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The official nightshift thread....



  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm at a point in my life where I don't like apples or pears unless they are SLATHERED in peanut butter....

    I LOVE apples and pears, but I don't like peanut butter...I know, I'm a freak...

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Just got a class act flashing a wad of cash three inches thick but his and her CCs declined. It was one of those where he thought if he kept waving the cash at me, I'd change my mind. It isn't MY mind, it is THE rule.
    Look, honey, just 'cause you brought all ya dollas from ya strip club, don't mean we gon give you a room!

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I'm at a point in my life where I don't like apples or pears unless they are SLATHERED in peanut butter....

    I LOVE apples and pears, but I don't like peanut butter...I know, I'm a freak...

    Not a freak. Just gimme all your peanut butter and you can have all my apples and pears. Problem solved. :smile:

    OH MAN! I'm drooling over the IDEA of having waffles...I need to make this fit into my calories. The stir fry was easy, but waffles...?
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    No peanut butter, huh? That is pretty odd. The weirdest I've heard is cheese...my MIL's bestie. CHEESE! If there is ONE food that would be reeeeeeallly tough for me to give up...it would be cheese...and she didn't even like it...ever!

    For the record, I don't like tapioca pudding (textural issues), bread pudding (again, textural) or bananas (taste and texture). Other than that...I'll eat anything!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'm at a point in my life where I don't like apples or pears unless they are SLATHERED in peanut butter....

    I LOVE apples and pears, but I don't like peanut butter...I know, I'm a freak...

    Not a freak. Just gimme all your peanut butter and you can have all my apples and pears. Problem solved. :smile:

    OH MAN! I'm drooling over the IDEA of having waffles...I need to make this fit into my calories. The stir fry was easy, but waffles...?

    I would, but I think my housemates might have something to say about that...

    If you were here, I would let you fix yourself some blueberry waffles from the breakfast buffet!

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    No peanut butter, huh? That is pretty odd. The weirdest I've heard is cheese...my MIL's bestie. CHEESE! If there is ONE food that would be reeeeeeallly tough for me to give up...it would be cheese...and she didn't even like it...ever!

    For the record, I don't like tapioca pudding (textural issues), bread pudding (again, textural) or bananas (taste and texture). Other than that...I'll eat anything!

    Seriously, who doesn't like cheese?! But, I also don't like : beer, wine, or any type of sweet/savory combination. I'll EAT just about anything without complaint, but I'm pretty picky about what I actually enjoy...*shrug*
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    She looks like Gmork from The Neverending Story! The CHILD ME would not have wanted to see that face!

    Aaaand another guy flippin' his shizz over tax on the room. State tax. City tax. Buddy...I do not have control over TAXES. I tried to explain it is like buying anything else...there is TAX.

    I had an older guy get really nasty with me one time because I had to scan his ID to buy some cold medicine. When another customer basically told him it wasn't my fault, he said, "Well, maybe she'll complain to someone!" First, it's FEDERAL LAW. Second, how in the world do you think being mean to me is going to get me to advocate anything for you?!
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    LOL. :smile: I hear you on that one. Yelling at me doesn't make me more sympathetic to your cause. :frowning:
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    She looks like Gmork from The Neverending Story! The CHILD ME would not have wanted to see that face!

    Aaaand another guy flippin' his shizz over tax on the room. State tax. City tax. Buddy...I do not have control over TAXES. I tried to explain it is like buying anything else...there is TAX.

    I had an older guy get really nasty with me one time because I had to scan his ID to buy some cold medicine. When another customer basically told him it wasn't my fault, he said, "Well, maybe she'll complain to someone!" First, it's FEDERAL LAW. Second, how in the world do you think being mean to me is going to get me to advocate anything for you?!

    DUDE I just had someone at the pharmacy yell 'on my behalf' because I was buying allergy meds and they had to scan my I.D. Some goober just butted in "Why you gotta scan her I.D.? She's just trying to prevent a massive sneeeze fest? What RIGHT do YOU HAVE to do that?!"

    I was just like "Bro, I don't care. I have nothing on my record because I obey the laws just like this pharmacy tech is doing. It's not a big deal, I'm not worried about it and it documents that I was here in case some crazy person *I eyed him up and down like he was one of 'em* murders me on the way home."

    I paid my money and thanked the cashier and left. My mother was standing there just dumbfounded and as we walked away she laughed and said she was never more sure that I was her daughter than in that moment. :grin:

    I could never give up cheese or avocado or sour cream or eggs. THOSE are the foods I could NEVER live without. Sriracha is optional.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    She looks like Gmork from The Neverending Story! The CHILD ME would not have wanted to see that face!

    Aaaand another guy flippin' his shizz over tax on the room. State tax. City tax. Buddy...I do not have control over TAXES. I tried to explain it is like buying anything else...there is TAX.

    I had an older guy get really nasty with me one time because I had to scan his ID to buy some cold medicine. When another customer basically told him it wasn't my fault, he said, "Well, maybe she'll complain to someone!" First, it's FEDERAL LAW. Second, how in the world do you think being mean to me is going to get me to advocate anything for you?!

    DUDE I just had someone at the pharmacy yell 'on my behalf' because I was buying allergy meds and they had to scan my I.D. Some goober just butted in "Why you gotta scan her I.D.? She's just trying to prevent a massive sneeeze fest? What RIGHT do YOU HAVE to do that?!"

    I was just like "Bro, I don't care. I have nothing on my record because I obey the laws just like this pharmacy tech is doing. It's not a big deal, I'm not worried about it and it documents that I was here in case some crazy person *I eyed him up and down like he was one of 'em* murders me on the way home."

    I paid my money and thanked the cashier and left. My mother was standing there just dumbfounded and as we walked away she laughed and said she was never more sure that I was her daughter than in that moment. :grin:

    I could never give up cheese or avocado or sour cream or eggs. THOSE are the foods I could NEVER live without. Sriracha is optional.

    Gah. There are plenty of things in the world to be mad about, than to be mad on someone else's behalf over something THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT. Epic response, though!

    I love eggs, sour cream, and of course cheese. But, I don't like avocado. I tried to, 'cause who doesn't love avocados, but I just don't. Sriracha is good, but in tiny doses, 'cause I'm a wimp.

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited September 2015
    She looks like Gmork from The Neverending Story! The CHILD ME would not have wanted to see that face!

    Aaaand another guy flippin' his shizz over tax on the room. State tax. City tax. Buddy...I do not have control over TAXES. I tried to explain it is like buying anything else...there is TAX.

    I had an older guy get really nasty with me one time because I had to scan his ID to buy some cold medicine. When another customer basically told him it wasn't my fault, he said, "Well, maybe she'll complain to someone!" First, it's FEDERAL LAW. Second, how in the world do you think being mean to me is going to get me to advocate anything for you?!

    DUDE I just had someone at the pharmacy yell 'on my behalf' because I was buying allergy meds and they had to scan my I.D. Some goober just butted in "Why you gotta scan her I.D.? She's just trying to prevent a massive sneeeze fest? What RIGHT do YOU HAVE to do that?!"

    I was just like "Bro, I don't care. I have nothing on my record because I obey the laws just like this pharmacy tech is doing. It's not a big deal, I'm not worried about it and it documents that I was here in case some crazy person *I eyed him up and down like he was one of 'em* murders me on the way home."

    I paid my money and thanked the cashier and left. My mother was standing there just dumbfounded and as we walked away she laughed and said she was never more sure that I was her daughter than in that moment. :grin:

    I could never give up cheese or avocado or sour cream or eggs. THOSE are the foods I could NEVER live without. Sriracha is optional.

    Gah. There are plenty of things in the world to be mad about, than to be mad on someone else's behalf over something THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT. Epic response, though!

    I love eggs, sour cream, and of course cheese. But, I don't like avocado. I tried to, 'cause who doesn't love avocados, but I just don't. Sriracha is good, but in tiny doses, 'cause I'm a wimp.

    This actually reminds me, my cousin is going through a tough time with her daughter right now getting picked on because her mommy is Caucasian and her daddy is a man of color. These are ADULTS picking on a LITTLE GIRL.

    I found this picture and I showed it to her and I said I hope Ava grows up thinking about it like this:

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    edited September 2015
    Ugh, I do not understand that at all. How do they think it's ok, for any reason, to pick on a little kid? It's not her fault that you don't agree with her parent's choice, she's just tryna exist.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited September 2015
    Ugh, I do not understand that at all. How do they think it's ok, for any reason, to pick on a little kid? It's not her fault that you don't agree with her parent's choice, she's just tryna exist.

    I KNOW right?!
    But her mom is a very strong person and will help her as she grows up facing adversity. Her dad is a big help too.

    So, my counterpart at the other campus is whining about not having any money since she went on vacation and spent all this money on her grandchildren.
    This is the same woman who took overtime out from under me because even though she didn't 'need' it, it would really help out her family right now. She constantly professes about how her husband is making SO much more money at his new job and she can't wait to quit after they buy a house, but they have NO money saved to even ATTEMPT to get one.
    Her only aspiration in life is to be a stay at home housewife and partake in the 'swinger' lifestyle. She also claims to want to lose weight and says she has a thyroid problem(which is very possible) and that's why she can't lose any weight right now.*as she eats her fourth slice of pizza she brought for lunch(we're talking Domino's)*

    She keeps telling me that she will start losing weight dramatically after her doctor gets her on thyroid medication. As for right now, she looks kinda like a beer keg with legs and a head.

    Call me crazy, feel free to educate me, but I don't think that's how it works in most cases.

    Anyway, she just got back from vacation and has taken to bugging me about my rounds and bossing me around. On the one hand, I'm grateful because now I'm feeling sociable enough to talk to dispatch to actually GET my rounds done but she isn't my boss.
    I'm boinking my boss(something that she doesn't know and she talks about trying to get him into 'the lifestyle' so she can play with him :angry: ) and he doesn't boss me around like she does, in or out of the work place.

    It's irritating to hear her say the same things over and over again, too. I mentioned today that I can't wait for our other night shift guy to come back so we could get an actual 2 days off.
    She tells me once again how we can't rush him to come back because he just had back surgery and her ex-husband had back surgery twice before he committed suicide so she knows the havoc it can cause. I get it. I KNOW you have first hand experience with this type of thing and I don't need it explained to me every single time we talk about it. It's the first week of September, 9 weeks after his surgery, and no one has told us anything and no supervisor has made any effort to contact him. I know he doesn't speak very good English, but someone NEEDS to get me some information.

    I think I might have my dad call him. He speaks Spanish.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    WOAH! Holy rant out Batman.... :flushed:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    The commercial that still is from got a bunch of crap because the parents were interracial. Are you effin' kidding me??? Why people care about crap that isn't THEIR life baffles me. Today at IHOP there was an interracial lesbian couple with their kids. I can't believe that people look at families like that and feel anything negative...I think it is awesome that people can love freely and openly whomever they choose.

    And @Jennifer_417...my kiddo hates sweet/savory! Hates it. Her father and I LOVE it. I did not appreciate it as a child though...and I can totally see why it is unappealing to some.

    Again, like you said @Jennifer_417, people should be required to work some sort of customer service job...it would seriously cut down on people treating service workers poorly due to COMPANY policies. It should be a requirement in high school...like an internship or something. I truly believe in that. Sure, some people will still be a-holes but a LOT of people wouldn't because they know what it feels like to be treated like shizz by a stranger over a petty issue. Do they REALLY think we want to make things harder on people so WE get yelled at? NO! We'd prefer to never again have some a-hole blaming us for something we have no control over. I sometimes tell people "I understand you are upset and I'm not trying to make things harder for you, I don't enjoy upsetting people to the point they yell at me, I don't enjoy being treated poorly, I'm just doing my job that pays my bills, just like you do at yours. Now if you cannot speak to me politely and/or let me speak without interruption, we are done." 9 times out of 10, they feel ashamed and change their tune. The other 1...becomes a bigger a-hole and I end the conversation and I walk to the back office while they look like a nut ranting in an empty lobby.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    The commercial that still is from got a bunch of crap because the parents were interracial. Are you effin' kidding me??? Why people care about crap that isn't THEIR life baffles me. Today at IHOP there was an interracial lesbian couple with their kids. I can't believe that people look at families like that and feel anything negative...I think it is awesome that people can love freely and openly whomever they choose.

    And @Jennifer_417...my kiddo hates sweet/savory! Hates it. Her father and I LOVE it. I did not appreciate it as a child though...and I can totally see why it is unappealing to some.

    Again, like you said @Jennifer_417, people should be required to work some sort of customer service job...it would seriously cut down on people treating service workers poorly due to COMPANY policies. It should be a requirement in high school...like an internship or something. I truly believe in that. Sure, some people will still be a-holes but a LOT of people wouldn't because they know what it feels like to be treated like shizz by a stranger over a petty issue. Do they REALLY think we want to make things harder on people so WE get yelled at? NO! We'd prefer to never again have some a-hole blaming us for something we have no control over. I sometimes tell people "I understand you are upset and I'm not trying to make things harder for you, I don't enjoy upsetting people to the point they yell at me, I don't enjoy being treated poorly, I'm just doing my job that pays my bills, just like you do at yours. Now if you cannot speak to me politely and/or let me speak without interruption, we are done." 9 times out of 10, they feel ashamed and change their tune. The other 1...becomes a bigger a-hole and I end the conversation and I walk to the back office while they look like a nut ranting in an empty lobby.

    I am definitely with you on the customer service job thing. Unfortunately there are many who would 'forget' what it was like in customer service and decide 'I'm better than that experience now which makes me better than you. So I can treat you like this.' It's rare, but it happens. You could also get the ones that pull the "When I waited tables I was SO much better than YOU! You are just being LAZY!"

    I am also totally with you on the terribleness of the world when it comes to people accepting people who are different than them.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    You're right @lilaclovebird. Plenty of people who HAVE had the customer service job are still a-holes...people are just a-holes despite knowing how things feel themselves...
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Yeah, actually, some of the people who have been the hardest to deal with have been people who themselves work or have worked in customer service...sigh....
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @lilaclovebird -wow, that coworker of yours seems like a real gem... :s
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I've got weirdo tonight lurking around waiting for some sketchy people in house. He walks up to the desk with a dirty paper plate with a phone number written on the back asking to use the phone to call "Bo/Beau", whom he supposed to meet here. And he is be-boppin' around like a crackhead...oh, wait...