this but need to be prompted. Shamelessly self promote in a non-confrontational way. o:) You already know your strengths, just point them out to others and ask them to concur in writing...
  • fireguy262
    fireguy262 Posts: 263 Member
    back after 2 days off.....3a-11a isn't that bad. wake up at 2, get out by 11. gym, lunch, nap, wake up, hangout with the wife and have dinner, in bed by 9:30, repeat
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    edited January 2016
    My weight finally dipped back into the 160s again this morning! Just barely, but it was still good to see that 6 again!

    yay awesome!

    @Frankie_Felinius I'd say go for it especially since you are passionate about this stuff. Didn't you do a few YT vids on it? I think it was you but it may have been someone else. If it was you, maybe work it in somehow into the interview?

    edit: Also your IG pictures too with the various looks you have.
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    We definitely ebb and flow lol
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    Waiting for a Dachshund with a bad back. I'm pretty sure I told the owners to keep it confined and I'm pretty sure they didn't. Now it's screaming in pain. Hope the drugs I have work.
  • fireguy262
    fireguy262 Posts: 263 Member
    im sitting here, waiting for 11am....and answering phones
  • bethanie0825
    bethanie0825 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Time for my weekend of work. Seems like it takes forever to be done with. Boo
  • fireguy262
    fireguy262 Posts: 263 Member
    11a-11p for the 2nd time....wonder how this will work out
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Time for my weekend of work. Seems like it takes forever to be done with. Boo
    It's my weekend, too. I'm only on night 3 of 8, ughhhhhhhh

  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Haha! Huh. I pictured ssp to have a normal cut. (Hope that isn't a sensitive subject...) Maybe that is why he didn't work out...

    I tend to go for a buzzed, faded or sliiiiightly longer on top kinda man 'do but sideburns are a necessity! I can't do long hair. That isn't true. I wouldn't go for long hair but I wouldn't limit myself if I was looking...

    My friends make fun of me because I'm attracted to two types: long, thick, or curly hair (not LONG long, but ear to chin length) or bald men. In between I'm like meh

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited January 2016
    I'll preface this by saying it is a lot of complaining and whining...proceed at your own caution.

    So what should I start with it? The dog.

    Had an appt for the dog Wed. Get there and the doc went home sick but no one called us. So we make an appt for Fri at 9:30. I get one is there. No lights on, nothing. They should have been open for an hour at that point. Apparently they called my fiance at like 2 to let him know there was some kind of emergency something. So my poor dog is just miserable until Monday now. Two strikes already and we haven't even stepped foot inside this new office yet.

    So the jobs thing. I had an interview for an admin assistant but I turned it down. They people were slimy and I knew that was not going to work. Plus I'd have to do collection calls. Eff that. Pays more than two bucks an hour more than I make now but I'd be so miserable. The job at Sephora...I just can't. When I really think about what my day to day job would be like, how I'd have to be so "on" all of the time...I can't do that. I'm fooling myself thinking I can...

    I got a call from the warehouse place that had offered me the job before the whole no paycheck debacle and they offered me another open position...slightly less than two weeks notice but eff 'em. Actually, I offered myself to work 2nds for they days I can't do 3rds until my last day...which means 16 hours of work on 5 hours of sleep but it is only for one week...

    So you are thinking...awesome, right? New job, yay! Here is what sucks. It pays 1.50 less per hour...but I'll be working 5 days a week instead of 4 so it about evens out. BUT the part that sucks is that yes, they offer benefits but the cheapest benefits would deduct $50 a week out of my check...not biweekly...weekly. (And for the cheapest insurance....the doc visit fee is outrageous so while I'll have insurance, I sure as fudge can't afford to actually go to the doctor. For over a year now I've been battling with, IL healthcare, my own insurance company, the state over trying to just pay for my insurance like I want to and I'm supposed to. Originally I was set to pay less than $40 a month for me and my daughter until everything started getting jacked up. (Now I'm getting letters saying it is likely I'll owe thousands in medical bills over all of this) When I found out this place had benefits, I was stoked. When I realized how expensive they were I figured, well, I guess I can just go back to the health marketplace and deal with their bs and at least get a more affordable rate. Come to find out, if your employer offers "affordable" coverage (which what they consider "affordable" is an effing joke) you don't qualify for the premiums that discount your insurance under the Affordable Care Act. So, it is either $50 a week or full-priced private insurance. And no actually using the doctors to figure out what is up with me. We also have to pay for before school daycare a few days a week, daycare on days she doesn't have school and daycare over the summer. I really don't think we'll be able to afford the summer daycare. Honestly, taking this job will probably end up costing me money. I've thought about gettting a second job but insurance credits are based on how much you make so even if I'm working more to pay my premiums, I'm making more so I don't get the same discount. Same thing with daycare...if they do sliding scale. So even if I did get a second job, I'd get charged more for the daycare anyway.

    I just feel so effed. We can't get anywhere. We're going to work, paying our bills, raising our kid right and just cannot get ahead. Even good news (like a new job) isn't really good news. I feel like I'm going to pop. I'm under so much stress that I feel like I'm just gonna keel over because I can't handle it. So frustrating trying to do the right thing, trying to better yourselves and just feeling stuck and fuct and hopeless.

    Again, I'm sorry for all my complaining but I feel like I'm on the verge of a effin' breakdown....gotta get it off my chest for a second....
  • LCbaby0x
    LCbaby0x Posts: 290 Member
    Night shift nurse here!
  • fireguy262
    fireguy262 Posts: 263 Member
    LCbaby0x wrote: »
    Night shift nurse here!

    used to be a night shift a night shift dispatcher.....ER's are a different world at night, especially trauma centers
  • LCbaby0x
    LCbaby0x Posts: 290 Member
    Yes I work in labor & delivery! I love it