The official nightshift thread....



  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    belimawr wrote: »

    The view out of my front door (home) this morning.

    I love sunrises at the end of a long shift. Sad that now it's almost summer the sun is fully up when we get out
  • kelis_74
    kelis_74 Posts: 60
    ^beautiful picture

    Wish I felt comfortable enough to work out while on the job, I'm new to overnights :\
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Overstaffed the next 2 nights which means this is my last on, whoop!! I'm supposed to do 8 on 6 off, but this week will be 6 on, 8 off now. Just booked a massage for tomorrow morning since my kids will be at the sitter. Massage, nap, run - I can't wait!
  • kelis_74
    kelis_74 Posts: 60
    @WildcatMom82 that sounds heavenly, are you from Kentucky?
  • slider728
    slider728 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Just wrapped up with my customer call. Time to write my report real quick and try to get some cardio in before my next call comes in!!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member

    I love sunrises at the end of a long shift. Sad that now it's almost summer the sun is fully up when we get out

    I love sunrises after a long shift where it has been all lightening and thunder with pouring down rain the night before. Those are the best.

    I hate sunrises on the second Tuesday of the month because that means I have to go to a meeting after my shift... :grumble:

    But hooray for overtime!
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    . Massage, nap, run - I can't wait!

    Is that not the wrong way round??? should it not, massage, nap........

    And whats with all this exercise stuff people are talking about in our group???....I need to sleep now...not think about

  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    @kelis_74 No, I'm in New England. It's finally above 30 degrees these days, it's like a heatwave

    @fatjon73 I really wanted to do run, massage, nap, but they didn't have any early afternoon appointments. Most of my calories the last 2 days have come from wine and ice cream, I need to at least keep my butt moving
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    So, as a nightshifter, I find it difficult sometimes to plan and organize my meals with correct portion and calorie control. Lately, I have been thinking about how important it is to eat well and keep myself healthy, which studies have shown is more difficult for those working nightshift. I pack my 'lunch' already as it is, and I happened to stumble across this thread.

    I think I like this idea! It should give me a variety of things to much on instead of me constantly only eating a salad for lunch and nuts for a snack. Variety is important to ensure you get the right amount of different nutrients right?
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    So, as a nightshifter, I find it difficult sometimes to plan and organize my meals with correct portion and calorie control. Lately, I have been thinking about how important it is to eat well and keep myself healthy, which studies have shown is more difficult for those working nightshift. I pack my 'lunch' already as it is, and I happened to stumble across this thread.

    I think I like this idea! It should give me a variety of things to much on instead of me constantly only eating a salad for lunch and nuts for a snack. Variety is important to ensure you get the right amount of different nutrients right?

    Personally I find my Night routine is much better for me food in I do not eat any where near as much as I do at weekends when on day routine......

    For me even when working days...I will eat Breakfast, dinner, then a meal at tea time at home...then maybe a bit of supper.........

    when on nights....I eat at 7pm before work at 8:30.....then I eat at 1pm at work, usually a meal from the canteen (not the best choice...but I am starving by this time).....or I do take packed lunch if I can be bothered to make it before get home at 6am.....and go to sleep at 10 / 11 that time I do not eat...not hungry......never if not hungry...don't eat I say...I can eat as low as 1300 to 1600 cals usually on my work days...that goes to 1800 / 2000 at weekends.....could be higher if I let it...but during the week I do not want all the I don't have it...

    I do work in a Chocolate factory too....we make a selection of different I can munch at any time while at work........

    Let us know how these boxes go as it might make me eat better......
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    @fatjon73 I only find it difficult because I get bored of the same thing and my mind says "You're hungry NOW. So why not swing by a (insert fast food joint here) and pick up (insert not healthy high sodium food here) real quick before you get home."

    I will for sure let you know as soon as I get a box.
    My mother says the more effort you put into making something the more you are likely to actually slow down and enjoy it. So making my food 'cute' might also help. I wonder if they have Star Wars egg molds....
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member

    So making my food 'cute' might also help.

    I wonder if they have Star Wars egg molds....

    The first statement is just so wrong on many am not going there......don't do cute....can you

    Not sure about the moulds...but you could carve a light saber out of a carrot....or draw the death star on a boiled egg......make a aubergine into darth vader..........I could go bet there is an R2D2 egg cup...that's an easy one I

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    fatjon73 wrote: »

    So making my food 'cute' might also help.

    I wonder if they have Star Wars egg molds....

    The first statement is just so wrong on many am not going there......don't do cute....can you

    Not sure about the moulds...but you could carve a light saber out of a carrot....or draw the death star on a boiled egg......make a aubergine into darth vader..........I could go bet there is an R2D2 egg cup...that's an easy one I

    Well you may not do cute, but you obviously have some ideas on how to make food cute. :tongue:
  • pco2
    pco2 Posts: 62 Member
    Night shifter right here!

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    pco2 wrote: »
    Night shifter right here!

  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    My issue with logging is that once a week, I'm awake for 24+ hours, so I need to eat more on those days. Then one day a week, I "bank" some sleep for the next extra long day, therefore eat less. I know in the end it is down to whether or not I'm losing, but it is frustrating to log sometimes.
  • pco2
    pco2 Posts: 62 Member
    pco2 wrote: »
    Night shifter right here!


  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    My issue with logging is that once a week, I'm awake for 24+ hours, so I need to eat more on those days. Then one day a week, I "bank" some sleep for the next extra long day, therefore eat less. I know in the end it is down to whether or not I'm losing, but it is frustrating to log sometimes.

    Yup. Initially for me it was weird because my day starts at about 5-6 at night so when I started night shift(which is fairly recent) I had to log my 'dinner' when I woke up as opposed to a 'breakfast'. So, when I actually started logging again, that first day was awful. Then I kinda got into a rhythm. Now if I could plan my meals ahead of time so I'm not loading in the calories when I get home, that would be nice.

    On my days off I tend to stay awake WAY later than I should or I sleep way longer than I should. Leads me to being either WAY over or WAY under my calories. It sucks. But we fellow overnighters know the lifestyle you lead. We understand. That's why the thread exists. So vent your frustration. We're here for ya! :wink:
  • belimawr
    belimawr Posts: 1,155 Member
    I wish I had the problem of sleeping way more than I should... usually when I get off Saturday morning, my first day up, I'm up until 9 or 10pm that night.

    Then, being used to nights, it's hard to sleep past 1am. So... up at 1am to repeat it all again Sunday.

    It's hard not to go sugar hunting those days. ;)
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,236 Member
    My issue with logging is that once a week, I'm awake for 24+ hours, so I need to eat more on those days. Then one day a week, I "bank" some sleep for the next extra long day, therefore eat less. I know in the end it is down to whether or not I'm losing, but it is frustrating to log sometimes.

    Im with you on this one. I work a 62 hour shift on weekends and I'm eating around the clock. It's tough keeping the calories down on 24 hour shifts and logging becomes tedious.